Old CoDs Revived on Xbox

Old CoDs Revived on Xbox



Original Poster:

4,048 posts

175 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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Hi all,

With everything thats going on with the Activision and Microsoft deal it seems that the Xbox servers from the classic CoD games have been fixed.

I've just been playing CoD4 on my Series X and got straight into a game, no hackers just proper old school game play. Apparently its the same for MW2, MW3, Black ops titles etc.

Good way to waste a few hours on a wet weekend.



1,978 posts

29 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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Ah yeah, like to see some older games available. Might spin up 2 again then, was the last one that was actually exciting haha.

MW1 was good too though.


3,430 posts

160 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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I wonder if my old online buddies from WaW are still around...

That was my fave CoD, Sub pens, Asylum, driveable tanks, and the MG42 that made an awesome sound.

I can see this weekend being expensive...


5,026 posts

75 months

Sunday 16th July 2023
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Been playing some Modern Warfare this afternoon. Still a great game.

I installed Black Ops 2 but its not running correctly, no sound in game and when I try to play Multiplayer it asks me to install Nuketown, I did that but when I reenter the game it still asks me to install Nuketown and I cant get past it. Any ideas?


3,430 posts

160 months

Sunday 16th July 2023
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Jamescrs said:
Been playing some Modern Warfare this afternoon. Still a great game.

I installed Black Ops 2 but its not running correctly, no sound in game and when I try to play Multiplayer it asks me to install Nuketown, I did that but when I reenter the game it still asks me to install Nuketown and I cant get past it. Any ideas?
Having a similar issue, x box series x, installed BO2, went to multiplayer and was asked to install nuketown, when I did, it uninstalled the game. Now reinstalling it.


5,026 posts

75 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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texaxile said:
Having a similar issue, x box series x, installed BO2, went to multiplayer and was asked to install nuketown, when I did, it uninstalled the game. Now reinstalling it.
I tried playing BO2 again this morning and it worked fine and got into some Team Deathmatch without issue so not sure what was going on but seems to have resolved overnight


1,675 posts

80 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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I was playing MW2 on my ps3 a couple of months ago, managed to get games but some were ruined by hackers.

How is this on Xbox? No kidding I would go buy a series X this weekend for these old cods, it’s sacrilege what’ve they’ve made cod into these days, only Cold War plays somewhat like the old ones, but it’s still missing something

I’m figuring that all the press this has gotten the last week would have revived these old games on Xbox, but dont really want to drop 500 on something which is no better than my ps3.

I’d use star field as a back up for the purchase, but the 07-2012 cods are my main motivation


Original Poster:

4,048 posts

175 months

Tuesday 18th July 2023
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CoD4 has been my main game the last few days and I haven't met a single hacker. The lobbies arent hugely populated but MW2 is apparently very active, i'm waiting for a used 360 copy of MW2 to be delivered and i'll report back.


1,675 posts

80 months

Tuesday 18th July 2023
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I’ve been and bought a series x today, full lobbies of MW2 2009 (I hate that they’ve re-used this name)

No hackers either which was great to see


1,675 posts

80 months

Wednesday 19th July 2023
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I’m hoping the recent spell of people flocking to the old cods motivates those that be to release that dam Mw2 remastered multiplayer


6,738 posts

173 months

Thursday 20th July 2023
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usn90 said:
I’ve been and bought a series x today, full lobbies of MW2 2009 (I hate that they’ve re-used this name)

No hackers either which was great to see
Haven’t played CoD for years, but I do have a serviceable XBox so am tempted as I loved online.

Explain to an old person - how do you spot a hacker? Is it just that they seem unrealistically good?


1,675 posts

80 months

Thursday 20th July 2023
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ChevronB19 said:
Haven’t played CoD for years, but I do have a serviceable XBox so am tempted as I loved online.

Explain to an old person - how do you spot a hacker? Is it just that they seem unrealistically good?
My experience of hackers on mw2 has been that the hacks are obvious, people flying around the map literally, people literally sniping though walls, they also have an unrealistic rank number.

of course there are probably “less” obvious hacks such as aimbot but these are more the case in more modern games when the hackers are trying to go undetected.

I’ve played in a few lobbies now on Xbox and I haven’t come across anyone I’ve suspected


Original Poster:

4,048 posts

175 months

Thursday 20th July 2023
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Got MW2 in the post and played a few games, lobbies are much more active than COD4. Looking forward to getting back into MW2!

Tobias Funke

234 posts

206 months

Saturday 22nd July 2023
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Started playing this again this week, was in a hacked game today, went from level 5 to 70 after one game, annoying.


8,110 posts

186 months

Monday 24th July 2023
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Anyone know if there's still issues with risk of hacking on PC? I know it's relatively rare but the steam reviews etc still have very recent reviews not recommending it due to the hosting type leaving your PC vulnerable to attacks. Don't know how true it all it is but wouldn't surprise me.