Dishonored 2 currently free on prime gaming

Dishonored 2 currently free on prime gaming



Original Poster:

3,404 posts

145 months

Monday 2nd January 2023
quotequote all
As above, for prime members. It's a GOG key so DRM free!


7,709 posts

223 months

Monday 2nd January 2023
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conkerman said:
As above, for prime members. It's a GOG key so DRM free!
Big thumbup and beer


391 posts

91 months

Monday 2nd January 2023
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conkerman said:
As above, for prime members. It's a GOG key so DRM free!
Thanks for the headsup beer


89,920 posts

294 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2023
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More free games added today including The Evil Within 2 (another GoG game)


2,804 posts

172 months

Friday 10th November 2023
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Bit of a resurrection here, but....

I looked at the Prime Gaming thingy a few months ago as it reminded me of those early 80's Japanese car stereos which were clearly by a thirteen year old and only a thirteen year old could work them.

Is it just me, is the PG thingy actually quite easy?



Original Poster:

3,404 posts

145 months

Friday 10th November 2023
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Rage 2 this month. A fin game with an awesome shotgun.


2,804 posts

172 months

Saturday 11th November 2023
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conkerman said:
Rage 2 this month. A fin game with an awesome shotgun.
So I guess you've managed to get Prime Gaming to work...?


89,920 posts

294 months

Saturday 11th November 2023
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IanA2 said:
So I guess you've managed to get Prime Gaming to work...?
Go here and use your Amazon login, click on weekly games. Simple, click claim on the games you want they will either be on Amazon's own game store, Epic or GOG, you link your Epic account to Amazon, copy, paste and redeem GOG games and use the Amazon games app for the Amazon ones.