Command: Modern Operations

Command: Modern Operations



Original Poster:

7,080 posts

227 months

Wednesday 13th November 2019
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Essentially CMANO 2 is released tomorrow. A niche game for sure but anyone else here a 'player?' Looking forward to the performance increases for big scenarios and the new map layers the most. Oh, and the Tacview integration.

Comand: Modern Operations Link for those that haven't seen it yet


6,344 posts

102 months

Thursday 14th November 2019
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Not played it before, but could be tempted at some point, looks interesting.


8,330 posts

289 months

Saturday 16th November 2019
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I'm considering it.... Half price until 31st Jan if you have the old version.


42,775 posts

205 months

Saturday 16th November 2019
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I bought CMANO 1 about a year ago. I used to be an avid player of Harpoon and was hoping this would fill the void. In a way it does but it’s so massively detailed it’s not that easy to get into. It feels like you have to be an expert in every single military job to be able to really enjoy the game.


8,330 posts

289 months

Saturday 16th November 2019
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Countdown said:
I bought CMANO 1 about a year ago. I used to be an avid player of Harpoon and was hoping this would fill the void. In a way it does but it’s so massively detailed it’s not that easy to get into. It feels like you have to be an expert in every single military job to be able to really enjoy the game.
Yes I know what you mean. I first played Harpoon on the Amiga and have had every version since. I felt a bit like this with CMANO but just took it easy and didn't attempt to use all the features. It helped me playing some of the old scenarios that I knew like the back of my hand.


Original Poster:

7,080 posts

227 months

Saturday 16th November 2019
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I have a few hours under my belt now. First impressions are that it is still essentially CMANO (not a bad thing!). There are a few graphical improvements here and there but nothing ground breaking. The major changes are 'under the hood' so to speak. The new map layers are the biggest visible change, with whole-world satellite coverage, new road maps and terrain distribution and relief maps. This makes a huge difference to how it looks, especially when zoomed in for higher levels of granular control.

The Tacview integration is good, but only lends itself to certain types of scenario. I'm not sure but unless you already own it (which I did) £60 for a Tacview advanced licence may be a bit much for some, in addition to an already expensive game.

The new engine is a huge improvement in terms of performance. My laptop is pretty powerful (can play DCS in VR!) but CMANO used to struggle and sometimes grind to a halt completely on the bigger scenarios. No such problems any more. CMO now runs much smoother than CMANO ever did, even on complex scenarios and high-levels of time compression.

Regarding accessibility - I imagine it can seem daunting as a new player. You don't need to work for RAND or Janes to play it, but a basic understanding of the capabilities of certain types of units and weapons is kind of useful. The interface is actually quite simple and it is not necessary to micromanage each unit. Ease yourself in with some of the tutorial scenarios and it's not too difficult to pick up.


8,330 posts

289 months

Saturday 16th November 2019
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I've decided to stick with the first one... I must admit I was attracted by the 3d view but the old version runs pretty well on my system and to be honest I still prefer the wireframe graphics of Harpoon 2 !

Just saved myself £60 ! Now what else can I spend that on ….. scratchchin


5,935 posts

199 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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Having just read this thread, for people wanting something less complex, Jaynes Fleet Command is good. Yes, it's very dated, I think it came out in about 2000, but is probably closer to Harpoon than something too complicated. I think it's available on Steam, or at least it used to be.


42,775 posts

205 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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AshVX220 said:
Having just read this thread, for people wanting something less complex, Jaynes Fleet Command is good. Yes, it's very dated, I think it came out in about 2000, but is probably closer to Harpoon than something too complicated. I think it's available on Steam, or at least it used to be.
I bought JFC when I was going through Harpoon withdrawal symptoms. Tbh I found it a pale imitation of Harpoon. The modelling was nowhere near as realistic. It was OK as a temporary fix but it made me more determined to buy CMANO.

Would I buy it again? Only if I didn't know that CMANO was available. The latter is much better, it just needs a LOT more commitment.


8,330 posts

289 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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What we need is CMANO but with Cold Waters graphics for those that want them :-)


8,330 posts

289 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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Bit of a thread bump I eventually purchased the latest version but have not played for about a year then kind of rediscovered it a week or so ago. Also purchased Tacview Advanced which doesn't really offer anything but is nice to look at I can also use it with DCS.


42,775 posts

205 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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isn't there a Steam sale on at the moment?


8,330 posts

289 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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Countdown said:
isn't there a Steam sale on at the moment?
Yeah I picked Tacview up for 30 odd quid.


15,001 posts

152 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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CMO & TAcView bundled together for £48 too


8,330 posts

289 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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kowalski655 said:
CMO & TAcView bundled together for £48 too
Yeah thats an excellent deal especially if you also have DCS.


Original Poster:

7,080 posts

227 months

Friday 14th June 2024
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Just come back to C:MO after a few months off, and Steam has usefully reminded me that I have logged over 3500 hrs now. For those mathematically challenged types, that's 145 days of use. Pretty good value if it is your type of thing (about 1.7 pence per hour @ £60!).


5,049 posts

164 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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I bought this a while back, I was also a fan of Harpoon on Amiga back in the day. Only played about 10 hours so far on the tutorial scenarios I think. I really must come back to it and give it a proper shot.