Fallout 4


Negative Creep

25,054 posts

230 months

Sunday 8th December 2013
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GG89 said:
BrewsterBear said:
fjord said:
Well, might as well put FO4 on the 'never gonna happen shelf', just next to Half Life 3, and another Master & Commander movie.
I wouldn't go that far. Fallout is far too profitable a franchise for them not to continue it. It could, however, be 2015 before it arrives.
Absolutely, I'd wager it will happen. Maybe not soon, but it will and it will be amazing.
I don't understand how they can crank out a new Medal of Honor, Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed every year whereas the likes of Doom, Quake, Starcaft, Metroid etc sit untouched


3,534 posts

189 months

Sunday 8th December 2013
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They're all much of a muchness though.

When games like fallout/gta etc come out they're usually pretty special.


12,719 posts

158 months

Sunday 8th December 2013
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TheEnd said:
Yep, the whole 1950's atomic style was much more atmospheric.
I love it. The 50's modernist style is beautiful. Makes me wish I lived in 50's US!


21,025 posts

190 months

Sunday 8th December 2013
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DKS said:
ArsE92 said:
Ufff. Any links to the FO3 stuff please?

Cheers. Just downloading FO3 now.

Does anyone have it running ok on Windows 8?


1,629 posts

158 months

Sunday 8th December 2013
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call of duty etc are usually all just re-hashed games, scripted missions telling you where to go and when the enemies come at you,

fallout is a massive game with a huge open map with loads of explorable building etc. the amount of work required to make just the map would be huge, then add in the characters, amount of enemies, hundreds of missions and side quests, and it will have to look good on the next gen console, so i would predict its still a long way off, i would be looking late 2015 before we were close to a game.


75,256 posts

275 months

Sunday 8th December 2013
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Sad to hear it's a hoax as I really want a Fo4. frown

I think it's going to happen, as Bethesda traditionally alternate between Fallout and Elder Scrolls, and the Skyrim engine would be ideal for a Fallout game. Quite when, though, is another matter.

Like others, I thought Fo:NV was inferior to Fo3. With the latter, you got a sense of humanity holding on to existence by its fingernails, whereas in New Vegas it seemed that things were pretty ok. It didn't really feel that post-apocalyptic.

One of the things I really love is the whole retro-futurism vibe, with all the Art Deco and dieselpunk elements. That's probably why I loved the Bioshock games so much too.

Currently playing Metro: Last Light, and it is *very* on-rails. I'm starting to lose engagement on that now though and beginning to wonder if I'm going to stick with it.


18,039 posts

162 months


88,883 posts

287 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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Negative Creep said:
Happy82 said:
GG89 said:
I really need to get a hold of FO3 after reading comments on here.

Loved new vegas such a cool atmosphere.
I thought FO3 was much better than New Vegas, however I did enjoy both smile
I thought New Vegas improved a lot of small bits (companion usefulness, reputation with factions, map variety) but somehow felt less than the sum of its parts. But in both games half the fun was seeing which ridiculous glitch you'd run in to next
I have FO3 and New Vegas. FO3 is no longer installed, New Vegas still is and is still used, with mods like A world of Pain, Monster Mod, Project Nevada, Nevada Skies, Warzones, rePopulated Mojave, Mission Mojave, EVE, WMX all the HD Gfx, sounds and weapons mods and still being catered for with updates and new mods.

slight OT, has anyone installed the Oblivion total conversion Nehrim? - http://www.nehrim.de/startEV.html


1,498 posts

174 months

Thursday 12th December 2013
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Just as an aside, fallouts 1 and 2 are free on GOG.com for the next day or so.
Completely different to the newer games, turn based with an isometric view, but very good storylines and the world reacts to your actions much more than the newer ones, and in more subtle ways.

fallout tactics is also free today which is a jagged alliance style tactical combat game in the fallout world.

should run on the most ancient and outdated PCs with no trouble since they are very old games (or on your works laptop biggrin)

Edited by motorizer on Thursday 12th December 20:10


1,304 posts

127 months

Thursday 12th December 2013
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Original Poster:

1,511 posts

195 months

Thursday 12th December 2013
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confucuis said:
I saw this yesterday. After survivor2299.com I'm reluctant to believe it. Think I'll wait for a Bethesda announcement before getting my hopes up.


715 posts

209 months

Wednesday 18th December 2013
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Looks like next year is an unrealistic prospect



Original Poster:

1,511 posts

195 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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I know, I know. I shouldn't get my hopes up, but VGX is coming on December 5th and given Bethesda announced Skyrim at this event 4 years ago I live in hope. There are more than a few rumours flying around that this will be where it happens.


96 posts

176 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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strong thread revival


75,256 posts

275 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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The only thing that concerns me is how many times they can tell essentially the same story. I mean, I want another Fallout as much as the next person here, but I do wonder where they will go plot-wise.

Negative Creep

25,054 posts

230 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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As part of my course last night I had to pick an object that represented me as a person. I picked a copy of Fallout 3 since I reasoned it was about going through life by yourself, making your own moral decisions and how that has an impact on the way other people see you


70,095 posts

232 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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JonRB said:
The only thing that concerns me is how many times they can tell essentially the same story. I mean, I want another Fallout as much as the next person here, but I do wonder where they will go plot-wise.
Just another city will do me. More weapons to create, more random quests to undertake. Basically, more of the same but on a PS4 will make me very happy.


Original Poster:

1,511 posts

195 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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A relatively compelling case for a VGA reveal here;



13,855 posts

168 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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enemi said:
strong thread revival
Thread revival of peace


75,256 posts

275 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Mastodon2 said:
enemi said:
strong thread revival
Thread revival of peace
For great justice!