Elite: Dangerous



1,577 posts

191 months

Saturday 14th December 2013
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No mans sky looks awesome! That was announced at the recent vgx awards. IF they can make the game like the demo they've got a massive winner.


29,395 posts

202 months

Saturday 14th December 2013
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It uses Newtonian physics, but the powerful engines on the ships mean that it has enough thrust to fly around like a WW2 fighter, up to a certain speed limit. That's the excuse, anyway. wink


10,040 posts

241 months

Sunday 15th December 2013
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The Newtonian model was great for realism in Frontier & F:FE but crap for playability - zipping past each other at those speeds make fun combat nigh on impossible.

If we're after 'realism' then move to a model where the pilot does nothing but giving instructions and setting targets - let the computers do the rest.

Personally I'd rather have the unrealistic fun of Elite than realism.


1,498 posts

174 months

Sunday 15th December 2013
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ash73 said:
I thought the new BSG series achieved a good compromise of realism, with fighters still taking part in fun dogfights but able to flip 180 and fire backwards and stuff like that; and sound limited to vibrations within the ship.
You can do that in elite dangerous if you turn flight assist mode off. And I believe they said your sound simulation can break, leaving you in silence, though it currently just goes all muffled if you cockpit glass breaks

relevant stuff about sound here, you can turn off the external sounds.


Edited by motorizer on Sunday 15th December 12:00


2,027 posts

260 months

Sunday 15th December 2013
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IainT said:
The Newtonian model was great for realism in Frontier & F:FE but crap for playability - zipping past each other at those speeds make fun combat nigh on impossible.
Yeah the space jousting just isn't fun. I understand the need for some levels of realism but they have to be balanced with enjoyable gameplay.

Dr Banjo

678 posts

152 months

Sunday 15th December 2013
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Something is not sitting well...

I absolutely loved Elite, it was a complete game changer.

With some great coding they managed to give us a multiple galaxies, strange planet names, impromptu missions and a play as you feel destiny.

The big appeal of Elite was that it allowed you to control your destiny in a multi galaxy environment within the limits of the 8 bit 6502 based BBC Micro.

It was awesome then....


10,040 posts

241 months

Sunday 15th December 2013
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Dr Banjo said:
It was awesome then....
I think we have to set our expectations realistically. It's unlikely to have the same impact on us now as the original did when we were in our teens and just hadn't seen anything as unlimited.

Elite is still a good game but it's not really going to keep anyone's attention for long now.

Rose tinted visors and all that.

nick heppinstall

8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 16th December 2013
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Dr Banjo said:
Something is not sitting well...

I absolutely loved Elite, it was a complete game changer.

With some great coding they managed to give us a multiple galaxies, strange planet names, impromptu missions and a play as you feel destiny.

The big appeal of Elite was that it allowed you to control your destiny in a multi galaxy environment within the limits of the 8 bit 6502 based BBC Micro.

It was awesome then....
True but how long is it since we had a really good 'Space' game ? I used to love Freelancer, Privateer, I-War. I never managed to get into X3 although I did try.

If Elite turns out to be in the same ilk then i'm sure i'll enjoy it.


24,438 posts

231 months

Monday 16th December 2013
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nick heppinstall said:
Dr Banjo said:
Something is not sitting well...

I absolutely loved Elite, it was a complete game changer.

With some great coding they managed to give us a multiple galaxies, strange planet names, impromptu missions and a play as you feel destiny.

The big appeal of Elite was that it allowed you to control your destiny in a multi galaxy environment within the limits of the 8 bit 6502 based BBC Micro.

It was awesome then....
True but how long is it since we had a really good 'Space' game ? I used to love Freelancer, Privateer, I-War. I never managed to get into X3 although I did try.

If Elite turns out to be in the same ilk then i'm sure i'll enjoy it.
I have played the Star Wars stuff but I hear that it's pretty involving.

I'm an Eve Online player and it's pretty damn good - whether it's the format for you is a different matter but it's a cracking 'Space' game.


1,498 posts

174 months

Tuesday 4th March 2014
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Well my hare brained scheme of buying FDEV shares in the hope they would rise enough to pay for the extortionate price of an upgrade to alpha actually worked, so I've had my hands on this for about a month now.
Great fun, if a little bare bones at this stage. Single player is very polished and stable, multiplayer can be a bit buggy.
Saw this video today which shows just how good it can look.



9,225 posts

260 months

Tuesday 4th March 2014
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Ooh loving those thrusters / maneuverability!

br d

8,505 posts

229 months

Wednesday 5th March 2014
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Paid 200 quid to get in the Alpha and the next day my gaming rig died. It's been back and forth a couple of times for major repairs but still having issues, so 3 months later and I still haven't payed it frown


1,498 posts

174 months


2,691 posts

204 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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now that looks very good biggrin


1,498 posts

174 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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Managed to have a go now, and docked once (first time biggrin), then flew out and hyperspaced away, killed a pirate and got some bounty then it froze when I hyperspaced back to the station. The freezing problem is connectivity issues with other players and their number 1 priority is fixing it. Seems to happen most of the time for me.

It's cool flying around inside the station, or just sitting on the launchpad watching other players have disasters.

The game is persistent now, you can equip your ship or buy a new one with the money you gain, and you have to repair damage now. The last alpha build was separate scenarios, only your money and stats were persistent.


9,225 posts

260 months

Friday 11th April 2014
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Right, just have to say "Holy fking st this is awesome!"

I couldn't get into the game with the xbox controller or mouse and keyboard so decided to invest a little bit of bonus into a HOTAS controller (Saitek X52 Pro). Logged in and did much better on the missions. Then decided to just see if my TrackIR worked...hell yeah, right out of the box it worked!

Now all I need to do is spend some real time with the game and I can see just how cool it's going to be. I even managed to land, although I'm really not sure why I keep getting docking pad errors, the damn things switch as often as I look at the screen!

I think I'ma bit wanted as I went onto multiplayer and assumed that it was like Eve, so saw another payer outside the station looking all slow and easy..."pewpewpew". First kill, oh and then the screen went red and I think I died! OK so the station / local police force didn't like that.

Tried to go to what seem to be the PVP areas but get a mass error? Have to research what that's about. Not sure how to earn money yet either but damn if it's not a fun game, even in Alpha/Beta/whatever.

May suck up some proper time this and I can't wait (even if my missus does call me sad!)


1,498 posts

174 months

Friday 11th April 2014
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Mass error means you are too close to the station to jump, need to fly away a bit.

Docking pad errors are a known bug, not had it myself for a while though. some of the multiplayer areas are a bit buggy, the co-op one in particular as it spawns multiple capital ships.

You get money from killing ships in the combat areas, or stealing cargo or bounty hunting in the asteroid belt.

I bought a trackIR just last week purely to play this game smile game seems built for headtracking.
It should come in handy in arma and other games too...
was considering a rift, but I'm adopting a wait and see policy on that.

Edited by motorizer on Friday 11th April 22:01


76,802 posts

285 months

Friday 11th April 2014
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Wow. The space stations are so detailed! I still remember when they looked like they were related to houses drawn by 5 year olds.


1,498 posts

174 months

Thursday 15th May 2014
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Alpha 4 has just downloaded, all I can say is Wow!

Done a trade run, made some credits, flown into the rings of of a planet.... just awesome biggrin

someone's youtube video of a hyperspace jump



1,523 posts

186 months

Thursday 15th May 2014
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Here's my video of hyperspace, supercruise and docking in the new Alpha 4.0 smile
