Elden Ring



12,840 posts

158 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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Dromedary66 said:
Trustmeimadoctor said:
the no pause thing is a huge issue. i thought it did it on the map but no it doesnt!

i followed a guide on how to get overpowered fast so now i have 6 health flask+ 2 a +4 sword a levelled up spirt animal thing and some armour now i cant play it for a few weeks
Can you share that. I am so bad at this game, a room of rats took my 5 tries.
Sure you don't even need to kill anything!


11,757 posts

179 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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Don’t cheese the game, just play it. Fail. Learn. Get good.


12,840 posts

158 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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I'd agree normally but I started as a level 1 with no idea so that atleast told me what I need to do to use things I'm now only slightly higher level than someone who started with another character


1,730 posts

205 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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^^ From Software first timer comments. Just imagine the number of people that have been on the same journey as you are going through, saying the same things since Demon's Souls was released on PS3 in something like February 2009.

This article sums up the Souls experience well (my first experience was Bloodborne and I couldn't believe how impossible and confusing it was...but then it clicked).

"Over at Kotaku, Jason Schreier has come to a realization that many of us have come to over the years:

Last weekend, I tried to jump into some video games. I spent a couple of minutes with the very flawed Anthem, briefly glanced at the Tales of Vesperia remaster on my Switch, and even started a new file in Final Fantasy IX, one of my favorite classic role-playing games. All of these games had one problem in common: They weren’t Bloodborne.

He continues:

Bloodborne is incredible. It’s mind-blowingly good. From the terror of a surprise Hunter attack robbing thousands of your blood echoes to the glorious satisfaction of killing Martyr Logarius after 50-something tries, Bloodborne is a game full of emotional moments that burrow deeply inside of your brain and never come out. This is a masterpiece, a game that’s dripping with lore and texture, one that’s always challenging but never cheap or insurmountable.

It's true. Bloodborne is a masterpiece. It's one of the best games ever made, thick with atmosphere and dread. Few other games can rival either its combat or its remarkable level design. In fact, the only games that can possibly stand up to it are other games from developer From Software.

Dark Souls ruined video games for me years ago. I can still remember the moment that game clicked for me, when I realized that it was something special and different and that it would, in surprisingly profound ways, change my life.

"I don’t know what I’m going to do when it’s all over," Shreier worries, with no small amount of teeth-gnashing and rending of garments, I'm sure. But it's quite simple. "


For the one that isn't finding it too hard. How did you get on with the first proper boss in stormveil castle? If you managed to learn his attacks and beat him without calling in for support and without a cheesed over levelled character built from a guide then I bow to you in appreciation for your gaming prowess :-).

Whilst this is all good fun, I'd suggest you all keep with it and give it a chance. It won't make my life any better if you do or don't but having been gaming for 40 years, nothing compares to the satisfaction of beating a Souls boss that has smashed your face in a hundred times before you finally succeed. Good luck.

Edited by Steven_RW on Wednesday 2nd March 11:46


11,757 posts

179 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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Steven_RW said:
Whilst this is all good fun, I'd suggest you all keep with it and give it a chance. It won't make my life any better if you do or don't but having been gaming for 40 years, nothing compares to the satisfaction of beating a Souls boss that has smashed your face in a hundred times before you finally succeed. Good luck.

Edited by Steven_RW on Wednesday 2nd March 11:46
I agree.

Well, at least I did agree, until I played Tarkov and realised my whole gaming life until that point was an irrelevance.

Thank me later wink


1,730 posts

205 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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^^^ for me it was Pubg in ranked game mode. But I turned off the addiction around a month ago after 3,000 hrs of gameplay and since then I've brought my dormant Ps5 back to life playing Hades, Dark Souls, Elden Ring and sackboy a big adventure with the kids.


11,757 posts

179 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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PH crew ravaged PUBG 2017 - 2019, before it went ste.

I logged over 2000 hours.

Kids game compared to Tarkov.

Sackboy is an amazing game to play with kids, thoroughly enjoyed that.

Edited by DoubleSix on Wednesday 2nd March 18:59

Jimmy No Hands

5,013 posts

159 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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Steven_RW said:
^^ From Software first timer comments. Just imagine the number of people that have been on the same journey as you are going through, saying the same things since Demon's Souls was released on PS3 in something like February 2009.

This article sums up the Souls experience well (my first experience was Bloodborne and I couldn't believe how impossible and confusing it was...but then it clicked).

