Escape from Tarkov



Original Poster:

390 posts

91 months

Sunday 6th February 2022
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My first wipe and up to level 20 now, but wondered if anybody else here endures the rollercoaster of emotion that EFT brings to the table?!

I must say, the game surprised me. There's nothing I've played that's evokes such a fear of death as EFT, got a friend I play regularly with (that's a huge help) but interested in finding new people to play along with.

Savage game, but it definitely brings something unique if you grind out the early game.


1,877 posts

147 months

Tuesday 8th February 2022
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Love it, really one of the best games I’ve ever played.

4th wipe for me and this is definitely the best one yet.

Level 38, 16m roubles and 65m stash value

ThunderDalz is my ingame name if you fancy a few raids, happy to lend a hand getting to grips with it as the learning curve is huge.


Original Poster:

390 posts

91 months

Tuesday 8th February 2022
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dalzo said:
Love it, really one of the best games I’ve ever played.

4th wipe for me and this is definitely the best one yet.

Level 38, 16m roubles and 65m stash value

ThunderDalz is my ingame name if you fancy a few raids, happy to lend a hand getting to grips with it as the learning curve is huge.
A real life Chad! I'll add you mate. "BigBlackCoffee_"

I'm nowhere near that level, was 3/4 weeks late to the wipe but progressing... Slowly! Would be good to link up.

Edited by James-gbg1e on Tuesday 8th February 21:29


1,877 posts

147 months

Friday 29th December 2023
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Just a heads up for anyone who has EFT, new wipe started yesterday and it is excellent, totally revamped the recoil and added new armour hitzones so a lot less luck involved and beginners are able to eliminate the no lifers that play!


3,086 posts

166 months

Friday 29th December 2023
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Also, jumping...