Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020



Original Poster:

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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Narcisus said:
OK First flight time !! Put EGNX into select departure airport ....

No EGNX ...

Interesting biggrin

Edit... Sorry yes that maps a bit high !

Here we go ...

Edited by Narcisus on Tuesday 18th August 17:27
Working after reboot


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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And ... Now there is no sound .... Oh and I have to set my X52 up from scratch ....

You know what ? I just cant be arsed wasting my time with it .... I've uninstalled and i'll revisit when it's finished ....

Back to P3D ...

Edited by Narcisus on Tuesday 18th August 17:59


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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andycambo said:
Narcisus said:
And ... Now there is no sound .... Oh and I have to set my X52 up from scratch ....

You know what ? I just cant be arsed wasting my time with it .... I've uninstalled and i'll revisit when it's finished ....

Back to P3D ...

Edited by Narcisus on Tuesday 18th August 17:59
My Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 isn't recognised and that was a pain to set up. I can't imagine what yours with extra buttons would take you!

So far, I haven't even flown because I've been mapping the joystick since my keyboard doesn't have a numpad, so I couldn't disengage the parking brake (couldn't find the lever/switch in the aircraft either). It isn't a smooth process.

So far, it reminds me a little of Microsoft Flight (which was a flop). A little in between serious sim and fun. Looking forward to getting stuck in more though.
Yes let me know what you think .... I've spent countless hours setting my joystick up in the sim and i'm just sick and tired of doing it.


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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RobM77 said:
I’ve got a Thrustmaster HOTAS controller and FS had already mapped all 13 buttons to exactly what I normally set them to.
If only I had a Thrustmaster smile


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Original Poster:

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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Check this out biggrin ! How would you have reviewed if this hardware had dropped into your lap ..... ?

Wonder how much kit Microsoft sent out ?


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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kowalski655 said:
Narcisus said:
Check this out biggrin ! How would you have reviewed if this hardware had dropped into your lap ..... ?

Wonder how much kit Microsoft sent out ?
No wonder he loved it!
How does a a channel with 166K followers get all that ,I bet Worth a Buy(262K followers) didnt get one biggrin
He also wouldna listen to the words, the words ....... of the developer ....


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8,137 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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ash73 said:
So what's the verdict, any good?

I assume it's multiplayer? Can you see other people flying about?

Some formation flying should be fun!


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8,137 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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ash73 said:
So what's the verdict, any good?

I assume it's multiplayer? Can you see other people flying about?

Some formation flying should be fun!
Like I said previously ... For me personally... Has potential ... When its finished ...


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8,137 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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ash73 said:
Er, that doesn't sound very enthusiastic.

On page 4 I predicted:

ash73 said:
Too much emphasis on how it looks, not enough on how it flies.
Is it just clunky UI that's unfinished?

It is multiplayer, right? Oddly I haven't seen any videos of people flying together yet.
When I started this thread I felt like a 51 year old kid ... Fantastic news.... I now have zero interest in it.... I dont really care if it succeeds or fails at the moment. It should not have been released in the state it's in. I'm fed up with it.,


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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DoubleSix said:
Yeah, we get that...
I'll sleep better tonight knowing you get that. Thanks smile


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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strudel said:
Well, I've got an X52 pro and it worked fine smile

Took a flight from Kemble to Thruxton earlier, managed to do it entirely without a map, just following the road. It probably helps that I can drive it without a map as well though! Some of the buildings are not quite the right type, but they're in the right place so from a thousand feet or so it's all very pleasant.

The only bizarre moment so far is a van that drove down the runway at me at Kemble, but then I didn't exactly ask for takeoff clearance...
Good i'm using an X52 not a Pro smile I'm glad you are happy with the sim.


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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DoubleSix said:
Yeah, we get that...

If you were expecting this come out the box and be the finished article then that's a case of over-expectation.

Asobo/MS have attempted a scale and ambition like nothing we've seen before. It represents an amazing starting point and will, I suspect, evolve into the class leader in time.

Anyone that's been around 'gaming' in the last century knows not to expect a finished piece on release day.

