Help with old ps3



Original Poster:

636 posts

174 months

Sunday 6th August 2023
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The weathers terrible today and I’m sat at home with my 8 year old….

I’ve been up in the loft and pulled down my very old full fat ps3. I can’t find many games suitable, gta etc…
But I do have good selection of ps2 games.

Putting the ps2 games in its coming up with -
ps3 this software cannot be started due to region restrictions

Quick google says there might be software available so we can play them? Not sure if there’s anyone on the know.


1,755 posts

212 months

Monday 7th August 2023
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Hi. What is the last few letters of your serial number on your PS3? Most PS3 (even most fat models) cannot play PS2 games direct from disc. It has to be the model that has four usb ports that was released in the UK at first launch. It is able to play PS2 games via software emulation.

The other option is to buy a bunch of PS3 games from local gumtree and play them, sell them on after for the same price you bought them for. Cheers


13,740 posts

181 months

Monday 7th August 2023
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Remember my PS3 being a pain in the rear, I had the PS1 and PS2, PS3 was purchased but it kept overheating, I took out one of them warranties with Game and it got sent off several times to be repaired only to be told nothing wrong with it. Used to have to put it on the windowsill next to an open window for it to work properly. Stuck it in the loft and got the equivalent Xbox shortly after.

But back to the OP's question, yeh PS2 games never worked on mine either.


6,680 posts

208 months

Monday 7th August 2023
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PS1 games work on the PS3 but not PS2 games (apart from rare early launch versions as said)


426 posts

40 months

Monday 7th August 2023
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As above, early 60gb fat ps3 will play them.
Consoles are pretty cheap though so pick up a ps2 for £10-15.