Destiny 2 - Lightfall

Destiny 2 - Lightfall



Original Poster:

260 posts

29 months

Thursday 23rd March 2023
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With the release of Lightfall, I was really expecting to a see a sub-topic jump up the pages for Destiny 2 - but it hasn't!

Is there anyone out there still playing this? How are you getting on with it if so?


1,243 posts

149 months

Thursday 23rd March 2023
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I put a lot of time into Destiny 2 and really enjoyed it. I stopped playing maybe 2 months ago because if you're playing solo, there was always the feeling that the best bits of the game i.e. end game content with some of the best rewards like Raids or grand master content, is always out of reach.

My other reason for stopping was that the constant power uplift system got a bit too grindy. I'd get a full set of top level armor and guns about a week before the power level was uplifted and all the effort was undone, not least because if you're playing solo there are fewer pinnacle drops realistically available each week so raising your level is much slower.

Having said that, if I had two people to team up with on a regular basis I'd be back at it like a shot. Like I say, a fantastic game and whilst you can play solo, it's just begging for regular co-op play.


1,916 posts

44 months

Thursday 23rd March 2023
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Snubs said:
I put a lot of time into Destiny 2 and really enjoyed it. I stopped playing maybe 2 months ago because if you're playing solo, there was always the feeling that the best bits of the game i.e. end game content with some of the best rewards like Raids or grand master content, is always out of reach.

My other reason for stopping was that the constant power uplift system got a bit too grindy. I'd get a full set of top level armor and guns about a week before the power level was uplifted and all the effort was undone, not least because if you're playing solo there are fewer pinnacle drops realistically available each week so raising your level is much slower.

Having said that, if I had two people to team up with on a regular basis I'd be back at it like a shot. Like I say, a fantastic game and whilst you can play solo, it's just begging for regular co-op play.
this was pretty much why I stopped playing Destiny - the requirement to be able to team up with like minded team players to properly succeed was not compatible with my drop in occasionally and spend a couple of hours style of gaming


25,020 posts

244 months

Thursday 23rd March 2023
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I still play. enjoy it but its a grind


Original Poster:

260 posts

29 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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Snubs said:
I put a lot of time into Destiny 2 and really enjoyed it. I stopped playing maybe 2 months ago because if you're playing solo, there was always the feeling that the best bits of the game i.e. end game content with some of the best rewards like Raids or grand master content, is always out of reach.

My other reason for stopping was that the constant power uplift system got a bit too grindy. I'd get a full set of top level armor and guns about a week before the power level was uplifted and all the effort was undone, not least because if you're playing solo there are fewer pinnacle drops realistically available each week so raising your level is much slower.

Having said that, if I had two people to team up with on a regular basis I'd be back at it like a shot. Like I say, a fantastic game and whilst you can play solo, it's just begging for regular co-op play.
I get this to be fair. I stopped playing for maybe a year or so, only came back because of Lightfall. Before that, i'd had another year or two break before the release of Witch Queen ha.

I must say a lot more of it is accessible now if you're solo, especially with the guided games option. Also LFG sites are pretty helpful, fairly sure even the companion app has LFG functionality built into it now but it can be a bit daunting.

Regarding the levelling system, i'm pretty sure they're making some changes soon in which everyone's power level gets taken up to whoever in your fireteam has the highest. Will be interesting for sure.


13,939 posts

175 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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I think Lightfall is great. Definitely not the best narrative Bungie have done, though tbh following Witch Queen was going to be very tough anyway. The initial backlash against the opaque elements of the story seems to have given way to the opinion that most of the game changes are good, if not great, though some parts like guardian ranks and commendations definitely aren't working right at the moment.

The new raid is fantastic, I've cleared it a few times with my clan and we're getting ready for the raid challenges and master difficulty mode. The raid is such that, even if you're pretty st at Destiny, a good team of four or five can carry a dead weight player through pretty effectively, meaning even st players can see the raid. They really are the best thing in Destiny by miles. Get over your social anxiety and join an LFG teaching group, there's loads of them out there.

