It’s Half Life Alyx day today!

It’s Half Life Alyx day today!



Original Poster:

6,256 posts

200 months

Monday 23rd March 2020
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So who will be getting it downloaded later?

I would love to hear from anyone who has all the VR gear ready and setup waiting to play once it’s available for download.

Sadly it’s seems our Valve Index is weeks away from shipping and I bet CV will affect that too!

Still would love to hear people’s Impressions once they have it up and running.


Original Poster:

6,256 posts

200 months

Monday 23rd March 2020
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Nobody else then?

Perhaps we are all too focused on the rest of the world and the madness going around.

Was just looking for a ray of sunshine in all the doom and gloom!

Never mine carry on.

Funny username

1,498 posts

185 months

Monday 23rd March 2020
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Waiting with baited breath. I'll literally be buying VR for this game only!

Playing through HL2 at the minute, after playing Episode 1 and 2 for free thanks to Steam recently.


3,525 posts

283 months

Monday 23rd March 2020
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Downloaded it last night but it doesn't become playable until later this afternoon UK. Have had a Rift S for the last couple of months and use it mainly for sims. DCS and Prepar3D are so immersive for flying, as are Assetto Corsa and PCars 2 for car stuff.

Looking forward to Alyx though; the only other VR shooter I've been playing is Boneworks which has been a hoot so far. Just finished Black Mesa (again) on Steam with the Xen update.

I remember first playing Doom2 in the mid-90s...


1,792 posts

202 months

Monday 23rd March 2020
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Managed a quick 30 minutes earlier, it looks fantastic and the controls work rather well.


8,110 posts

186 months

Tuesday 24th March 2020
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I'm probably going to give it a wee while as my games room is now my office, so need to re-hook up and make space for the VR. Very excited, going to avoid watching any playthroughs.


2,097 posts

267 months

Tuesday 24th March 2020
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I've got a Vive, but I need to upgrade my GTX980 I think to get the best from it - I was waiting for the 3000 series, but I suspect the current events might mean we won't see those for a while. Hmm.


1,382 posts

204 months

Tuesday 24th March 2020
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how does the story follow on


8,330 posts

290 months

Tuesday 24th March 2020
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I have a Rift S but the absolute bare minimum space.... Slightly larger than a manhole cover probably....

Is it worth getting or would the lack of space spoil the experience ?


6,863 posts

216 months

Wednesday 25th March 2020
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I was watching someone stream this. It's amazing. Seems to be by far the best VR game to date. I'm going to dust off the Oculus Rift and buy it later ..


Original Poster:

6,256 posts

200 months

Wednesday 25th March 2020
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Don’t rub it in guys, I can’t even get my new PC build to work Damn it!


684 posts

128 months

Wednesday 25th March 2020
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Just started it today. Fired up the Vive Pro on Monday to find 1 of the base stations had died. Ordered a spare which arrived today. Also well chuffed to get a warranty fix on the base station as it was Dec 18 we bought the Vive. First 1 lasted 6 months, this replacement lasted 10. Anyway, loving the game, only just started 2nd chapter. Feels weird walking round my house now. Surely I should move around in jumps? Probably shows how immersive it is.


6,863 posts

216 months

Wednesday 25th March 2020
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CerbWill said:
Just started it today. Fired up the Vive Pro on Monday to find 1 of the base stations had died. Ordered a spare which arrived today. Also well chuffed to get a warranty fix on the base station as it was Dec 18 we bought the Vive. First 1 lasted 6 months, this replacement lasted 10. Anyway, loving the game, only just started 2nd chapter. Feels weird walking round my house now. Surely I should move around in jumps? Probably shows how immersive it is.
Do you get motion sick? If not I would have thought continuous movement would be the way to go?

After saying I planned to download this later I've just managed to order a Rift S (currently have original Rift) so will wait until that turns up now ..


89,925 posts

294 months

Wednesday 25th March 2020
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okenemem said:
how does the story follow on
This is 5 years before HL2.


684 posts

128 months

Wednesday 25th March 2020
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130R said:
o you get motion sick? If not I would have thought continuous movement would be the way to go?

After saying I planned to download this later I've just managed to order a Rift S (currently have original Rift) so will wait until that turns up now ..
I'm not a big VR user, working away from home in the week sees to that. The 'blink' mode as Valve describe it is the default. In the opening sequences I had a quick play about with all the modes. Maybe I should persevere.

Anyway, to make comments relevant to the game. Opening shots, highly impressive. They'd best actually make HL3 (yeah, I know). I want to know how the story ends! HL1 always the first PC game I completed so I really want to play the ending.

Edited by CerbWill on Wednesday 25th March 18:31


8,165 posts

243 months

Wednesday 25th March 2020
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Managed to bag a pair of Index controllers with Alyx thrown into the deal.

It’s awesome. Not played a huge amount yet but it’s stunning and my non-gamer wife is also hooked.


3,815 posts

167 months

Thursday 26th March 2020
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Looking forward to playing Alyx - my index order prompted me to pay last night, so the headset is ready for shipping.

It has even motivated me to clear out my spare 'room of shame' whilst we are all quanatined to get ready for it


1,792 posts

202 months

Thursday 26th March 2020
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Just ran through a few chapters.

VR changes things. Head crabs have transformed from an annoyance to things of terror!

It looks very pretty on my Index.


89,925 posts

294 months

Thursday 26th March 2020
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Linus has done an Vr test with increasing hardware specs for playing Alyx to see what you can run it on, might need, or really need. -


3,047 posts

159 months

Friday 27th March 2020
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So excited about this but worked out to upgrade my PC and buy the VR kit would cost £800! I will reassess in the winter and if any news comes out about further HL VR games.