Half-Life 2 RTX



Original Poster:

5,049 posts

165 months

Sunday 27th August 2023
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Haven't seen a thread on this yet so here goes - https://youtu.be/aM_gzfAMdNs?si=WQN2X3jwBV-CUXZP

Early days yet so not much detail but what is in that video suggests this goes beyond slapping a couple of new lighting effects into an old game and calling it ray-traced. Might be a good reason to play through HL2 again smile


1,382 posts

204 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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2,560 posts

211 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Looks awesome biggrin

Lucas Ayde

3,771 posts

178 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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The Portal RTX version was really impressive.

And the Half Life 2 VR mod made for a fantastic looking VR game even by modern standards (obv not as good as Alyx but still good), so the omens are promising.