I am loving the Strand class at the moment, especially on Warlock. Great crowd control on par with or better than Stasis, but also with huge burst damage which Stasis could never match. It kind of makes me wonder why I'd ever play Stasis again, so I hope Bungie take a look at the Stasis super ability for Warlocks as it absolutely sucks.

The seasonal burns thing seemed like a good idea and I like having the ability to get +25% Strand or Void damage in a lot of activities but it's bad news if you like playing as the other classes. Personally I think they need to swap to having them all active in a season but rotating them every day so all players can complete the weekly activities with their preferred class.


1,674 posts

80 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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I put hundreds of hours into destiny 1, in comparison I’ve probably put 10% of that time into d2

The thing with destiny is I felt I had to commit all my gaming time to the game, otherwise I missed out on things or fell behind.

I have a mate who would most likely bag the mascot job if bungie ever recruited, almost begs me to comeback to the game but I’ve been out of it for a good 3/4 years, just feel it’s too much to jump into.

Worth noting I haven’t the faintest idea on the story, even when I sunk all those hours into d1, it was the gameplay I enjoyed, I was mainly a solo player too


Original Poster:

260 posts

29 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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Mastodon2 said:
I think Lightfall is great. Definitely not the best narrative Bungie have done, though tbh following Witch Queen was going to be very tough anyway. The initial backlash against the opaque elements of the story seems to have given way to the opinion that most of the game changes are good, if not great, though some parts like guardian ranks and commendations definitely aren't working right at the moment.

The new raid is fantastic, I've cleared it a few times with my clan and we're getting ready for the raid challenges and master difficulty mode. The raid is such that, even if you're pretty st at Destiny, a good team of four or five can carry a dead weight player through pretty effectively, meaning even st players can see the raid. They really are the best thing in Destiny by miles. Get over your social anxiety and join an LFG teaching group, there's loads of them out there.

I am loving the Strand class at the moment, especially on Warlock. Great crowd control on par with or better than Stasis, but also with huge burst damage which Stasis could never match. It kind of makes me wonder why I'd ever play Stasis again, so I hope Bungie take a look at the Stasis super ability for Warlocks as it absolutely sucks.

The seasonal burns thing seemed like a good idea and I like having the ability to get +25% Strand or Void damage in a lot of activities but it's bad news if you like playing as the other classes. Personally I think they need to swap to having them all active in a season but rotating them every day so all players can complete the weekly activities with their preferred class.
Same here! I know what you mean about the story, it is a bit 'light' compared to past expansions but I guess considering its more than likely the last expansion they plan to really wring the last of the narrative out across future seasonal stuff.

Also loving strand, i Hunter main and the ease of which you can proc invis, powered melee and generate orbs is like nothing we've really had access to before. It's totally changed my playstyle but allows me to be much more aggressive.

Have not had the chance to run a raid yet, was supposed to last night but our clan regulars who play this have started to dwindle and a couple of guys had to drop out. Soon though - from what i've seen it looks great.


13,939 posts

175 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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Lightall won't be the last expansion, The Final Shape will come next year and Bungie have already said Destiny will continue beyond the end of the Light and Dark arc.

Quite where the story will go after The Final Shape, I don't know. It's quite clear now that light isn't good and dark isn't evil, though the Witness utilises Darkness for a purpose we'd consider to be evil, at least from what we know so far. It seems that after we flatten the Witness, the adventure will continue in parts unknown.

After all, Savathûn did say in her "Two Truths, Two Lies" that our "Destiny lies beyond our solar system" and by process of elimination, that seems like one of her statements that will turn out to be true.


Original Poster:

260 posts

29 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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Ha, i didn't know that! Going to furiously read up on the final shape now!