"Over at Kotaku, Jason Schreier has come to a realization that many of us have come to over the years:

Last weekend, I tried to jump into some video games. I spent a couple of minutes with the very flawed Anthem, briefly glanced at the Tales of Vesperia remaster on my Switch, and even started a new file in Final Fantasy IX, one of my favorite classic role-playing games. All of these games had one problem in common: They weren’t Bloodborne.

He continues:

Bloodborne is incredible. It’s mind-blowingly good. From the terror of a surprise Hunter attack robbing thousands of your blood echoes to the glorious satisfaction of killing Martyr Logarius after 50-something tries, Bloodborne is a game full of emotional moments that burrow deeply inside of your brain and never come out. This is a masterpiece, a game that’s dripping with lore and texture, one that’s always challenging but never cheap or insurmountable.

It's true. Bloodborne is a masterpiece. It's one of the best games ever made, thick with atmosphere and dread. Few other games can rival either its combat or its remarkable level design. In fact, the only games that can possibly stand up to it are other games from developer From Software.

Dark Souls ruined video games for me years ago. I can still remember the moment that game clicked for me, when I realized that it was something special and different and that it would, in surprisingly profound ways, change my life.

"I don’t know what I’m going to do when it’s all over," Shreier worries, with no small amount of teeth-gnashing and rending of garments, I'm sure. But it's quite simple. "


For the one that isn't finding it too hard. How did you get on with the first proper boss in stormveil castle? If you managed to learn his attacks and beat him without calling in for support and without a cheesed over levelled character built from a guide then I bow to you in appreciation for your gaming prowess :-).

Whilst this is all good fun, I'd suggest you all keep with it and give it a chance. It won't make my life any better if you do or don't but having been gaming for 40 years, nothing compares to the satisfaction of beating a Souls boss that has smashed your face in a hundred times before you finally succeed. Good luck.

Edited by Steven_RW on Wednesday 2nd March 11:46
I'm sure for every Jason Schreier there's somebody who think it's a repetitive, confusing, hollow mess. Each to their own, it's not a genre everybody enjoys. I'm a casual gamer. I don't want to spend four evenings on one encounter.


11,757 posts

179 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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Jimmy No Hands said:
I'm sure for every Jason Schreier there's somebody who think it's a repetitive, confusing, hollow mess. Each to their own, it's not a genre everybody enjoys. I'm a casual gamer. I don't want to spend four evenings on one encounter.
Why would a self-confessed casual gamer buy a game produced by From Software, who are known for making hardcore games?? (And then complain)

You already have 90% of the market to choose from!


9,631 posts

258 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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DoubleSix said:
Jimmy No Hands said:
I'm sure for every Jason Schreier there's somebody who think it's a repetitive, confusing, hollow mess. Each to their own, it's not a genre everybody enjoys. I'm a casual gamer. I don't want to spend four evenings on one encounter.
Why would a self-confessed casual gamer buy a game produced by From Software, who are known for making hardcore games?? (And then complain)

You already have 90% of the market to choose from!
Because "Bloodborne is a masterpiece. It's one of the best games ever made, thick with atmosphere and dread". It's "special and different [and will] change my life."

If it's a masterpiece and one of the best games ever made, I want a bit of that. If it's going to change my life, why wouldn't I want in?

What he meant to say is "for the true hard-core gamer who has hours and hours to spend and the particular kind of mind that enjoys micro-managing skills points, learning endless enemy move-sets, has millisecond-precise controller skills, and truly wants to beat a game rather than just play it, it's one of the best games ever made".

Obviously Schreier is a total fanboy, and that is an opinion piece rather than a review - I also know I'm nit-picking here and probably being oversensitive - but the sub-text of the article is that if you don't like Souls games, you aren't a proper gamer. And as somebody who has been playing games since the mid-80s, I find that rather condescending. It's a gnats breath away from "git gud".


1,730 posts

205 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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[quote=deckster It's a gnats breath away from "git gud".


For some, the juice is not worth the squeeze...

All we are saying is that your initial experience is near indentical to so many others. There is a moment that you break through and the hardwork and dedication that initially felt fruitless, pay off.

The first time I walked down the main street in Bloodborne towards the bonfire with the werewolf on the cross I died SO many times and couldn't believe it was worth the effort. Respawn, kill a couple of guys, die. Repeat at least 100 times. Slowly making progress some times and then others dying earlier than before. Then it started to click and after that I realised it wasn't as impossible as I thought, I just had to throw away all the gaming styles I learned to date and play more cautiously as even the most basic enemy could smash you up if you met more than one of them at the wrong time or you made one mistake. The juice is worth the squeeze, It's up to you :-).