Edited by DoubleSix on Tuesday 18th August 21:12
Really ? Do you post much in the Video Games forum ? Oh.... Forgot to mention I had put 230 hours into the Alpha and Beta so I had a pretty good idea what to expect .... How much have you played the game ?

Edited by Narcisus on Tuesday 18th August 21:20


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Original Poster:

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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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DoubleSix said:
Narcisus said:
DoubleSix said:
Yeah, we get that...

If you were expecting this come out the box and be the finished article then that's a case of over-expectation.

Asobo/MS have attempted a scale and ambition like nothing we've seen before. It represents an amazing starting point and will, I suspect, evolve into the class leader in time.

Anyone that's been around 'gaming' in the last century knows not to expect a finished piece on release day.

Edited by DoubleSix on Tuesday 18th August 21:12
Really ? Do you post much in the Video Games forum ? Oh.... Forgot to mention I had put 230 hours into the Alpha and Beta so I had a pretty good idea what to expect .... How much have you played the game ?

Edited by Narcisus on Tuesday 18th August 21:20
No, you didn't forget to mention. You declared yourself an authority a few pages back...

Not sure why you're so surprised at the content released today given your extensive playtime, most reviewers seemed to know what they were getting and view it as a good starting point for the series reboot, albeit obviously unfinished.
I wasn't surprised smile I declared myself an authority did I ? biggrin


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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DoubleSix said:
If you knew it wasn't your thing before, and now know it's not your thing again (albeit not surprised obvs), then maybe just step back and let others formulate their view without pissing all over peoples release day exploration of the thing. It is what it is.
Ahhh is that what I'm doing lol ! Fair enough... .... Right that's me done on this thread I'll be back when things improve smile


Original Poster:

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283 months

Wednesday 19th August 2020
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kowalski655 said:
Narcisus said:
kowalski655 said:
Narcisus said:
Check this out biggrin ! How would you have reviewed if this hardware had dropped into your lap ..... ?

Wonder how much kit Microsoft sent out ?
No wonder he loved it!
How does a a channel with 166K followers get all that ,I bet Worth a Buy(262K followers) didnt get one biggrin
He also would listen to the words, the words ....... of the developer before I crash the fking plane!....
FTFY smile
Yeah saw last night biggrin Thumbs up from mack.


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283 months

Friday 21st August 2020
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klunkT5 said:
Grrbang said:
During installation you should be able to manually select a file path for installation of the 90GB files. I wanted D which had 250GB available rather than C which had nothing available. It seemed to get confused between which drive C or D had space available, but by manually changing the install path to D it worked ok.

Mine also froze after the download like lots of people, but you just have to close and relaunch.

During play I got long stutters, but the fix seems to be taking FS2020 window out of focus view by having another window in the foreground.

Typical PC game and typical Microsoft!
Cheers for getting back mate, I finally got it installed on the drive i want, It's buggy as hell though, It recognises my joystick but my joystick and button's don't function! Thank fck it's on game pass for a quid! I think i will be giving this a miss untill the Devs sort this $hit show out!

Edited by klunkT5 on Friday 21st August 05:13
Didn't you know all games software is now released in this state ??? !!! You should have expected and anticipated it !! It's only day 4 so suck it up and have some patience ! It will be patched and working in the next 10 years dont you know !! Stop trying to ruin it for everyone else !!!!


As an aside I relented and gave it a few hours yesterday ... My opinion has not changed and I went back to enjoying P3D. As SP says if I had paid for it I would have been even more disgruntled.

p.s. Love the trees growing out of the ships in Southampton lol !


Original Poster:

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283 months

Friday 21st August 2020
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Original Poster:

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283 months

Friday 21st August 2020
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El stovey said:
Narcisus said:
p.s. Love the trees growing out of the ships in Southampton lol !
The tree generator definitely needs to be turned down a bit. I was flying around New York and I think there’s even trees on the intrepid aircraft carrier museum.
Are you sure the carrier isnt 'Valley Forge' ? biggrin

p.s. Thats a bit nerdy and you may not get it !