2,831 posts

189 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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I used to love Destiny but once the ghroup i used to play with religiously all drifted away it became to grindy. they really need to match make Nightfalls and i used to love Iron Banner.


4,479 posts

56 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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I am a player who recently came back to the game.

And part of the reason for the difficulty is good thread is linked to d2, they artificially ramped up difficulty mainly listening to streamers and apparently higher end players finding the game too easy. So instead of making content harder for them, they instead decided to make Neptune or whatever it is very much harder for everyone, which is a shame, basic enemies are now much harder to kill.

it is also rather expensive, but based around the years it has been around possibly not, if you buy it now with all expansions you are looking at nearly 200 quid which is insane.

And also a lot of stuff is just revamped old content, when you delete Mars and loads of other planets you can rework them and bring them back and call it content, this I feel is a con.

Having said that the raiding element is amazing, the design into the locations is staggering, and the input devs put into raid mechanics I love, they are vast and need a lot of time to work out!


13,939 posts

175 months

Saturday 25th March 2023
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If anyone wants to try a fun build this season, have a go with the following:

Weapon: Wavesplitter

Armour: Gyrfalcon's Hauberk for Hunter, Contraverse Holds for Warlock, anything Void-related for Titan, not too important

Run void class with the fragment that increases the duration of void effects. This will be important to maximising the up-time for Volatile Rounds.

Seasonal artifact mods: Volatile Flow, Bricks from Beyond, the one in the final column that gives you a stacking damage bonus when you get void weapon kills

Armour mods: Void Siphon and special ammo finder in the helmet, maybe kinetic siphon if you can afford it, also, you'll want the mod that generates orbs on grenade kills. Basically anything that lets you generate orbs quickly. Add double void surge mods.

This is a build with a really simple gameplay loop. Basically, generate an orb of power and start melting things with the Wavesplitter and continue to pick up orbs to keep the loop rolling.

Wavesplitter has been buffed recently. Previously it had three oscillating power modes but you couldn't control which it used. Now, picking up an orb puts it into the top damage mode and sustained fire in that mode suppresses targets, the ones that survive long enough anyway.

This exotix perk, combined with the Volatile Flow mod, basically turns it into the purple fire hose of death. Everything will be exploding and spreading Volatile debuffs around. Anything strong enough to survive will be suppressed and can't use special abilities or shoot back.

A great example of how a simple buff and the rotating seasonal mods can bring a totally useless weapon back to the fore and make it a serious force to be reckoned with.


Original Poster:

260 posts

29 months

Tuesday 28th March 2023
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Mastodon2 said:
If anyone wants to try a fun build this season, have a go with the following:

Weapon: Wavesplitter

Armour: Gyrfalcon's Hauberk for Hunter, Contraverse Holds for Warlock, anything Void-related for Titan, not too important

Run void class with the fragment that increases the duration of void effects. This will be important to maximising the up-time for Volatile Rounds.

Seasonal artifact mods: Volatile Flow, Bricks from Beyond, the one in the final column that gives you a stacking damage bonus when you get void weapon kills

Armour mods: Void Siphon and special ammo finder in the helmet, maybe kinetic siphon if you can afford it, also, you'll want the mod that generates orbs on grenade kills. Basically anything that lets you generate orbs quickly. Add double void surge mods.

This is a build with a really simple gameplay loop. Basically, generate an orb of power and start melting things with the Wavesplitter and continue to pick up orbs to keep the loop rolling.

Wavesplitter has been buffed recently. Previously it had three oscillating power modes but you couldn't control which it used. Now, picking up an orb puts it into the top damage mode and sustained fire in that mode suppresses targets, the ones that survive long enough anyway.

This exotix perk, combined with the Volatile Flow mod, basically turns it into the purple fire hose of death. Everything will be exploding and spreading Volatile debuffs around. Anything strong enough to survive will be suppressed and can't use special abilities or shoot back.

