The Outer Worlds - space RPG

The Outer Worlds - space RPG



Original Poster:

89,914 posts

294 months

Friday 7th December 2018
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Just a separate thread on Obsidian (original Fallout creators and NV developers) new space RPG that I posted on the Fallout 76 thread.

Trailer here -

But there is also a new video with 15 minutes of gameplay here -

I think it really is one big fk you to Bethesda. hehe


3,892 posts

204 months

Friday 7th December 2018
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Looks very good, I'll buy it.


70,620 posts

239 months

Saturday 8th December 2018
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Can't quite make my mind up.


4,161 posts

210 months

Saturday 8th December 2018
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I think I'll pass.


5,589 posts

155 months

Sunday 9th December 2018
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Looked awesome from the trailer but having watched the gameplay footage it looks a little dull, not sure...


6,469 posts

120 months

Sunday 9th December 2018
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Obsidian and Take Two?

I'm in.


Original Poster:

89,914 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th June 2019
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E3 trailer -

release date October 25th.


6,469 posts

120 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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FourWheelDrift said:
E3 trailer -

release date October 25th.
Oh yes; that continues to be the only game I will part money with for this year.


3,892 posts

204 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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Can't wait, let's hope it follows the gameplay/character building like Fallout and Skyrim and not having to follow a given path like Red Dead did so you can roam the world and avoid having to complete st tasks. Then you can develop your character at your pace and if you find something hard leave it and do something else and come back to it later.

Edited by BIRMA on Monday 10th June 18:00


6,469 posts

120 months

Friday 27th September 2019
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New gameplay trailer (40 mins odd):

That has got my Fallout juices going ;-)


6,469 posts

120 months

Thursday 17th October 2019
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..and in an added bonus, can play on Game Pass, so free!!!!!!

(well, not really but you know what I mean....)


Original Poster:

89,914 posts

294 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2019
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First reviews -

"The Outer Worlds is here and it is the Fallout game we never got. Deep choices, tons of replayability, and interesting quests. It’s a must play and instantly shot up as my favorite game of 2019."


18,789 posts

238 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2019
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Sounds good. Will see how this does before a purchase though.


10,698 posts

239 months

Thursday 24th October 2019
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Conversely from Eurogamer:

"A conventional, easygoing scifi RPG with slightly wasted satirical elements that fades very quickly from the mind."


10,762 posts

231 months

Thursday 24th October 2019
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So as a pc owner in the next week or so we have the release of the outer worlds and red dead redemption 2 .

I only have time for one game ;(


6,678 posts

208 months

Thursday 24th October 2019
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Sounds like a mix of Fallout and Mass Effect - great!


6,469 posts

120 months

Friday 25th October 2019
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Am downloading as this is typed.

Most reviews seem to be positive to very positive. The Eurogamer reviewer above clearly not a fan of the genre!

This quote from Gamespot seems to sum most reviews I've read up to now:

"But The Outer Worlds doesn't just play like a Fallout game. It is, surprisingly, the best possible version of a Fallout game--a potent distillation of what made that series so beloved in the first place."

Can't do a lot of playing for a while as am working from home today, but it will be downloaded and waiting for mid-afternoon.


1,572 posts

94 months

Friday 25th October 2019
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Just watched this, I'll download it tonight

Clockwork Cupcake

76,555 posts

282 months

Friday 25th October 2019
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Looks interesting, although the RPS review does rather damn it with faint praise

It’s not that it’s not, you know, a romp, but it can’t stop nakedly doing impressions of other things you like, like a kid at school going “What do you like? Yeah I like Douglas Adams too! 42! Belgium! Hahahah!”.


10,698 posts

239 months

Friday 25th October 2019
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Yeah, the Vice first impressions here convey what the Eurogamer review is trying to say in a bit more cohesive fashion:

Doesn't look like a bad game by any stretch of the imagination and I'd likely enjoy myself, but after being a huge fan of Fallout 1, 2 and 3 I really didn't gel with the last few titles and Fallout 76 looks like such a hot mess I couldn't be less interested so it's put me off that style of game. I might well pick up the Outer Worlds in a year or so once it's on sale, but I'd imagine there will be other better offerings along soon.