Forza Horizon 5



Original Poster:

29,787 posts

206 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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It's set in Mexico. Out on November 9th on Game Pass.

The AMG One hypercar, new Defender, new Bronco and the Taycan are in the trailer, probably some others I didn't spot.

Gameplay video

Biggest Horizon map yet, raytracing, a volcano.

Edited by ajprice on Sunday 13th June 19:42

Edited by ajprice on Sunday 13th June 19:45

Mr E

22,225 posts

269 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
quotequote all
I’m in just for the volcano.


Original Poster:

29,787 posts

206 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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The blurb speech on the new features


1,946 posts

130 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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This looks fantastic!!


224 posts

143 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Suppose it gives me a reason to buy a series X before this comes out then smile


2,149 posts

121 months

Monday 14th June 2021
quotequote all
Looks good so far, they're adding more visual customisation options too which is great. Just need to sort the car sounds out wink


Original Poster:

29,787 posts

206 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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The gameplay video says it's the biggest map vertically too, the mountain parts look like they make Fortune Island a bit of a hill hehe . So, what are spring, summer, autumn and winter like in Mexico? The FH4 seasons were: a bit wet, sunny, a bit wet again and SNOW!!!

Church of Noise

1,519 posts

247 months

Monday 14th June 2021
quotequote all
brad93 said:
Suppose it gives me a reason to buy a series X before this comes out then smile
I have started to consider junior's request for a series X too since seeing this... (I've already pre-ordered the premium pack with the early access, car pass, VIP membership, 2 extensions (whatever those will be) and some cars)
It is designed to also run on the One S, which should buy me some time.

However, loading times in FH4 are already horrendous and FH5 graphics just look amazing on series X hardware...

Mafffew said:
Looks good so far, they're adding more visual customisation options too which is great. Just need to sort the car sounds out wink
Doesn't really sound like they did (Lambo in the trailer for example).
This is my main issue with FH4 (next to the aforementioned loading times)


64 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Have you got GamePass? No need to buy if you do

Church of Noise

1,519 posts

247 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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anonymous said:
Have Game Pass, so only added the pack with the extension compared to the basic game (with 10% reduction).
I probably used the wrong name...


64 months

Monday 14th June 2021
quotequote all
Church of Noise said:
Have Game Pass, so only added the pack with the extension compared to the basic game (with 10% reduction).
I probably used the wrong name...
Oh gotcha, not a bad shout that smile


1,103 posts

228 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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anonymous said:
Probably gonna do the same

I wonder if Trump's wall will be at the edge of the map. Maybe as a danger jump biggrin


26,927 posts

272 months

Monday 14th June 2021
quotequote all
It looks good, but I've never cared much for the story aspect so not sure about the "expedition" thing.


Original Poster:

29,787 posts

206 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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A live video about the game is about to start


17,868 posts

175 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Oh it's on PC too as well.

A Winner Is You

25,307 posts

237 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Can't say Mexico would be the first thing that came to mind when I think of car culture. Although the series has moved away from that and into Lego and Fortnite dances anyway.


4,048 posts

175 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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Sneaky little shot of working convertible tops has been doing the rounds, you can see it here on the 720:


550 posts

144 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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Think a lot of folk wanted it to be Japan...


1,392 posts

113 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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EK9_CTR said:
Think a lot of folk wanted it to be Japan...
Definitely. If you look on r/forza there are hundreds of outraged posts about it not being in Japan. Most of them read like they've been written by a 15yr old who hasn't yet realised that everything in life wont go their way. Seems there was very heavy focus on off-road in the trailer which isn't my cup of tea but I know there was lots of complaints about 4 not having enough good dirt tracks so maybe they're making up for that


399 posts

59 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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I think it looks alright. It would have been good if it was in Tokyo or somewhere more city like. I have had FH2, FH3 and FH4. It looks like they have gone back towards the FH3 sand etc. I normally just cruise in the FH games which in FH5 I can't tell if it is any good for that. They have turned more towards a arcade game to appeal to youngsters with the Stadium etc. Would be interested if it's better than FH4 with a wheel. Most importantly better loading and correct sounds.

I would get it as I'm thinking of collecting all the Forza games from the beginning.