Xbox 360 store shutting down July 29th 2024.

Xbox 360 store shutting down July 29th 2024.



Original Poster:

89,922 posts

294 months

Thursday 17th August 2023
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For anyone still using a 360.

  • Microsoft shared that the Xbox 360 store will be shutting down on July 29, 2024.
  • Players using an Xbox 360 will no longer be able to digitally buy games or DLC, but players can continue to play anything they've purchased.
  • The Movies and TV app will no longer function on Xbox 360 on the same day.
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S users will continue to be able to buy backward compatible Xbox games through the modern Xbox Store.

CT05 Nose Cone

25,307 posts

237 months

Monday 21st August 2023
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It is a shame, especially as not everything is backwards compatible. But as the 360 is nearly 20 (!) years old now, it must reach a point where it costs them more to run than it makes in sales.