Fallout 4



88,873 posts

287 months

Sunday 28th April
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FourWheelDrift said:
I was looking for 4k textures to install in case Fallout London uses them.
Unless anyone know better this still seems the go to set - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/52423?tab=...


836 posts

51 months

Monday 29th April
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Speak Of The Devil was slightly odd. Playing on PS4, no mods, and the first time I’ve had to reinstall anything - Wasteland Workshop vanished and took with it everything I’d saved (including a decent amount of legendary items) as I’d been foolish enough to use drawers that came from that. Luckily it all came back once the add on had been readded but that was a few minutes of irritation!

Neon Flats was also a bit of a let down, aesthetically but another house is never a bad thing. Another place for me to inadvertently store a bobble head and then completely forget about it.


4,484 posts

229 months

Monday 29th April
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About 30 hours into a new play through now. Can’t really remember what it looked like before but the engine is obviously pretty dated now.

Unfortunately what I can now remember is the really janky combat mechanics and jerky movement. Making more quicker progress through the game than before though - learned to use my combat armour much more, and not to bother picking up all the crap. Just get some mutfruit plantations going and buy in shipments of what is needed.

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Monday 29th April
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i don't remember it being this hard, most places i go i stumble across stuff that one hits me ... although i did go straight to the railroad to get the legendary pistol

Clockwork Cupcake

75,237 posts

275 months

Monday 29th April
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Dave Hedgehog said:
i don't remember it being this hard, most places i go i stumble across stuff that one hits me ... although i did go straight to the railroad to get the legendary pistol
Don't forget to get a railway gun. Toot toot! biggrin

daddy cool

4,007 posts

232 months

Monday 29th April
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A few years ago when i got a 34" Ultrawide monitor i re-installed FO4 to restart it, but 3440x1440 wasnt supported. I found a hack to an .ini file that artificially stretched the picture to the right dimensions, but the HUD/menus were pretty crap so i never continued.

Imagine my excitement when this new PC update brought Ultrawide support! Imagine my disappointment when Bethesda have basically done the same amateur fix, and just stretch the overlay...

Clockwork Cupcake

75,237 posts

275 months

Monday 29th April
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daddy cool said:
A few years ago when i got a 34" Ultrawide monitor i re-installed FO4 to restart it, but 3440x1440 wasnt supported. I found a hack to an .ini file that artificially stretched the picture to the right dimensions, but the HUD/menus were pretty crap so i never continued.
I also have a screen of those dimensions and there was a mod that made it usable. Only immersion-breaking thing was power armour, because the visor HUD overlay didn't extend the whole width so you could see "around" it. If that makes sense.

Good to see that they have finally caught up with functionality that a mod added literally years ago!

edit: Or not, as the case may be. Now that I have read your post in full.

Edited by Clockwork Cupcake on Monday 29th April 17:51


836 posts

51 months

Thursday 2nd May
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My PS4 has died and its PS5 replacement is available to collect tomorrow. I am beyond excited about playing F4 and skyrim, as well as dipping my toes into Cyberpunk 2077.


836 posts

51 months

Sunday 5th May
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Played a bit last night and I have to say I am mightily impressed with the PS5. Looking forward to revisiting some old haunts and I might even start modifying a settlement or two, probably starting with Sanctuary.


91 posts

171 months

Sunday 5th May
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Magikarp said:
Played a bit last night and I have to say I am mightily impressed with the PS5. Looking forward to revisiting some old haunts and I might even start modifying a settlement or two, probably starting with Sanctuary.
Cyberpunk is great, it just got better and better for me.

Days Gone too.

The downside of PS5, is that until recently, nothing has been "for" PS5, so it's felt like PS4 Pro 2.

Lucas Ayde

3,611 posts

171 months

Sunday 5th May
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aproctor1 said:
Cyberpunk is great, it just got better and better for me.

Days Gone too.

The downside of PS5, is that until recently, nothing has been "for" PS5, so it's felt like PS4 Pro 2.
That's because PS4 and PS5 both use PC derived CPU/GPU architecture with the PS5 basically being just a more powerful variant of the PS4/Pro like you would have different specced PCs.

Given that there are so many PS4s out there, software companies would be stupid to bring out PS5-exclusive stuff and cut themselves off from the PS4 market, given how easy it is to make a graphically downgraded version for PS4 spec machines. Especially now that AAA games have become so expensive to make.

