F1 23



Original Poster:

263 posts

80 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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Out next week. Is anyone bothering this time? £65 seems a bit steep

CT05 Nose Cone

25,307 posts

237 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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I'll just wait for Game Pass, it's bound to be broken on launch, and still the same basic game just with more monitisation.


Original Poster:

263 posts

80 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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New/updated features:

- Updated vehicle handling & physics
- The return of red flags
- 35% race distance
- Precision Drive™
- Las Vegas and Qatar
- Updated Catalunya layout

Hopefully it'll include a lot of bug and gameplay fixes and not just focused on the EA pay to win formula.


70,624 posts

239 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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As I have F1 2017, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, I suspect I might get this... BUT I will do so as I usually do, once the price comes down to 25-30......


Original Poster:

263 posts

80 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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I'm the same, I'll get it, but not sure when!


64 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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Probably not.

I purchased 2019 nearly two years ago for £5 and have played it to death. I saw 2022 for £7.95 recently so purchased it thinking it would be brilliant.

Absolutely hated it as soon as I played it, I have tried to persevere but I have just gone back to 2019.


11,522 posts

294 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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If you can't wait a few months for the price to drop, then the Windows version is £44.99 (£59.99 for Champion's Edition) on CDKEYs or £59.99/£71.99 on Steam.

Edited by mmm-five on Wednesday 7th June 14:09


1,416 posts

187 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Enjoying it so far , just playing the story mode for the moment, more feedback through fantac wheel and the ai seems a bit more intelligentsmile


106 posts

50 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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Following this thread.

I say the same thing every year, I'll wait until its down in price, then generally cave in and pick it up at full price!!

From early reports I've read/ seen, it's an improvement on F1 22, although I didn't have many issues on that one.


Original Poster:

263 posts

80 months

Wednesday 14th June 2023
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I ended up getting this as a birthday present and spent a few hours playing.

Initial thoughts:
- Cars are a lot more driveable, but maybe a little twitchy.
- The pay to win element is massive
- Braking Point is fun for a change of scene
- F1 World is going to take over


Original Poster:

263 posts

80 months

Friday 23rd June 2023
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Small update, it's very broken, so don't rush to buy it!

CT05 Nose Cone

25,307 posts

237 months

Friday 23rd June 2023
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What are the pay to win elements, do the affect the single player?


Original Poster:

263 posts

80 months

Friday 23rd June 2023
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Pay to win doesn't affect my team, career mode etc. Not yet anyway!


18,499 posts

199 months

Friday 21st July 2023
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I see this is on "sale" @£48. I still play F1 2018.....

2 questions... I have a 6700K and a 1070ti / 32gb ram. Will it run ok?

Is the online mode any good?


Original Poster:

263 posts

80 months

Tuesday 25th July 2023
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1,978 posts

29 months

Tuesday 25th July 2023
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Hmm was thinking about getting this the other week.

Always dubious for full price and then inevitably don't want it when it's out of date haha. nuts


18,499 posts

199 months

Tuesday 25th July 2023
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I went for it - had it a few days.

Overall, pretty good. The AI are very aggressive though. Way beyond what is realistic they will just drive straight into you.

Online, well seems ok. Cant figure out how to get PTT to work though even though its mapped. Quality of the racers seems ok, you do get the occasional idiot. I am well down on the fast guys though, 2-3 seconds behind. I also have no real clue where the new tracks go.

The graphics are nothing special but they are a small improvement over the last F1 game I had (2018), the 1070Ti does not seem to struggle at all.

I will probably get another 5 years out of this version smile


70,624 posts

239 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Still too expensive for me right now......