Diablo 4 (+Early Release)

Diablo 4 (+Early Release)



1,032 posts

261 months

Thursday 27th July 2023
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Sycamore said:
The main one, sure. But there are still hundreds of side quests, dungeons, cellars, events that you won't have done, and then there'll be new quest lines in future.
It should've been added on release however. Silly oversight
Was there an ETA for it from Blizzard? You'd think it would have come with Season 1 if it was going to happen.


1,032 posts

261 months

Thursday 27th July 2023
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Just been googling it. Apparently they say they will change gems so that they are more like mats (or made from mats) from Season 2! So October. Well that sucks. Also the heart thingies that drop in Season 1 have the same issue, so now your bag is full of Gems AND Hearts all of different varieties/tiers :/

How difficult would it have been just to put in a gem tab same as aspects/quest items?


Original Poster:

708 posts

106 months

Thursday 27th July 2023
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Seriously let it down with the gems and hearts didn’t it!

I broke 51 with a quick hour before evening meal today, in nightmare world tier 3 as a barb it’s getting pretty difficult!

I don’t quite have all the gear for the whirlwind build yet but it’s getting there!

There’s a season objective to equip legendary in every slot… I’ve not once had a legendary glove this entire character! I’ve done 2 helltides collecting glove chests with 0 legendary, and I’ve also done the whispering tree a mountain of times for gloves when the option is there, STILL no legendary glove!

Damn this thing biggrin


1,032 posts

261 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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axel1990chp said:
Seriously let it down with the gems and hearts didn’t it!

I broke 51 with a quick hour before evening meal today, in nightmare world tier 3 as a barb it’s getting pretty difficult!

I don’t quite have all the gear for the whirlwind build yet but it’s getting there!

There’s a season objective to equip legendary in every slot… I’ve not once had a legendary glove this entire character! I’ve done 2 helltides collecting glove chests with 0 legendary, and I’ve also done the whispering tree a mountain of times for gloves when the option is there, STILL no legendary glove!

Damn this thing biggrin
Really weird about the gloves, i've got boxes of legendary gear with aspects I might want but didn't spend the dosh on yet to extract, anyway if you are lvl51 you can make your own legendary gloves, just find a pair of decent sacred rare ones, and put an aspect on it, and PING! legendary.

Yes the gems thing still sucks. I just don't have the self discipline to leave them lying on the ground smile


Original Poster:

708 posts

106 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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MickC said:
axel1990chp said:
Seriously let it down with the gems and hearts didn’t it!

I broke 51 with a quick hour before evening meal today, in nightmare world tier 3 as a barb it’s getting pretty difficult!

I don’t quite have all the gear for the whirlwind build yet but it’s getting there!

There’s a season objective to equip legendary in every slot… I’ve not once had a legendary glove this entire character! I’ve done 2 helltides collecting glove chests with 0 legendary, and I’ve also done the whispering tree a mountain of times for gloves when the option is there, STILL no legendary glove!

Damn this thing biggrin
Really weird about the gloves, i've got boxes of legendary gear with aspects I might want but didn't spend the dosh on yet to extract, anyway if you are lvl51 you can make your own legendary gloves, just find a pair of decent sacred rare ones, and put an aspect on it, and PING! legendary.

Yes the gems thing still sucks. I just don't have the self discipline to leave them lying on the ground smile
Mick…. I feel so bloody stupid hahaha! Soon as I read that a lightbulb went off!

Guess I’ll get to that straight away!

I’d like to have the commitment to power a few hours to get into the tier 4 stuff but I think it’s too much time and effort to do it before the end of the season!


1,032 posts

261 months

Saturday 29th July 2023
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How are you finding season 1? Worth re-rolling and playing?

I'm still doing the original Eternal campaign. Do all your bonuses for area achievements and alters etc carry over to the new season? I'm guessing not because its a different realm? But then why did Blizzard encourage everyone to complete campaign and all alters and map etc?


Original Poster:

708 posts

106 months

Sunday 30th July 2023
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MickC said:
How are you finding season 1? Worth re-rolling and playing?

I'm still doing the original Eternal campaign. Do all your bonuses for area achievements and alters etc carry over to the new season? I'm guessing not because its a different realm? But then why did Blizzard encourage everyone to complete campaign and all alters and map etc?
I’ve been really enjoying it! Had the weekend off it for the most part, I’m at 52 now and the grind begins but so far it’s been so much easier and enjoyable!
I’d definitely say reroll and start on tier 1. Run the campaign for the first 10 levels and then exit to main menu - on your character selection screen you can skip campaign from there and just go about your business!

The way points, area discovery and altars stay throughout, but the dungeons side quests etc don’t carry over to seasonal realm. I’d definitely say before you jump onto seasons to find every altar!