I have to say that the PS5 makes a really excellent 'turbo PS4' ... I eventually upgraded my PS4 Pro to a PS5 Slim (for the UHD playback) and it really just feels like a super-polished PS4. It's not an amazing leap though and isn't really inspiring me to play more than I did with my old PS4 Pro, even though I appreciate the improvements. I can't really see how the forthcoming PS5 'Pro' is going to fit into the market unless they can figure out a way to make the base PS5 a lot cheaper and sell the new model at the current model's price.

Fallout4 not really the best game to show off advanced console hardware - it was behind the curve when it was released and even with the latest updates it's still not really up to the standard you'd expect of a modern game. They would really have to do a full remake with a newer engine to bring it up to snuff. I've got it on PC which is still probably the best version. I've got the PC VR version as well which I'm hoping to mod into something decent - it's a bit rough and ready in standard form.


70,090 posts

232 months

Sunday 5th May
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Magikarp said:
My PS4 has died and its PS5 replacement is available to collect tomorrow. I am beyond excited about playing F4 and skyrim, as well as dipping my toes into Cyberpunk 2077.
Would suggest Horizon Zero Dawn and Ghost of Tsushima as well. Both graphically pretty and game play and story incredible............

The OG Jester

185 posts

17 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Tried and failed to get back into this again. It's just not for me, the combat just isn't that good. Very clunky. Even tried FO3 and it was even worse.

I'll stick to the TV programme from now on.

Clockwork Cupcake

75,237 posts

275 months

Tuesday 7th May
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The OG Jester said:
Tried and failed to get back into this again. It's just not for me, the combat just isn't that good. Very clunky. Even tried FO3 and it was even worse.

I'll stick to the TV programme from now on.
That's fair enough. Although, for me, just as with the Bioshock games, it's not really about the combat and more about the vibe and the story. Indeed, I wish there was less combat in these games.

It's one of the things I like about Cyberpunk 2077 - that you can wander around fairly safely a lot of the time and you know when you are going into a hostile area, rather than almost always being in a combat area.


12,583 posts

98 months

Tuesday 7th May
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The OG Jester said:
Tried and failed to get back into this again. It's just not for me, the combat just isn't that good. Very clunky. Even tried FO3 and it was even worse.

I'll stick to the TV programme from now on.
Are you using VATS?

If so try not using it and just playing the game as a normal FPS (I'm on PC so this works quite well).

I've never found the combat clunky on FO4 or FO:NV, FO3 was different as they calculated inaccuracy based on your skill level, so even if your aim was perfect you still missed half the time until you leveled up that skill.


4,484 posts

229 months

Tuesday 7th May
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The OG Jester said:
Tried and failed to get back into this again. It's just not for me, the combat just isn't that good. Very clunky. Even tried FO3 and it was even worse.

I'll stick to the TV programme from now on.
I’ve very much got back into it, but only because I’m a sucker for open world games and perks.

Totally agree about the combat - very janky as I said earlier. Real time warp stuff - makes you realise how much the game has moved on in this area. Things I hate about FO4 combat - how if the enemies get close they’re practically impossible to hit with aiming, how feral ghouls do their 1-frame “teleportation” attack, and how you can get stunned to death repeatedly with no chance of recovery.


4,484 posts

229 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Clockwork Cupcake said:
Indeed, I wish there was less combat in these games.
Have you played either What Remains Of Edith Finch, or Everyone’s Gone To The Rapture? Not on the same scale as FO, granted.

Clockwork Cupcake

75,237 posts

275 months

Tuesday 7th May
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PhilboSE said:
Have you played either What Remains Of Edith Finch, or Everyone’s Gone To The Rapture? Not on the same scale as FO, granted.
Yes, I have. And other similar "Walking Simulators" too, and have enjoyed them.

I enjoyed SOMA very much too, once I had made the monsters ignore you. Initially that was via a mod and then the creators actually incorporated the concept into the game officially, and I think it made for a much better experience. For me, at least.

The Stanley Paradox is also very good, especially the modern redux version.


4,230 posts

163 months

Tuesday 7th May
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I played all of FO3, NV and FO4 using just the VATS for combat - I find it much more enjoyable and doesn't break the immersion as much,


2,628 posts

192 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Played to death since release , but decided to start another play through as a friend is playing for the first time.

I always end up wearing power armour and being OP, decided to try a different approach, sneaky with multipliers. The stealth archer of Skyrim if you will.

Suggested perks for this? I am thinking I want vats accuracy, the blitz one that lets you cover more ground in vats, sneak and ninja.

Is melee worth doing at all? Or are weapons always going to deliver the best damage?