In dark souls memes there is something called a flitlhy casul. There is nothing wrong with admiting it is you... haha :-)

Stick with it.


9,631 posts

258 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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Steven_RW said:
For some, the juice is not worth the squeeze...

All we are saying is that your initial experience is near indentical to so many others. There is a moment that you break through and the hardwork and dedication that initially felt fruitless, pay off.

The first time I walked down the main street in Bloodborne towards the bonfire with the werewolf on the cross I died SO many times and couldn't believe it was worth the effort. Respawn, kill a couple of guys, die. Repeat at least 100 times. Slowly making progress some times and then others dying earlier than before. Then it started to click and after that I realised it wasn't as impossible as I thought, I just had to throw away all the gaming styles I learned to date and play more cautiously as even the most basic enemy could smash you up if you met more than one of them at the wrong time or you made one mistake. The juice is worth the squeeze, It's up to you :-).

In dark souls memes there is something called a flitlhy casul. There is nothing wrong with admiting it is you... haha :-)

Stick with it.
See, you're doing it again. You might not even realise you're doing it.

You call it "hard work". It needs dedication. Play a single section over 100 times. Indeed, play that section in exactly one way and exactly one way only.

You blithely denigrate casual players, even if you put a smiley next to it. Not a good look to be fair.

You then tell me to "stick with it". As clearly I haven't put enough effort in, and I'll really like it if only I pay my dues. Again, the subtext being - if I were a real gamer, then I'd see past the minor detail of having to play a game that is more like hard labour than enjoyment. Embrace the delayed gratification. Work for a lifetime my son, and you will reap the rewards in later life. It's a transcendental experience, man - life changing, to quote the man directly.

Whereas actually, it's just a style of game that, having put probably 50 hours into the Dark Souls trilogy and even Elden Ring (see below) I think I'm qualified to say that I simply don't like very much. Which I'm fine with. But you seem to be intent on telling me that actually it's just that I haven't tried hard enough.

(Having said all that: a gaming buddy prevailed upon me to give Elden Ring a go with him a couple of nights back. I quite enjoyed the first couple of hours of tutorial and open-world gameplay particularly as co-op seems to be pretty well thought out, if a little buggy. We still died within about 20 seconds of starting the first proper boss fight on the castle bridge, at which point it was getting late so I made my excuses).


12,840 posts

158 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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Just so I know what are the entry requirements to appreciate the game? How many hours do I have to put in before I'm qualified to give an opinion?


88,874 posts

287 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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1,746 posts

80 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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I think maybe the game suffers from being too big? I want to explore every aspect of the open world and as such I think I’ve levelled past the level for the story content. I’m finding it too easy. The optional bosses are harder than the main story ones, and steam seems to back this up as it’s less than 3% of players on the achievements. scratchchin

Also can’t seem to find people to invade either, I guess I upgraded my weapon too far. Guess I’ll just have to create a new character and use it to spoil new players experiences biggrin


1,730 posts

205 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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deckster said:
See, you're doing it again. You might not even realise you're doing it.

You call it "hard work". It needs dedication. Play a single section over 100 times. Indeed, play that section in exactly one way and exactly one way only.

You blithely denigrate casual players, even if you put a smiley next to it. Not a good look to be fair.

You then tell me to "stick with it". As clearly I haven't put enough effort in, and I'll really like it if only I pay my dues. Again, the subtext being - if I were a real gamer, then I'd see past the minor detail of having to play a game that is more like hard labour than enjoyment. Embrace the delayed gratification. Work for a lifetime my son, and you will reap the rewards in later life. It's a transcendental experience, man - life changing, to quote the man directly.

Whereas actually, it's just a style of game that, having put probably 50 hours into the Dark Souls trilogy and even Elden Ring (see below) I think I'm qualified to say that I simply don't like very much. Which I'm fine with. But you seem to be intent on telling me that actually it's just that I haven't tried hard enough.

(Having said all that: a gaming buddy prevailed upon me to give Elden Ring a go with him a couple of nights back. I quite enjoyed the first couple of hours of tutorial and open-world gameplay particularly as co-op seems to be pretty well thought out, if a little buggy. We still died within about 20 seconds of starting the first proper boss fight on the castle bridge, at which point it was getting late so I made my excuses).
I don't think our chat is going very well and you don't appear to be receiving it in the light hearted manner that I am intending it. This teasing amongst souls players, vets and noobs, is just part of the fun. You could complete the game on NG+7 difficulty with nothing but a broken sword and wearing a loin cloth and some other souls player will call you a filthy casul because you didn't use a guitar hero guitar instead of a regular controller. It's just part of the culture.