A great example of how a simple buff and the rotating seasonal mods can bring a totally useless weapon back to the fore and make it a serious force to be reckoned with.
This sounds really interesting, although I have to admit i haven't touched any other class since i've got my strand build going.

I do similar with volatile rounds and void siphon but don't need the void class for up-time because this class just generates so many orbs! Have both the mods for grenade kill and powered melee kills which produce orbs but also super energy, which when you strand grapple and powered melee into a group of ads it procs both the grenade and melee kill. I can then either grapple again off the grapple point i just created and rinse and repeat or pop off with the subsistence/ frenzy funnelweb i've got which is perfect for ad-clearing with volatile rounds.

Helmet - Assassin's Cowl - Minor Resilience, Ashes to assets, hands on, void siphon
Arms - Resilience, Firepower, Focusing strike (for strand suspend)
Chest - Resilience, Font of endurance
Legs - Resilience, better already, void weapon surge x 2
Class item - resilience, utility kickstart

It does need fine tuning a bit and i could probably do a lot more with masterworked armour but the rate at which this makes orbs is hilarious. If i really play to this build's strengths, I can probably go from having 0 to full super in about 30 seconds if that?

I'll definitely check out the wavesplitter though, i got it out of my vault and it's on my main, i just haven't bothered even upgrading it yet haha


3,488 posts

226 months

Wednesday 29th March 2023
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I still play regularly and have really been enjoying Lightfall, the legendary campaign was great fun and Strand is a hoot on all 3 classes!

I still play regularly with a couple of pistonheads guys and a few more seem to be returning. I'm also in a very active clan who regularly run raids, GMs etc. so there is never a shortage of people to play with. That helps a lot.

Having neglected any arc builds for the last month or two, I threw together a shinobu's vow skip grenade build this morning and ran around neomuna causing havoc. Skip grenades never really found their way into the arc 3.0 meta for some reason but with a demo gnawing hunger, I was having a blast this morning.


3,488 posts

226 months

Wednesday 29th March 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
I am a player who recently came back to the game.

And part of the reason for the difficulty is good thread is linked to d2, they artificially ramped up difficulty mainly listening to streamers and apparently higher end players finding the game too easy. So instead of making content harder for them, they instead decided to make Neptune or whatever it is very much harder for everyone, which is a shame, basic enemies are now much harder to kill.

it is also rather expensive, but based around the years it has been around possibly not, if you buy it now with all expansions you are looking at nearly 200 quid which is insane.

And also a lot of stuff is just revamped old content, when you delete Mars and loads of other planets you can rework them and bring them back and call it content, this I feel is a con.

Having said that the raiding element is amazing, the design into the locations is staggering, and the input devs put into raid mechanics I love, they are vast and need a lot of time to work out!
I think Neomuna puts you at 5 under the enemies, which feels pretty good to me (way better than the complete absence of any difficulty on other planets). I like that I can die on patrol (and I regularly do).

I feel like the difference in difficulty level between heroic and legendary is too much. Heroic at -5, legendary at -10, Master at -20 and GM at -25 would be a better spread I think, and would give a lot of people better access to higher rewards/materials


4,479 posts

56 months

Wednesday 29th March 2023
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The issue for me that I will accept grind and less loot for easier difficulty, Nightfalls used to be relatively easy and it got you used to the new champions without the current model of die die die.

it also fails to realise that every player has a different skill set, they dont care about builds, I notice the previous posts are very nerdy sweaty build posts, I don't care about that, I just want to play and the game has now moved further towards people like you and further away from people like me.

The planets are vast, but in reality there is very little to do on them, there could be, if someone could be arsed.

I would never dream of doing legend lost sectors or nightfalls, not because it's hard (it is obviously), but because I do not want to sweat its why I never play any form of PVP, the game is not designed for it, and meta is always king, so you just endlessly die and since the SBMM changes that means it was even more ridiculous.

