Motal Kombat 11



Original Poster:

2,233 posts

201 months

Friday 19th April 2019
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Being old enough to recall the original one coming out.. and all the media outcries of it being too violent... I thought i'd share the latest one.

The reason? They brought back the original theme and refreshed it.. and it's absolutely on point biggrin

Colonel D

629 posts

82 months

Friday 19th April 2019
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Loved the original, was it Scorpion who ripped your head off with the spine still attached? The modern 3d game never appealed to me


1,946 posts

130 months

Sunday 21st April 2019
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Looking forward to this as loved MK X


4 posts

70 months

Monday 22nd April 2019
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I can't remember when was the last time I played a Mortal Kombat game.
The trailer kind of looks promising.


13,105 posts

190 months

Monday 22nd April 2019
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1,946 posts

130 months

Friday 17th December 2021
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Just downloaded this on Gamepass, not bad but doesn't seem to have moved the game on from 10 from what I have seen so far.


763 posts

58 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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Anyone playing MK1? Thoughts so far?


5,026 posts

75 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Colonel D said:
Loved the original, was it Scorpion who ripped your head off with the spine still attached? The modern 3d game never appealed to me
That was Sub Zero's fatality move, Scorpion would pull off his face mask and set fire to the loser.

I'm old enough to remember the first one being released on Megadrive,

Recently played MK11 on game pass but I feel the whole fighting genre has passed me by now and I doubt i'll go back to it.


1,946 posts

130 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Just get practicing biggrin

Admittedly the online playing may show up some of your flaws, given some of the players I have come across and has my ass handed to me lol