Battle bit remastered

Battle bit remastered



Original Poster:

3,077 posts

165 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Quite enjoying this at the moment. Anyone else?


4,157 posts

161 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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I could see why others might like it, but I couldn’t stand it:
- sound effects are poor/repetitive
- everything is brown
- 254 players sounds amazing but you just get shot from everywhere, and even one decent squad won’t make much of a difference to the game result

Mass online shooters just aren’t my bag anymore, I suppose. It’s certainly doing the rounds on twitch/YouTube though


1,243 posts

149 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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I'm pretty much with Brainpox. Given how popular it's become and for only £12 I figured what the hey. I struggled to tell friend from foe and as mentioned above, with these types of games you're just constantly getting shot from random places. I did like the hammer though so you can knock through some of the walls and the spawn system makes it easier to get back into the action. If they added a more traditional multiplayer version that was 6 v 6 or thereabouts I'd be interested. I might yet go back to it, but i don't think it's one for me.

O/T, but it's the full release of XDefiant I'm looking forward to. I gave the open Beta a go and basically got my a*se handed to me, whereas I'm pretty good at CoD. But it'll be free to play, whereas with CoD I'm paying the full purchase price to play the multiplayer, which is essentially just subsidising Warzone. Even if i don't get on with XDefiant and switch back to CoD, my hope is that a direct competitor to CoD will get Activision to improve it's offering. It's had a free ride for so long and been so successful, its lost its way.


412 posts

29 months

Thursday 13th July 2023
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Brainpox said:
I could see why others might like it, but I couldn’t stand it:
- sound effects are poor/repetitive
- everything is brown
- 254 players sounds amazing but you just get shot from everywhere, and even one decent squad won’t make much of a difference to the game result

Mass online shooters just aren’t my bag anymore, I suppose. It’s certainly doing the rounds on twitch/YouTube though
Ageed that the sound engineering could do with...some love. It's pretty obvious that the art and sound were a product of their skills when you compare it to the quality of the game mechanics.

The 254 players don't bother me too much, but the maps need to be bigger. Much much bigger. I play in a squad of 6 mostly and we find that it's hard to back cap and even harder to hold one side of a point simply because you can have 60 players collapse on your position quite quickly. Doesn't matter how organised you are, 6 players can't fend off that many unless they are very staggered.


1,746 posts

87 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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I’m really enjoying this, feels like the classic Battlefield which I enjoyed so much, mixed in with some cool mechanics from Squad. The gun play is very satisfying and it’s nice to see a game where you can get sniper kills at a more realistic distance (I’ve managed 1180m so far, which is just very satisfying).

Lots of different ways to play it, if you don’t like the 128v128 maybe check out the 32v32 rush game mode, jump into the server browser don’t always hit quick match.

Some maps are too big, even with 128, but some maps are too small, I assume they’ll work on it though. Just overall a fun time, and it’s nice to see people on voice chat not taking it too seriously and having a laugh.


8,110 posts

186 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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I've been loving this. Can understand why it can be hard to gel with but it's been perfect for what I want.

Can get some decent teamwork going, the large maps are great. Gunplay is fantastic IMO. Maps are generally designed very well and considering the imple nature of them, far less glitches/campy spots that folk dwell in.

Beyond a few attachments, levelling up doesn't give you a crazy advantage over newer players so it wasn't too daunting to go in as a newbie going up against lvl 100+ players. Which is quite nice as the levelling up is fairly slow.


1,128 posts

200 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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I've been enjoying this

It's like the old battlefield games like BC2 etc but with a few newer features