1,032 posts

261 months

Sunday 30th July 2023
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axel1990chp said:
I’ve been really enjoying it! Had the weekend off it for the most part, I’m at 52 now and the grind begins but so far it’s been so much easier and enjoyable!
I’d definitely say reroll and start on tier 1. Run the campaign for the first 10 levels and then exit to main menu - on your character selection screen you can skip campaign from there and just go about your business!

The way points, area discovery and altars stay throughout, but the dungeons side quests etc don’t carry over to seasonal realm. I’d definitely say before you jump onto seasons to find every altar!
I tried a druid on S1. it was brutal, till i realised i was in a lvl20 area at lvl11. That never happened on the original run-through, it always scaled with lvl. Anyway i am not sure whether to keep playing the druid, roll a necro/barb, or go back and get sorc to 70 to open hell.

I don't have all the alters, but since the mount is unlocked its not difficult to get them on lvl18 toon now. Just have to know where the damn things are, which kinda defeats the object


Original Poster:

708 posts

106 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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MickC said:
I tried a druid on S1. it was brutal, till i realised i was in a lvl20 area at lvl11. That never happened on the original run-through, it always scaled with lvl. Anyway i am not sure whether to keep playing the druid, roll a necro/barb, or go back and get sorc to 70 to open hell.

I don't have all the alters, but since the mount is unlocked its not difficult to get them on lvl18 toon now. Just have to know where the damn things are, which kinda defeats the object
id suggest barb ive been having a storm, Rend and HOTA build until Whirlwind is effective!

I googled some maps of the altars and just ran through them, ASAP!


1,841 posts

121 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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What's the benefit of getting the altars?
I've found a few just while out and about but that's all.

Currently level 52 Necro. Bone spear is silly fun being able to one shot a big group. Have been partying up with my brother who is a similar level Druid. We both moved to tier 3 recently and between the two of us are still able to steamroll most dungeons.

Really enjoying the helltides


1,032 posts

261 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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Sycamore said:
What's the benefit of getting the altars?
I've found a few just while out and about but that's all.

Currently level 52 Necro. Bone spear is silly fun being able to one shot a big group. Have been partying up with my brother who is a similar level Druid. We both moved to tier 3 recently and between the two of us are still able to steamroll most dungeons.

Really enjoying the helltides
The alter bonuses work for all characters on the account, including seasonal ones. Also the discovery counts towards all characters bonus progress (so extra potion capacity etc). The bonuses are usually +2 to a stat or something similar, but i guess 100+ alters all adds up. And Blizzard were encouraging people to ensure they'd disco'd them all, so they obviously built Season2 content with the assumption you have all those bonuses.


76 posts

50 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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axel1990chp said:
I believe in you bud!
Its worth knocking it out the park just so you can roll a different class if youre not enjoying what youre playing currently, and skip the campaign and get into the seasonal stuff, which is so much more enjoyable!
Thank you! But…I plunged back in and was again sent to the imperial palace and having to do Hell all over again. Which I did, got whipped, then teleported out, back to blacksmith to repair gear in the same town and…..portal had vanished. Maybe my copy has a bug?

Either way, I’m out. Huuuugely frustrating after making it to the last boss fight but not enjoying the save points at all. Just don’t have the time to dedicate 2 hours each time. The levelling system is pants too - literally no fight is ever easy. Elden Ring nailed that part. Bye bye Diablo frown

Maybe I’m just sore, having bought a PS5 2 weeks ago only to see the price hugely drop this week!

Remnant 2 sounds intriguing…..


1,032 posts

261 months

Friday 4th August 2023
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Aces_High said:
Thank you! But…I plunged back in and was again sent to the imperial palace and having to do Hell all over again. Which I did, got whipped, then teleported out, back to blacksmith to repair gear in the same town and…..portal had vanished. Maybe my copy has a bug?

Either way, I’m out. Huuuugely frustrating after making it to the last boss fight but not enjoying the save points at all. Just don’t have the time to dedicate 2 hours each time. The levelling system is pants too - literally no fight is ever easy. Elden Ring nailed that part. Bye bye Diablo frown

Maybe I’m just sore, having bought a PS5 2 weeks ago only to see the price hugely drop this week!

Remnant 2 sounds intriguing…..
You are on PS5? I'm on PC. I wouldn't think that would have an effect, but it might. If I press T for town portal (and even if i use the map and click on a waypoint to go to that specific one) the portal stays up as long as I stay in town, and I get a warning if I am about to leave town sufficient to turn round and preserve the portal.

What you are saying sounds quite wrong and as you say very very anoying.


1,841 posts

121 months

Friday 4th August 2023
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I'm on Xbox and haven't had that issue.

Did you change the world tier? That'll make your portal close.

Annoying one.


76 posts

50 months

Friday 4th August 2023
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Nope, always on Eternal level (the easiest). Anyway, this hateful issue ruined the game for me. I never left town but the portal vanished.

Am downloading Jedi Survivor tonight and trying to get over the fact Lilith bested me smile.