I started out by denying playing this genre entirely for many years. Why would anyone want to play a stupidly obtuse and hard game?? For some strange reason I finally decided to give it a go, had a total nightmare experience to start with but then somehow turned that from a nightmare into the best gaming experiences of my life by far. No other single player game has given me the same satisfaction and adrenalin buzz when you finally succeed. I've shared my story and tried to added a bit of banter that clearly isn't landing well.

Let me know how you go if you stick with it.


Edited by Steven_RW on Thursday 3rd March 23:36


1,730 posts

205 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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Rojibo said:
I think maybe the game suffers from being too big? I want to explore every aspect of the open world and as such I think I’ve levelled past the level for the story content. I’m finding it too easy. The optional bosses are harder than the main story ones, and steam seems to back this up as it’s less than 3% of players on the achievements. scratchchin

Also can’t seem to find people to invade either, I guess I upgraded my weapon too far. Guess I’ll just have to create a new character and use it to spoil new players experiences biggrin
Have you cleared all of Stormveil castle? Including the **spoiler** lion type enemy that lurks near the pillars with that massive sword just after the gate with the crazy archer/ballista crew on the right? Or the mostly black and silver knight that is walking on the edge of the cliffs down on the left hand side that you find when you follow some of the hidden ledges? He has a shield with a weird black horn on the front. Both of those utterly smashed me and I have a +4 weapon and level 30 character at the time.

I'm just trying to gauge what level you are and how come you are finding some of the harder enemies so easy without being insanely over levelled for the area of just a born natural! Did you solo bash Godricks face in? I definitely didn't for quite a few goes.


Edited by Steven_RW on Thursday 3rd March 23:42


1,746 posts

80 months

Friday 4th March 2022
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I have indeed, you need to take the bridge after the lion, after you kill Godrick, for reasons I won’t spoil. I found Margit more difficult than Godrick, Godrick only took me about 4 tries, great fight though. Did you find the cool stone face in the basement too?

I’m currently level 90ish, and in the royal capital, first boss I one shot and the second only took me three tries, special weapon is at +9 and I believe they max out at +10. The Royal capital is fantastic though, very pretty and excellent design.

Only boss that really gave me any trouble was Radahn, after that I went to the secret eternal city areas, which are great too. I do have a lot of experience with these games to be fair.


9,631 posts

258 months

Friday 4th March 2022
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Steven_RW said:
I don't think our chat is going very well and you don't appear to be receiving it in the light hearted manner that I am intending it. This teasing amongst souls players, vets and noobs, is just part of the fun. You could complete the game on NG+7 difficulty with nothing but a broken sword and wearing a loin cloth and some other souls player will call you a filthy casul because you didn't use a guitar hero guitar instead of a regular controller. It's just part of the culture.
You're right. I think I was feeling especially grumpy yesterday. Nothing personal meant beer


1,730 posts

205 months

Friday 4th March 2022
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Rojibo said:
I have indeed, you need to take the bridge after the lion, after you kill Godrick, for reasons I won’t spoil. I found Margit more difficult than Godrick, Godrick only took me about 4 tries, great fight though. Did you find the cool stone face in the basement too?

I’m currently level 90ish, and in the royal capital, first boss I one shot and the second only took me three tries, special weapon is at +9 and I believe they max out at +10. The Royal capital is fantastic though, very pretty and excellent design.

Only boss that really gave me any trouble was Radahn, after that I went to the secret eternal city areas, which are great too. I do have a lot of experience with these games to be fair.
You sound like you have put in some serious time with this. How many hours have you played since launch? You are fair cracking through it! I've completed all the souls/borne games and DLC each multiples times and am just plodding around exploring each new place. Falling for some of the traps and in other cases managing to evade and regroup (aka run away..).

I don't think I've found the cool stone face. I've been all the way through the castle as far as I can see, taking every little hidden path and lift, so I'll need to work out how I missed it. I have been across the bridge you mentioned after the Godrick boss fight. I'm now wandering around the vast open area of the next section of the game/map. Just investigating every dark corner and route looking for anything cool and hidden.

The thing I'm missing is smithing stones [1] as I want to power up my large axe that I got from one of the more basic enemy types. I have [2] and [3] but just used up all the [1] stones levelling up my basic weapon and then a great sword. I believe i can buy the [1] stones from someone in area 2 but I'm yet to find them!

Cheers and mind and share how many hours per day you have put into this game since launch smile.