Kingdom come deliverance

Kingdom come deliverance



Original Poster:

1,509 posts

181 months

Friday 16th February 2018
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Anyone playing this?

I backed it on kickstarter ages ago, and all of a sudden, as if by magic, it appeared.

Realistic RPG set during real historic events in medieval Bohemia, you play a blacksmith's son on a revenge quest after his village and family are massacred by invading forces.

Already attracting controversy for being sexist and having no racial diversity, despite being set in authentic medieval Bohemia laugh

Good game but very hardcore, you start out rubbish at everything, practice is the key.

Edited by motorizer on Friday 16th February 12:19


8,573 posts

109 months

Friday 16th February 2018
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Sort of - I was an early Beta supporter but it was so riddled with bugs that I pretty much stopped.

I found the much vaunted combat system very hard to get working well. I'd do all the things properly but it seemed very slow and yoiu'd be clicking away and nothing would seem to happen and you'd get beaten every time.

Maybe time to revisit.

Racist & lacking diversity? Ffs!


Original Poster:

1,509 posts

181 months

Friday 16th February 2018
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I've only had one bug so far, an archery contest where my opponent didn't shoot, leaving me standing there like a lemon unable to do anything.
Some people are reporting that it's very buggy though, there was a big patch on day one.


89,914 posts

294 months

Friday 16th February 2018
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motorizer said:
I've only had one bug so far, an archery contest where my opponent didn't shoot, leaving me standing there like a lemon unable to do anything.
Some people are reporting that it's very buggy though, there was a big patch on day one.
This sold me -

Already mods available -

old thread -


2,914 posts

180 months

Monday 19th February 2018
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Bought it on release day, wish i'd got the 25% preorder discount as i've been hooked ever since, the story is a bit cringe worthy at times but overall is that game of thrones brutal feel without petite blondes getting ridden or cliche zombies never showing up.

However, the bugs are insane, i've had an entire castle that you end up in after the intro/prelude village not loading textures at all and only having characters and npcs showing. The random music skipping crash/loading bug which i can't find anything about and just general clunkiness is a bit of a downer.

For all the bugs i love this game, the story is perfect, the historical aspects of it are great and the codex chocked full of stuff akin to how mass effect built it's universe just without that great narrator.

If you can hack the bugs and want a skyrim-esque open world with plenty to do within the confines of side quests and main story you wont be let down, just be ready to enjoy bugs etc.

Edit: Locked (Easy) Hahahahahaha....hahahahah


Original Poster:

1,509 posts

181 months

Monday 19th February 2018
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The controls, combat, lockpicking etc... seem to improve as your character gets better. I think the clunkiness of that part of it is intentional, simulating being a noob at eveything.

Pro tip, practice, practice, practice, and (mild spoiler)don't attack the bandit camp until you are pretty good at fighting and have good armour. It dumps you into a hard boss fight with no warning.


3,352 posts

229 months

Thursday 22nd February 2018
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Now do I pick this up for £30 now and try playing it on an RX480@1080P, or do I wait until later in the year once I’ve got a better GPU and play it at 4K and probably pick it up for £10.

First world problems and all that.

Looks very good, albeit very buggy too.


1 posts

84 months

Saturday 24th February 2018
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I'm absolutely in love with this game, I've played so much mount and blade in the past and wished for a good medieval rpg.

I'm about 23 hours in and I feel like I hit the end of the first arc of the story, I'm on pc so mods have helped with some of the frustrations with saving and lockpicking I would of had on console.

It's been a while since I can say I sit at work waiting to get home to play a game but this has done it for me.


5,139 posts

227 months

Saturday 28th July 2018
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I picked this up in the Steam sale and I'm really enjoying it. You play a blacksmiths son (Henry) in 14th century Bohemia who gets caught up in circumstances beyond his control.

I find myself a lot more absorbed into the role of the character than I have in other RPGs. I think the reasons for this are:

He's an everyday sort of bloke who you can relate to.

The story is excellent and well told. I have literally laughed along with Henry and even um.....felt my eyes misting up at times.

