Cyberpunk 2077 - NO SPOILERS!

Cyberpunk 2077 - NO SPOILERS!



Original Poster:

89,906 posts

293 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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That's the makers of the Witcher series in case you forgot.

E3 Trailer -

Fallout what?


8,633 posts

220 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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But when?


Original Poster:

89,906 posts

293 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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Altrezia said:
But when?

CD Project Red said:
When we told you we would only release the game when it’s ready, we meant it. We’re definitely much closer to a release date than we were back then wink but it’s still not the time to confirm anything, so patience is still required. Quality is the only thing that drives us. It’s the beauty of being an independent studio and your own publisher.

How big?
Seriously big, but… to be honest, we have no bloody clue at this point in time. Once we put it all together, we will openly tell you what you can expect. And we promise we’ll do this before we start talking about pre-orders or ask anything of you.

Free DLC/Expansions/DRM
Expect nothing less than you got with The Witcher 3. As for DRM, CP2077, will be 100% DRM-free on PC.

In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?

Once again, thank you for your patience. If you have a minute, do visit and share your opinion (about anything) with us. We read everything you posted we treat it very seriously.



13,816 posts

104 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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FourWheelDrift said:
Altrezia said:
But when?
Cyberpunk 2077 has been announced several times now, for many years. Its one of those things I'm going to have to see released before I believe it.


6,863 posts

215 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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GOTY guaranteed. Just not sure which year ..


2,096 posts

266 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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130R said:
GOTY guaranteed. Just not sure which year ..
At least 12 months away, I reckon.

I'm not sure about GOTY. I'm a massive fan of both their games (W3 is in my top 3) and their approach to the industry (with 'proper' expansion packs) but this is a completely new thing for theml; I really hope they get it right, but they've only ever done "Witcher" based games so lets hope the magic carries.


5,229 posts

195 months

Tuesday 12th June 2018
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Massively excited for this. And the car looks awesome.


Original Poster:

89,906 posts

293 months

Wednesday 13th June 2018
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RPG first, FPS second - interview -

IGN have seen 45 minutes of gameplay -

Glad it's first person perspective too, looking through the eyes of the character gives it the immersion, nothing should be 3rd person these days if they want to capture the VR side of things.


17,868 posts

174 months

Wednesday 13th June 2018
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1st person is a huge no for me fort an RPG with a customisable protag.


17,868 posts

174 months

Thursday 14th June 2018
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anonymous said:
Yes if I am designing my own character and customising their outfits etc.
I also find that I prefer the 3rd person view. I couldn't imagine playing tomb raider first person for example, or mass effect.


Original Poster:

89,906 posts

293 months

Thursday 14th June 2018
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Altrezia said:
But when?
Anytime before or up to June 2019 it would seem if it's based on their 2016 government grant deadline and the reason they got it. Unless they are developing another large world RPG we haven't yet heard about.


13,816 posts

104 months

Thursday 14th June 2018
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anonymous said:
To me, not at all.

I'd like the option like in GTA, but if not it doesn't matter.

After reading the RPS article, I'm quietly optimistic but not holding my breath. If they manage to pull off what sounds like a GTA:Blade Runner type of game it'll be great (open world cyberpunk)... OTOH it could end up being a buggy pile of crap that is a hodge-podge of poorly thrown together gameplay elements that don't fuse together. I'm hoping for the former.

I'm weary because I remember watching the trailer for this in 2013... and after that nothing but excuses and bad news. So I'm hoping this ends up being more of a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (good game, but had a lot of it's ambition cut out) than a Duke Nukem forever.

I also remember when Duke Nukem Forever was announced... It was in a magazine called Hyper that was printed on actual glossy paper that I paid A$4.49 for at an archaic establishment called a "newsagent". It was about the same time we were seeing previews of Goldeneye for the N64 (yes, I'm old, so excuse my ramblings. The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt, which was the style at the time).


13,816 posts

104 months

Thursday 14th June 2018
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anonymous said:
Apart from the time when they said they'd stopped development of it, most people assumed it was dead. They've only been using the "when it's finished" line in the last year or so.

(Re)Development of the game only started after the Witcher III's final expansion was released (in 2015). I can guarantee, whatever engine they were working with in 2013 wasn't current in 2015. EDIT: Googled it, they're using REDengine 4... which hasn't been released in any game to date (Cyberpunk 2077 is scheduled to be the first).

The game demonstrated at E3 is very different to the one promised in 2012 (trailer was released in 2013). Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing... but it is something to be weary of so i'm going to reserve judgement until it's released... which is?

Edited by captain_cynic on Thursday 14th June 16:09


6,832 posts

193 months

Thursday 14th June 2018
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Really liking the look for this, given the Deus Ex franchise is currently on ice.


Original Poster:

89,906 posts

293 months

Monday 18th June 2018
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Ciri has been to Night City -


Original Poster:

89,906 posts

293 months

Tuesday 19th June 2018
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Game journalist's reviews of the gameplay -


2,963 posts

208 months

Wednesday 20th June 2018
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FourWheelDrift said:
Game journalist's reviews of the gameplay -
I'm never sure if these reactions are genuine anymore or just for "views" and content - the game does sound awesome though. I just wish they'd release a 5min gameplay video so we can at least see and be the judge


6,863 posts

215 months

Monday 27th August 2018
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48-minute gameplay reveal that was just broadcast on twitch:


Original Poster:

89,906 posts

293 months

Monday 27th August 2018
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Looks fantastic especially as it's not finished gameplay.


7,534 posts

127 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Looks incredible IMO, can't wait for this