Doom Eternal



13,855 posts

168 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
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If anyone was on the fence about the new DLC, don't bother, it's st.


739 posts

74 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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I was surprised at how many replies actively don't like it, but then I remembered that since I paused playing it (due to another new game) I'm not in such a rush to get back to it.

I prefer 2016 in terms of fighting and difficulty, but I like the fact that the new levels on Eternal provide a new opportunity to find and unlock secrets.


1,746 posts

80 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Maybe it’s just me but I really enjoyed the fast paced crazy action of eternal. Completed it on ultra violence when it came out and had a blast. Did all the sentinel gates too, thought they were great. I was looking forward to the DLC but now I might read some reviews first before buying.

Are you guys playing on controller? I don’t know how I could play this without a mouse and keyboard.


1,895 posts

123 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Grrbang said:
I was surprised at how many replies actively don't like it, but then I remembered that since I paused playing it (due to another new game) I'm not in such a rush to get back to it.

I prefer 2016 in terms of fighting and difficulty, but I like the fact that the new levels on Eternal provide a new opportunity to find and unlock secrets.
Admittedpy, I've gone from Doom Eternal in to Assassin's Creed Origins. Really enjoying that at the moment but do need to get back into and finish off Doom at some point

What's actually wrong with the DLC then?


1,895 posts

123 months

Sunday 22nd November 2020
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Wow I have had to knock back the difficulty on God it's got to the point where by there were so many enemies on screen I didn't know where to shoot hehe

It's almost like the difficulty curve has jumped up a notch whilst I'm hunting for Dr Hayden......

Now on the easiest setting......apparently hehe


1,730 posts

205 months

Monday 23rd November 2020
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I just bought it on the amazon sale. Physical version for pc with some steel plate artwork thing.

I'll need to dig out my external dvd drive just to get it to work!

I enjoyed 2016 though thought it became a little bit long and drawn out later on.


A Winner Is You

25,055 posts

230 months

Tuesday 24th November 2020
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Given that most of the stuff I've ordered from there as been pretty good, I'm tempted to put this next to my Revenant statue


6,821 posts

209 months

Tuesday 24th November 2020
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A Winner Is You said:
Given that most of the stuff I've ordered from there as been pretty good
Apt username given what a lottery aliexpress is biggrin (I know it's from the NES game btw)

A Winner Is You

25,055 posts

230 months

Tuesday 24th November 2020
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At least that item has user reviews and photos so I can feel fairly safe, plus I recently bought the pair of Resident Evil statues which were surprisingly good quality for about 10% of the price the genuine ones go for.


1,691 posts

187 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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I just cannot get past the bit where you get your sword thing back. Totally ruined it for me. I have it on low difficulty to have fun! ffs


10,042 posts

287 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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£16.49 on Steam at the moment.

Harrison Bergeron

5,444 posts

225 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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Don't bother with the DLC it's ste.


2,967 posts

202 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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Got it on sale the other week and going through it on PS4 just now. It's not bad, but so far it's just seeming a bit too difficult and (from what I remember) it just doesn't seem to flow as well as 2016 did while I don't really mind the puzzles too much, it just seems to go from being locked in an arena with a stack of enemies, platform puzzle, locked in an arena, another puzzle...


1,895 posts

123 months

Sunday 29th November 2020
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Completed this yesterday and was looking forward to the multiplayer........WTF. No single player or Team deathmatch?? Very disappointing as I was looking forward to playing the multiplayer.....

Uninstalled now as I gave the online thing one go and it was pretty rubbish....


1,730 posts

205 months

Sunday 29th November 2020
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Had my first session of getting slapped stupid on Nightmare mode yesterday.

Definitely not easy.


1,895 posts

123 months

Monday 30th November 2020
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Steven_RW said:
Had my first session of getting slapped stupid on Nightmare mode yesterday.

Definitely not easy.
Good luck for the later levels hehe


843 posts

51 months

Monday 28th December 2020
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Got it cheap from the PS Store, having been recommended it by two friends. It's intense. IIRC it's more intense than DOOM 2016 which I didn't really enjoy. What I've seen so far is great.


6,700 posts

106 months

Monday 28th December 2020
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Ian974 said:
Got it on sale the other week and going through it on PS4 just now. It's not bad, but so far it's just seeming a bit too difficult and (from what I remember) it just doesn't seem to flow as well as 2016 did while I don't really mind the puzzles too much, it just seems to go from being locked in an arena with a stack of enemies, platform puzzle, locked in an arena, another puzzle...
Flow is an appropriate word. The best level levels in 2016 (and earlier) were when you just pressed on killing demons, moving too fast to really think about it or do silly stuff like looking for secrets. Arcade mode in 2016 comes close to this, you have to just kill the maximum amount of demons in the shortest time, nothing else matters.

It’s the jumping in Eternal that pisses me off. It’s adds nothing to the game play, and is just a pain. I’ve got to some stage in Exultia where I can’t be arsed to solve the jump/extended jump combination.


450 posts

112 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Bought my copy during the Steam sale after loving 2016. Just completed my first playthrough on Ultra Violence and had an absolute blast. Here are a few of my observations.

1. I love how it has become more complex. The fights were leaving me pumped up after being put under increasing pressure. I do want to play more and become better at weapon combos!
2. Platforming was fun and added a little more complexity.
3. The most stable game I have played. No crashes in 18 hours of play.
4. Soundtrack. The intro gets me hyped up every time.
5. The final boss was an absolute slog. But the satisfaction in killing him was immense.

It isn't a game for the run and gunners. Requires insane mobility, chainsaw use, grenade/flame belch utilisation but when you start chaining some combos together its hugely rewarding.

Breezed through the first Master Level still on Ultra Violence. Going back to do levels which have outstanding secrets, might even go for the full 100%.