Really not happy about the damn PS5 price drop though…should’ve held my nerve till a PS5 Pro! Though I always promise myself I’ll get a Scan dream PC, but the sheer convenience of a console is just so seductive given time is always so tight.


1,032 posts

261 months

Saturday 5th August 2023
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Aces_High said:
Nope, always on Eternal level (the easiest). Anyway, this hateful issue ruined the game for me. I never left town but the portal vanished.

Am downloading Jedi Survivor tonight and trying to get over the fact Lilith bested me smile.

Really not happy about the damn PS5 price drop though…should’ve held my nerve till a PS5 Pro! Though I always promise myself I’ll get a Scan dream PC, but the sheer convenience of a console is just so seductive given time is always so tight.
I cant work those newfangled game controller thingies smile Keyboard and Mouse for me!

Don Roque

18,039 posts

162 months

Saturday 19th August 2023
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Aces_High said:
The levelling system is pants too - literally no fight is ever easy. Elden Ring nailed that part. Bye bye Diablo frown
Sorry to hear you got filtered, what level did you make it to out of interest? Until you hit level 50 and 'finish' your skill tree with the extra points from the area rewards and then start pathing on the paragon board you won't feel overpowering. However, once you get to that point and you get some good legendaries with mods that you want on them you can start to shred mobs and melt elites and bosses.

I've got a level 67 poison barrage/trapper rogue on the go in S1 at the moment. It can shred mobs and absolutely melt bosses, in fact the DPS is massively higher than I was putting out with my 1.0 frost sorceress but I preferred that build more (I've always loved playing frost sorc in Diablo/PoE/Grim Dawn etc).

D4 is great for being something you can totally chill out and play without thinking too much. I love PoE equally but that's a different sort of experience, being more arcade-y to control but requiring much more thought and consideration for gearing. D4 is more just 'click here, screen explodes and loot rains down'.

FWIW both games don't drop much at the moment but at least D4 addresses that with Tree of Whispers chests and Helltide chests.


1,841 posts

121 months

Monday 21st August 2023
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I think I'll go with a sorcerer for season 2.
It's rather weak, but seems fun.

My main character is a necromancer. Was using bone spear and could pretty much one hit every boss, but equally everything could one hit me also biggrin
Switched it for a tankier build.

Also have a rogue that I use for PVP.
It's a dick move, but it's fun to sneak up on people who are in the zone doing events/quests and clearly don't want to fight other players, and stabbing them up hehe


Original Poster:

708 posts

106 months

Monday 21st August 2023
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Don Roque said:
Sorry to hear you got filtered, what level did you make it to out of interest? Until you hit level 50 and 'finish' your skill tree with the extra points from the area rewards and then start pathing on the paragon board you won't feel overpowering. However, once you get to that point and you get some good legendaries with mods that you want on them you can start to shred mobs and melt elites and bosses.

I've got a level 67 poison barrage/trapper rogue on the go in S1 at the moment. It can shred mobs and absolutely melt bosses, in fact the DPS is massively higher than I was putting out with my 1.0 frost sorceress but I preferred that build more (I've always loved playing frost sorc in Diablo/PoE/Grim Dawn etc).

D4 is great for being something you can totally chill out and play without thinking too much. I love PoE equally but that's a different sort of experience, being more arcade-y to control but requiring much more thought and consideration for gearing. D4 is more just 'click here, screen explodes and loot rains down'.

FWIW both games don't drop much at the moment but at least D4 addresses that with Tree of Whispers chests and Helltide chests.
I have to echo this; I was thinking the exact thing only last night. Playing my sorc up to 57 I hated it, mainly I didn't gel with the class but also my gearing was poor for any build. The drops I was getting was horrendous!

Fast forward to S1, I sucked up the pain through 45-53, then all of a sudden things started to click. Drops started coming thick and thin and with gear and paragon my build started to really shine. I'm seriously enjoying the game again.

I've had a good week off from playing as I was at a festival & recovering, but I blasted out a solid 4 hours yesterday evening and I didn't want to turn it off. What a difference a patch makes, eh?!

Sticking with the Melee theme I'll be trying out Rogue in S2 and Druid in S3!

Side note: they REALLY need a gem tab and a caged heart tab. It's borderline infuriating!


1,032 posts

261 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2023
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axel1990chp said:
Side note: they REALLY need a gem tab and a caged heart tab. It's borderline infuriating!
I don't understand why they didn't put this in yet. Inventory management is the thing that just makes me quit the game and not bother logging back in for the rest of the day. Its still quite addictive though, but starting to get jaded - S1 I've got a necro which is ok but focused on one skill (blood sphere) to just annihilate everything close.

I dont like the 'season' thing at all and starting again, even with the new questline which tbh is total crap - finished it at lvl 43 and now nothing new to do except the side quests and dungeons i already did on the old toon.