Death Stranding



Original Poster:

1,225 posts

216 months

Tuesday 14th June 2016
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89,908 posts

293 months

Wednesday 29th May 2019
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to be released November 8th 2019

Full gameplay trailer -


1,962 posts

208 months

Friday 31st May 2019
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anybody got any clue about what this might be like!

i'm worried after the mish mash that MGS 5 was


89,908 posts

293 months

Friday 31st May 2019
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I have no idea, I don't think anyone does yet. I looks like a hiking simulator with random fighting and an un-skippable cutscene story thrown in.

Don Roque

18,067 posts

168 months

Monday 3rd June 2019
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It looks like a boring load of bks. Kojima's obsession with rubbish narrative continues, it seems. I bet Konami are glad to see the back of him.


89,908 posts

293 months

Thursday 12th September 2019
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Everyone favourite walking simulator, 48 minutes of gameplay from the Tokyo Gamescom


63 months

Thursday 12th September 2019
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FourWheelDrift said:
Everyone favourite walking simulator, 48 minutes of gameplay from the Tokyo Gamescom
I tried to watch it, but gave up. Does anything of any interest happen at any point during that demo? It appeared to be one guy with an unfeasibly large rucksack walking around endlessly in a landscape devoid of anything but rocks...maybe I just missed the bit where some gameplay happened....


89,908 posts

293 months

Thursday 12th September 2019
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JimSuperSix said:
FourWheelDrift said:
Everyone favourite walking simulator, 48 minutes of gameplay from the Tokyo Gamescom
I tried to watch it, but gave up. Does anything of any interest happen at any point during that demo? It appeared to be one guy with an unfeasibly large rucksack walking around endlessly in a landscape devoid of anything but rocks...maybe I just missed the bit where some gameplay happened....
Ah but the existentialism, the profoundness and, nothing really happens.


18,789 posts

237 months

Wednesday 6th November 2019
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If I had a Playstation i'd get this. Looks quite interesting.


6,472 posts

274 months

Wednesday 6th November 2019
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funkyrobot said:
If I had a Playstation i'd get this. Looks quite interesting.
it does?! I do have a Playstation, but I won't be buying it. Too many reviews saying "this won't be for everyone, but...", and reading between the lines they're trying quite hard to say it's not a boring game experience... Perhaps once it's cheap I'll give it a look, but not before then. Walking around a post-apocalyptic landscape can be excellent - see Horizon Zero Dawn for a prime example of that.

I'm unconvinced Death Stranding is going to be anything other than tedious, and an example of the games industry finding another way to mirror the film industry - this time by giving a big name director free rein to do what they want, with less than stellar results.

That said, if anyone's played it and found it to be excellent, I'd like to hear about it in case I'm missing out. smile


954 posts

115 months

Wednesday 6th November 2019
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I am also unsure about this game and I also have no idea what the game is supposed to be about. It is however from the maker of Metal Gear which IMHO where amazing.

I do like cut scenes which I am led to believe are in abundance but the timing is wrong. For a game to take many years to develop it seems to have had very little advertising and its also came out around the same time as FIFA and COD. I understand the Christmas boost but I have 2 new games I am currently playing so I will wait until next year to purchase and that will be depending on reviews.


1,798 posts

131 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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Has anyone played this yet? If so what are your thoughts. Most reviews have either been this is the best game ever made or the worst.

Be interested in hearing real peoples thoughts.


4,854 posts

206 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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Looks like the Emperor's new clothes to me.
Kojima attained this godlike status in the 90s and no one can publicly criticize his self indulgent work anymore. They rarely recapture the hype surrounding their first games as the world has moved on and experienced a lot of other decent games that HE now has to live up to.


973 posts

100 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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I watched a 2 hr live stream, it was weird cut scenes, and some walking about and falling over with a giant rucksack...I guess it's a bit over my head.


4,922 posts

162 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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I'm probably about half way through at this point, I'm enjoying it but I'm a bit fan of MGS games and it definitely has that feel without the reliance on stealth/gun-play.

Lots of undertones about climate change, fractured society and bringing people together - all by pretending to be an Amazon delivery person getting lots of like notifications when you do a good job wink

It's not going to be for everyone, but the visuals, soundtrack and hugeness will appeal to some I feel. There's also a level of working online with other players sharing the same game world but never seeing them in the world.

The hot mess of MGS5 has a lot due to the break down with Konami and the removal of a whole additional act to the game.


9,414 posts

179 months

Wednesday 13th November 2019
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I watched a live stream of this the other night. If you're into narrative driven games it seems great. The gameplay looks pretty decent too; bit of gunplay, open world, baddies.


18,789 posts

237 months

Wednesday 13th November 2019
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DanL said:
funkyrobot said:
If I had a Playstation i'd get this. Looks quite interesting.
it does?! I do have a Playstation, but I won't be buying it. Too many reviews saying "this won't be for everyone, but...", and reading between the lines they're trying quite hard to say it's not a boring game experience... Perhaps once it's cheap I'll give it a look, but not before then. Walking around a post-apocalyptic landscape can be excellent - see Horizon Zero Dawn for a prime example of that.

I'm unconvinced Death Stranding is going to be anything other than tedious, and an example of the games industry finding another way to mirror the film industry - this time by giving a big name director free rein to do what they want, with less than stellar results.

That said, if anyone's played it and found it to be excellent, I'd like to hear about it in case I'm missing out. smile
Everyone is different. You may like things I don't and vice versa.

I like slow burners and story driven games that have had some thought put into them. It seems like this game is an experience. I guess it's a bit like the two Bladerunner films. They are quite marmite, yet I enjoy both of them a lot because you watch them and think about them after.

I think that some are just labelling this as a walking simulator and not seeing the depth this game has. Maybe it's something you activate your imagination for? I don't know. hehe

You could say similar about a lot of things. For instance, F1 is just cars racing around a track. Simple. There is no thought behind it, the driver just gets in and goes as fast as they can until it ends. smile

I've seem reviews from some people who generally seem to think like me and they have said it's great. Others have said it's crap. It's quite dividing.

As for leaving Kojima off a leash, he split up with Konami and this has been made by his own studio. I have seen some comments questioning if this is good as sometimes he probably needs a no. However, let's see how this game does. If it is successful, it's worked.


18,789 posts

237 months

Wednesday 13th November 2019
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Art0ir said:
I watched a live stream of this the other night. If you're into narrative driven games it seems great. The gameplay looks pretty decent too; bit of gunplay, open world, baddies.
It was refreshing to see that footage release previously is the actual gameplay.

Just look at the st we are normally fed before a game materialises. hehe Fallout 76 anyone?


5,935 posts

199 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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I had a little go of this on a mates portable PS4 set up last week. It was quite good I thought, I've obviously missed all the set up of the story etc, but I think I'll get it when the prices come down or I can get it at CEX.

I did notice that when things go wrong (you meet a baddie for example) it goes wrong very badly, very quickly and it's quite intense trying to get away from or deal with the threat. i enjoyed, but then I'm currently addicted to Days Gone, so what do I know?! biglaugh


8,938 posts

269 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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This was just £40 when it first came out. Almost bought a PS4 just to have a go. Now it's £70. Says everything about how well it's doing...