Elite: Dangerous



9,225 posts

260 months

Saturday 1st December 2012
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gda_scooby said:
wow I like the look of star citizen, maybe over elite.

I dont see a project release date for star citizen anywhere - has it been suggested?
It'll be 2014. They're nearing $8m on funding now - crazy!


1,537 posts

204 months

Saturday 1st December 2012
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Have tried the vega strike above but doesn't seem to like my keyboard so uninstalled frown as I was a fan of elite - one of the first games I played. Have started playing a shareware version of first encounters that I found after seeing this thread.


1,498 posts

174 months

Friday 12th July 2013
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Resurrected this thread, having just seen these rather snazzy looking in game screenshots


15,078 posts

172 months

Friday 12th July 2013
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Oooooooo! biggrin


2,153 posts

194 months

Friday 12th July 2013
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Nice! Looks like a Cobra too!


10,040 posts

241 months

Friday 12th July 2013
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4,309 posts

251 months

Friday 12th July 2013
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Will we still have to match the rotation of the space station in order to dock? That was responsible for more Elite deaths than all Police viper patrol ships (I used to be a smuggler predominatley (never amde it to Elite status as I didn't fight unless I had no choice)).


1,498 posts

174 months


1,498 posts

174 months

Wednesday 27th November 2013
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This is coming on a bit now..
Alpha is a couple of weeks away for those who backed at that level (too rich for my blood)

New video


nick heppinstall

8,135 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th November 2013
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I'm in at the beta. I'm pretty confident that they will pull this off. Braben seems pretty committed to make sure it's a quality product.

I can't see it generating the wonder that Elite did in my 14 year old mind but hopefully it will get close !


9,225 posts

260 months

Wednesday 27th November 2013
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I'm in for this as well but not for the Alpha clearly.

I think Star Citizen looks the better game but this does look good and frankly after the disappointment that is X Rebirth (I did try to be patient with it but it's still got some awful big holes!) it can only improve the breed from its current state.

Dr Banjo

677 posts

152 months

Wednesday 27th November 2013
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BBC Model B, floppy disk drive & dodgy analogue joysticks...cloud9

Well that's when the beeb wasn't in for repair.

I remember getting my letter back from Acornsoft confirming my Elite status...wish I had kept it getmecoat

Fook me, took me ages to get there.. how many kills was it ?

Showing my age here ...

Alien Items... feck!

nick heppinstall

8,135 posts

283 months

Thursday 28th November 2013
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I managed to get to Deadly. I still have my save game tape though so I could pick up where I left off 33 years ago !


308 posts

182 months

Thursday 28th November 2013
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Signed up tonight, looking forward ot getting in gamesmile

Dr Banjo

677 posts

152 months

Thursday 28th November 2013
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To any old BBC Micro owners there is an excellent emulator here http://www.mkw.me.uk/beebem/

You can play the later revisions of Elite on it with the improved graphics Master 128 etc

Works bloody well.


1,498 posts

174 months

Wednesday 11th December 2013
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Cobra! check out the little man in the shadows to the bottom right, it's a big 'un smile


10,040 posts

241 months

Thursday 12th December 2013
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motorizer said:
Cobra! check out the little man in the shadows to the bottom right, it's a big 'un smile
That looks awesome. It's something that many games just don't seem to get right - the sense of scale. That Cobra looks about right. Would eb interesting to see something like a Krait in comparison...


1,498 posts

174 months

Thursday 12th December 2013
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Alpha is out, a few people posting videos, love the sounds



2,194 posts

240 months

Thursday 12th December 2013
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motorizer said:
Alpha is out, a few people posting videos, love the sounds

That looks great, the original caused me to do really badly in my mock O Levels smile Wonder if they will do a console version?


308 posts

182 months

Saturday 14th December 2013
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I've watched a couple of the streams and I'm now more excited than before. Roll on Beta!