The facial movements are amazingly nuanced, which they should be as they used actors and covered their faces with some sort of dot things to track every movement. This, coupled with good voice acting really helps with the immersion as the characters seem a lot more like real people.

It's the first game in a long time that I have been really impressed by the graphics.


2,547 posts

179 months

Saturday 28th July 2018
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I is a good game, I bought it on release and put seventy-odd hours into it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I agree the facial animations are good, amusingly so when you're drunk. If you get drunk then enter a cutscene, you continue to slur your words and sway when you're talking to that person. I recall failing a mission due to my inebriated state; (no spoilers) I was supposed to watch some women get naked in a forest, they agreed to let me watch but I had to stay quiet and away from them, so I hid in a bush. Sadly I decided to start drinking and this led to Henry burping and farting, and this gave away his position and cocked the mission up (the ladies didn't like that).

The new DLC which allows you to build a village seems quite interesting; by the end of my first playthrough I had a stack of cash but it wasn't quite enough to build the basic buildings so as to start earning money, so I couldn't go any further (I'd done all the missions by this point so there's no quick way of making money). I'd suggest doing that DLC as you go through the game rather than tacking it on to the end of an existing game you've recently finished (unless you have around 25k Groshen anyway).


89,914 posts

294 months

Thursday 5th September 2019
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Kingdom Come Deliverance is free for the weekend from now -

If you want to check it out.

Lurking Lawyer

4,535 posts

235 months

Friday 6th September 2019
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It's also available via Game Pass, for the Xbox-ers who might fancy giving it a go.

It's on my "To Play" list - but it's a long list, with a lot of half-completed games already on it! rolleyesbiggrin

Herr Schnell

2,349 posts

209 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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I'm playing it on Xbox through Game Pass at the moment.

Wasn't convinced at first but things seem to be getting less clunky and I'm not dying every time someone looks sideways at me now, it's really growing on me.

Even though I'm early into the game I'm already thinking a second play through is in order due to the options open and how they impact the game.

Decided that when I went drinking with the priest and thought what a pisser it would be to have passed up on that particular evening. I think all avenues need to be explored with this one.


717 posts

182 months

Friday 4th October 2019
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I've been playing this for a few weeks, got it through Gamepass.

Thankfully it's no longer infuriatingly difficult. There was a time after I'd taken my 7th or 8th pasting from a group of 6 Cumans that I very nearly gave up on the game.

Away from the bugs which really should have been fixed given how long the game has been available, the storyline is superb and the graphics excellent. I bought the 'From the Ashes' DLC as I fancied rebuilding Pribyslavitz, it's fun having your own village!


11,521 posts

294 months

Friday 4th October 2019
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I played for about 6 hours, and then got stuck at an infinite load screen, no matter which save game I loaded.

Couldn't be arsed starting it again, so it's sitting there until I've finished Bard's Tale IV (which is now fixed on the PC so that it actually starts up without crashing).


89,914 posts

294 months

Friday 4th October 2019
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mmm-five said:
Couldn't be arsed starting it again, so it's sitting there until I've finished Bard's Tale IV (which is now fixed on the PC so that it actually starts up without crashing).
Is the directors cut still graphically downgraded from the original or have they fixed that yet?


11,521 posts

294 months

Saturday 5th October 2019
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FourWheelDrift said:
Is the directors cut still graphically downgraded from the original or have they fixed that yet?
Never played the original, so can't tell, but the movement is a bit clunky and you have a short delay between pushing a key and an attack/block happening.


89,914 posts

294 months

Saturday 5th October 2019
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mmm-five said:
Never played the original, so can't tell, but the movement is a bit clunky and you have a short delay between pushing a key and an attack/block happening.
Original top, directors cut bottom image comparisons -


11,521 posts

294 months

Sunday 6th October 2019
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FourWheelDrift said:
Original top, directors cut bottom image comparisons -
Mine looks very similar in colour/texture/quality to the Director's Cut version - definitely not as nice/good as the original.


89,914 posts

294 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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Kingdom Come Deliverance (just the main game no DLC I am assuming as per their normal policy) will be free to own from the Epic Game store, available Feb 13th-20th.