iPhone App. The Simpsons - Tapped Out.

iPhone App. The Simpsons - Tapped Out.



Original Poster:

10,974 posts

166 months

Tuesday 25th September 2012
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I just wondered if anyone on here plays the above app. If not, and you own an apple device it can be found in the AppStore for FREE.

Now, I would not normally like these real-time virtual live games and tire of the requests to play various City/Cafe/Farm lives. I bet there is any virtual life you can lead if you wanted, but anyway back on topic.

I downloaded it because I had one space in my Games II folder, and OCD was kicking in so I had to fill it. I was not expecting much, but I am enjoying it and it takes less than two minutes to complete tasks and set new ones. It is a simple concept and I have a small little Springfield developing. I just set one in the morning, check after work. Job done!

Just me that enjoys it? smile


6,278 posts

189 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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If you're into tower defence games Kingdom Rush is a good one. Sorry if that means you have to start a Games III folder.


6,278 posts

189 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Downloaded Tapped Out. Despite having wifi it couldn't connect to the server so I can't play it. WOFTAM.


2,471 posts

164 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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It's a little temperamental at times, just try again!

I am enjoying it though it can be a little repetitive, I an level 8 just got milhouse


6,278 posts

189 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Switched off wifi and now it wants to download 40mb of patches.


Original Poster:

10,974 posts

166 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Gow3r said:
It's a little temperamental at times, just try again!

I am enjoying it though it can be a little repetitive, I an level 8 just got milhouse
I agree, hence why I do not spend vast amounts of time on it. I am Level 9. tongue out


1,652 posts

166 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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level 8 here as well just a few hundred short of getting level 9, got Mill House now. Not to bad of a game


654 posts

211 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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I'm spending an inordinate amount of time on this game......it's like those japanese sand box/garden things when rearranging the town, quite relaxing. Level 10 now, takes a while as I'm not buying donuts or anything to speed it up.

The only thing I haven't done is add any friends towns - can we have a PH swap shop of towns? I'm on iPad.


17,555 posts

204 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Just downloading too biggrin


583 posts

272 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Level 14. Its like crack...


4,341 posts

184 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Been playing this for the last few days, seems ok. only at level 9


11,098 posts

191 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Goa'uld said:
I'm spending an inordinate amount of time on this game......it's like those japanese sand box/garden things when rearranging the town, quite relaxing. Level 10 now, takes a while as I'm not buying donuts or anything to speed it up.

The only thing I haven't done is add any friends towns - can we have a PH swap shop of towns? I'm on iPad.
I'm a Billy no mates too!.

I'm also on an IPad, level 13 at the moment.

It seems quite good.

Minicooper1275 is the name if anybody from here would like to add me.


654 posts

211 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Goauld69 is mine since you can't have spaces or an apostraphe.


17,555 posts

204 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Don't have wifi on at the moment and I've already had my 'you are running out of your allowance' text from o2. I certainly won't be downloading 40mb worth of updates before I play it!


2,471 posts

164 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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I have not set up an Origen (Sp?) account so cannot make friends with you all.

It is so slow with no doughnuts! Currently building the pink house!


4,060 posts

224 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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I played it for a bit. I got to level 17 when it just decided to delete everything I did and I had to start again. It seems quite a common occurrence judging by the iTunes reviews. In a rage I deleted it and haven't even thought about reinstalling it since. I made my spingfield look like it was a floating island surrounded by the river landscaping.


Original Poster:

10,974 posts

166 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Any screenshots of people Springfield? I need inspiration. yes


654 posts

211 months

Friday 28th September 2012
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If you login now you get a free Duff Racer, I've just stuck a small track into my Springfield - now need to get more land to make a better circuit haha.


Original Poster:

10,974 posts

166 months

Friday 28th September 2012
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Haha! I found the F1 Duff Car. I wanna do a track now. hehe


810 posts

232 months

Friday 28th September 2012
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What's the benefit of adding other people?