nastiness between Star Citizen and The Escapist Magazine

nastiness between Star Citizen and The Escapist Magazine



Original Poster:

4,394 posts

243 months

Monday 5th October 2015
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Seems some employees, current and past are spilling some beans, if these genuine Heinz beans or Aldi knock offs I don't know.

Chris Roberts threatening lawsuit


3,861 posts

132 months

Monday 5th October 2015
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You get the feeling that this is the case if you watch the presentations, he rules by fear and is an angry man. I paid £50 towards the game and i'm expecting it to be a waste of money, the dog fight module and racing are quite good but it been a while since we have had anything significant.

The money will fritter away here and there and the game as we would want to see it wont materialise. We will get something, but it wont be very good.


2,209 posts

151 months

Monday 5th October 2015
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What does dodgy old Derek Smart have to do with all this?


89,925 posts

294 months

Monday 5th October 2015
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And laugh at some of the reviews on Glassdoor -

So far my time here has been amazing, I have literally been to space several times. Just last week I was hand feeding unicorns on the moon and all on the company dime! There was even a time where I slipped climbing into my space ship (Whoops!) Chris Roberts heroically jumped from the ground, caught me in mid air and then flew me back to the ground."


4,922 posts

163 months

Monday 5th October 2015
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I am not surprised.

The end of gaming Kickstarters hopefully after so many have failed to produce what they said they would, or a game at all.


4,206 posts

241 months

Monday 5th October 2015
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krunchkin said:
What does dodgy old Derek Smart have to do with all this?
Hes a bitter bitter man, who just like causing ste.


6,112 posts

213 months

Monday 5th October 2015
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Going by the development what they are doing is impressive. A bit of daily mail rubbish isn't going to make me instantly think "oh no the game will be crap". Yes things are moving slower than originally planned but then the project is pretty damn ambitious. I can see it taking a while to get it all linked together mind and the bugs will probably be abound for ages.


2,209 posts

151 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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joe_90 said:
krunchkin said:
What does dodgy old Derek Smart have to do with all this?
Hes a bitter bitter man, who just like causing ste.
Didn't Derek, in the very recent past, have a so called "WOW- killer" that hoovered up vast amounts of cash, turned out to be a complete WOW ripoff, and crashed and burned in spectacular style losing the investors all their money?


15,312 posts

201 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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If you watch Jingles' latest video he summarises the situation as well as mentioning in passing Smart's Battlecruiser 3000AD.

As a result I went and read the escapist's articles as well as RSI responses. It does look as though it might get more than a little messy.


Original Poster:

4,394 posts

243 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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Watched the Jingles Vid

Yeah, to take the Escapist to court they have to open up and prove the story is false.

The due diligence the Escapist has shown makes their story very credible.

x9 verified sources saying pretty the same thing.

No one will invest any money while the is going on.

Star Citizen is probably dead frown


2,209 posts

151 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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Link to vid please?


Original Poster:

4,394 posts

243 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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krunchkin said:
Link to vid please?

remember Jingles is a just a Joe public like the rest of us, he only reporting what has been published.


4,206 posts

241 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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cirian75 said:
Watched the Jingles Vid

Yeah, to take the Escapist to court they have to open up and prove the story is false.

The due diligence the Escapist has shown makes their story very credible.

x9 verified sources saying pretty the same thing.

No one will invest any money while the is going on.

Star Citizen is probably dead frown
Was the source not just glassdoor?


Original Poster:

4,394 posts

243 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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"To be clear on further allegations: None of our sources were Derek Smart and we did not get our information from Glassdoor. However, we do know that a couple sources did post on Glassdoor after talking to Lizzy."

br d

8,680 posts

236 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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Digger said:
If you watch Jingles' latest video he summarises the situation as well as mentioning in passing Smart's Battlecruiser 3000AD.

As a result I went and read the escapist's articles as well as RSI responses. It does look as though it might get more than a little messy.
I spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to get Battlecruiser Millennium running on my new sooper-dooper gaming rig, as ever it was a frustrating round of glitches and crashes. Real shame, loved that game for years, when it would run.


2,097 posts

267 months

Tuesday 6th October 2015
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I like the irony of Derek Smart critisising someone for overpromising and under-delivering. He's making himself out to be some "champion of the people" with this Roberts/Star Citizen project, but as mentioned, he's just a washed up dev looking for some limelight.

With SC, this lawsuit is crazy - it'll just pointlessly soak up all the investor money which is looking pretty short as it is.

As for ex-employees - every large corporation has some disguntled ex employess. Par for the course, it's just the way it goes. And I've yet to see any actual proof; surely if you get emails calling you names, first thing you do is keep a copy!


7,325 posts

178 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Some current employees also chipped in but wanted to remain anonymous. They pretty much confirmed everything that was said by the ex employees.


Original Poster:

4,394 posts

243 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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they could have easy got to the stage Elite Dangerous is at

and add the new bits later.

br d

8,680 posts

236 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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anonymous said:

That should be the byline when you log onto the site!


15,312 posts

201 months

Tuesday 27th October 2015
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Haven't searched online yet, but any updates?