Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020



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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Original Poster:

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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Interesting ... Can someone try this ? One guy on AVSIM saying he cant select Stuttgart ( EDDS ) airport to fly from or to because it's not in Bing Maps. Another poster says there are loads of airports like this ....


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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BobSaunders said:
Narcisus said:
Said it before ... The sensible thing to do would be not to pre-order and to try it on Game Pass for a while ....
Oh my how i laughed at this comment on the 30th July a few pages back...
biggrin I did my best !


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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Original Poster:

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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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El stovey said:
Narcisus said:
BobSaunders said:
Narcisus said:
Said it before ... The sensible thing to do would be not to pre-order and to try it on Game Pass for a while ....
Oh my how i laughed at this comment on the 30th July a few pages back...
biggrin I did my best !
I thought, that guy knows something. and he’s going to be quiet soon or handing out some I told you so.

I’m downloading it on game pass but it’s still MS flight sim, it’s going to be great (eventually) isn’t it?

I definitely wouldn’t pre order it though, unless I got loads of free add ons etc.
Yeah I think it will be great. I think it's good now just needs time to mature.


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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BobSaunders said:
Narcisus said:
El stovey said:
Narcisus said:
BobSaunders said:
Narcisus said:
Said it before ... The sensible thing to do would be not to pre-order and to try it on Game Pass for a while ....
Oh my how i laughed at this comment on the 30th July a few pages back...
biggrin I did my best !
I thought, that guy knows something. and he’s going to be quiet soon or handing out some I told you so.

I’m downloading it on game pass but it’s still MS flight sim, it’s going to be great (eventually) isn’t it?

I definitely wouldn’t pre order it though, unless I got loads of free add ons etc.
Yeah I think it will be great. I think it's good now just needs time to mature.
Agreed on this. I'm just throwing my toys out of the pram on what are just simple basics that MS should have got right for launch day. It just means for some of us launch day is not launch day, and versley the excitement of cyberpunk 2077 has also been affected.
Yeah I'm with you Bob... BUT ... I remember feeling exactly then same way with FSX when it was launched. It's just time ... It's a shame Microsoft and Asobo have taken the excitement out of the launch for some.


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Rojibo said:
Lovely day for it chaps.

Can't get over how pretty this game is, looking forward to getting it on a new 38" Ultrawide and a new 3000 series card to really push it. A few bugs have cropped up now - ATC has just turned into static noise, and live pause causes some unexpected, horrifying results.

I also can't help but feel MS pretty much stuck their middle finger up at anyone pre-ordering this through Steam! Also a bit let down with how no British cities are accurately modelled, I was hoping Manchester would be more accurate than it is. Going to pass over London soon on the descent to Heathrow so excited to see how that looks.
Gibraltar for the only UK airport biggrin ! Why not Manchester or even East Mids ? GIBRALTER !!!! ??? Have you seen how many US airports there are in the Standard Version ?


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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Tell you something else ( sad I know ) that I will really miss ... Replay .... I was flying my Aerosoft Lightning the other day and doing touch and go's and overshoots at Coningsby then watching the reply in various weather conditions... Moving the cam to the end of the runway ...

Cant do it ( yet) in FS2020...

Oh yes then did some circuits with my Rift S smile in the same F6 ... I have a feeling VR support is going to be some time ....


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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Just read that there is no default profile yet for the X52 ! Also looks like loads of people having trouble with the peripheral setup and assignments ...

It's not very user friendly .... No profile for the X52 is just lazy ....


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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Original Poster:

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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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S13_Alan said:
Narcisus said:
Just read that there is no default profile yet for the X52 ! Also looks like loads of people having trouble with the peripheral setup and assignments ...

It's not very user friendly .... No profile for the X52 is just lazy ....
Weird my X52 appears to have something there by default.

I did nothing to configure it yet it recognised the controllers and when I go into it all the buttons have functions assigned. View, trim, landing gear etc. It even includes an image to the right of the mappings showing me what all the button numbers on it are.

Is this totally different to what other people are seeing or am I being daft?
Thats good news then ! Yeah reading some threads where X52 not recognized at all. No picture etc. with others saying there is just a profile for the X56 Rhino. I'll report back when I've tried it myself....

Still I need an excuse for that Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS so might just pretend it's not working anyway .... biggrin


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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Looks like the Forums are down at ...... That's convenient ! So much for Azure ! biggrin


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Tuesday 18th August 2020
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kowalski655 said:
Can you link yaw to roll so they work together automatically? The Z axis on my X56 is FUBAR so I hope you can,like you could in FSX
Sorry cant answer that but ... Be nice to have an appraisal of the X56 ! Worthy upgrade to my still working fine 16 year old X52 ?


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283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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kowalski655 said:
Narcisus said:
Sorry cant answer that but ... Be nice to have an appraisal of the X56 ! Worthy upgrade to my still working fine 16 year old X52 ?
I would say so. It's nice and chunky, loads of buttons, too many sometimes, quite easy to assign stuff, RGB lighting makes it look nice, etc.
Sometimes throttle seems a tad stiff but it adjusts, and joystick springs sometimes jam up on me making the stick floppy, but that may be because I've used the wrong tension.
Definitely worth the upgrade IMHO
Cheers smile


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8,137 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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Well there you go ... Wish I didn't have such a rare HOTAS setup ..... First game EVER thats not detected my X52 ...


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th August 2020
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OK First flight time !! Put EGNX into select departure airport ....

No EGNX ...

Interesting biggrin

Edit... Sorry yes that maps a bit high !

Here we go ...

Edited by Narcisus on Tuesday 18th August 17:27