The game panders to the better players ONLY now, streamers etc as they are free marketing tools for a company that basically releases content every few years. What you are paying for now is one planet and a new skill for full AAA prices, that is pathetic in my eyes, but gamers are blind dumb, devs know it, so here we are.


283 posts

220 months

Wednesday 29th March 2023
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Speckle said:
I still play regularly and have really been enjoying Lightfall, the legendary campaign was great fun and Strand is a hoot on all 3 classes!

I still play regularly with a couple of pistonheads guys and a few more seem to be returning. I'm also in a very active clan who regularly run raids, GMs etc. so there is never a shortage of people to play with. That helps a lot.

Having neglected any arc builds for the last month or two, I threw together a shinobu's vow skip grenade build this morning and ran around neomuna causing havoc. Skip grenades never really found their way into the arc 3.0 meta for some reason but with a demo gnawing hunger, I was having a blast this morning.
Hi Speckle , been a while.

I dropped out of group play for fair while but mostly due to timezone changes, been playing a fair bit of crucible but less PVE / group.

Looking forward to getting some time and getting a strand build going soon.

Davie / Teampenguin


3,488 posts

226 months

Wednesday 29th March 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
The issue for me that I will accept grind and less loot for easier difficulty, Nightfalls used to be relatively easy and it got you used to the new champions without the current model of die die die.

it also fails to realise that every player has a different skill set, they dont care about builds, I notice the previous posts are very nerdy sweaty build posts, I don't care about that, I just want to play and the game has now moved further towards people like you and further away from people like me.

The planets are vast, but in reality there is very little to do on them, there could be, if someone could be arsed.

I would never dream of doing legend lost sectors or nightfalls, not because it's hard (it is obviously), but because I do not want to sweat its why I never play any form of PVP, the game is not designed for it, and meta is always king, so you just endlessly die and since the SBMM changes that means it was even more ridiculous.

The game panders to the better players ONLY now, streamers etc as they are free marketing tools for a company that basically releases content every few years. What you are paying for now is one planet and a new skill for full AAA prices, that is pathetic in my eyes, but gamers are blind dumb, devs know it, so here we are.
The game has evolved quite a bit over the last few years and, ever since armor mods were introduced, builds have become more and more diverse, complex and even necessary in some activities. I'm sorry to say that anyone who doesn't care about that aspect of the game is likely to find things more difficult than they need to be and will probably get left behind.

The increase in difficulty is a different thing, I think they have over-tuned legend difficulty by quite some margin, making it inaccessible to the more casual player. I suspect they'll change that soon. I'm also not a fan of the fixed negative power level in legend difficulty, I think we should be able to over-level as the season progresses. Only Grandmaster should be a fixed level at -25.

I'd like it if they took inspiration from Division 2 and made patrol difficulty a choice with world tiers or something similar. Not sure how easy that would be to implement though.

The landscape of content creation surrounding video games is an interesting phenomenon and, not always a productive one, I agree.

I'm not much of a PVP'er and have avoided it like the plague up until last season. Then, my desire for the witherhoard catalyst grew bigger than my hatred of PVP (50 PVP matches in a row that took!!) Played a bit of iron banner since then, turns out I don't suck as much as I thought I did, I definitely wasn't using meta weapons, I've no idea what the pvp meta weapons are! The one thing I did do before venturing into IB this time, was make a PVP build (sorry!)

(edited for spelling)

superstreek said:
Hi Speckle , been a while.

I dropped out of group play for fair while but mostly due to timezone changes, been playing a fair bit of crucible but less PVE / group.

Looking forward to getting some time and getting a strand build going soon.

Davie / Teampenguin
Hey Davie, long time wavey


4,479 posts

56 months

Wednesday 29th March 2023
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From what I have heard the moron Smith is wanting to rake the difficulty increase to everything, he only cares about streamers and high end players, they make him the money, the game is dead really, so it is what you would expect, he has to find cash somehow,