Elite: Dangerous



728 posts

221 months

Saturday 16th March
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skeeterm5 said:
Do you remember the short novella which came with the game? I am sure that I still have it somewhere.
The Dark Wheel

I believe that's where Raxxla was first mentioned, that being a place that is supposedly somewhere yet to be found in the current Elite game but has an Atlantis-like debate and mythology around it.

Edited by Prak on Saturday 16th March 10:02

Gary C

12,717 posts

182 months

Saturday 16th March
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Prak said:
skeeterm5 said:
Do you remember the short novella which came with the game? I am sure that I still have it somewhere.
The Dark Wheel

I believe that's where Raxxla was first mentioned, that being a place that is supposedly somewhere yet to be found in the current Elite game but has an Atlantis-like debate and mythology around it.

Edited by Prak on Saturday 16th March 10:02
I think we have an original copy in the museum somewhere.


1,343 posts

238 months

Sunday 17th March
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Titan Leigong is in meltdown and is likely to go kaboom around midnight GMT in 19 hours or so.


1,583 posts

170 months

Monday 18th March
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I haven't played ED for over 5 years now.

I'd built up a sizable well kitted out fleet with a few hundred mil in the bank.

I think it was the constant grind to improve ( the Thargoids had arrived as I dwindled out of the game) that started to put me off. Kind of ran out of motivation what with VR becoming a thing and so much more games getting into it.

If I returned, would it be like starting all over again?



1,343 posts

238 months

Monday 18th March
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Chuck328 said:
I haven't played ED for over 5 years now.

I'd built up a sizable well kitted out fleet with a few hundred mil in the bank.

I think it was the constant grind to improve ( the Thargoids had arrived as I dwindled out of the game) that started to put me off. Kind of ran out of motivation what with VR becoming a thing and so much more games getting into it.

If I returned, would it be like starting all over again?

Certainly if you'd engineered your ships a bit they'll be just as good as they were, speed, jump range, armour, power capacity engineering hasn't changed much in years.

Had materials traders appeared in the game before you left? They certainly make the grind for engineering materials far far easier imho.

Apart from that the requirements for materials to improve your ship hasn't changed much. The Guardian materials required for Thargoid combat modules were challenging to get in quantity and unfortunately weren't tradable but recently human AX weaponry got buffed to the point where having Guardian stuff isn't the overwhelming advantage it once was.

Odyssey on-foot engineering remains an ugly grind without tradeable materials for some strange reason.

There's a few new things to see in the galaxy like Thargoid spires and Maelstroms. Fleet Carriers now network the galaxy letting you cash in data when thirty thousand lightyears from home.

I quite enjoy Odyssey exobiology which has no suit engineering required. Odyssey ground combat does have its moments but I prefer ship to ship for me.


8,563 posts

263 months

Monday 18th March
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The engineering would be a grind but if you need credits or transport or somewhere to store your ships and modules it has become much easier. Especially if you find a mate with a fleet carrier or save the 5 billion for your own.

Also, there's a lot of new stuff on planets like ground combat and fauna scanning.

There's the thargoid thing too which will push you to discover the guardian settlements and the floating space thing to unlock the guardian modules, another grind but fun with other players. Maybe not completely necessary now I think a lot of useful modules can be had at rescue ships, you will need to get materials for them but the grind can be fun with others

I think the key is to wing up and do stuff with others who can chat and guide you along.


1,830 posts

125 months

Monday 18th March
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Just started playing this again, was after something relaxing to faff about in, played on release doing missions and got bored fairly quickly with it. Started doing exploration this time and getting on quite well, especially with the Odyssey expansion, currently headed for a DSSA carrier somewhere miles out the back of beyond.

Missed all the Titan palava, back in a few months if there's any left by then....


1,343 posts

238 months

Friday 19th April
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The third Thargoid Titan "Oya" is going to go critical in the next day. Big badaboom probably late Sunday or Monday. Well worth seeing "live" at least once.

A couple of interesting tech tidbits. There is now a "prototype" Super Cruise Overcharge (SCO) class drive available which goes REALLY fast in supercruise when activated. Thousands of light seconds in seconds fast.

Absolutely wild speed balanced by astounding fuel consumption (Fuel Rats going to be busy!) and that it is, for now only available as a class C pre-engineered module so you get stuck with a relatively low jump range.

Ideal for reaching B stars and coincidentally any Thargoid Titans that might be nearby.

Even filling an Anaconda with fuel tanks couldn't get it to do a full run to Hutton Orbital in overcharged supercruise, but it did halve the time afaik.

Whether SCO will ever be available on engineered drives or ratings other than C will be any interesting balancing/power creep debate. It's quite cool within a limited scope for now.

Second is a new engineered protection against the Titan and Orthrus Guardian tech melting field. Some rare materials required to unlock and it's compromised by not being compatible with the pre-engineered Guardian weapons nor the internal modules but it does enable use of the powerful basic Gauss cannon in Titan systems and against Orthrus. Opinions are mixed.


8,563 posts

263 months

Saturday 20th April
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With a 20% reduction in punch on the weapons.

Have to say though the supercruise is hilarious, if you can control the jitter and the heat generated it can get you out of a good few tight spots.
I got one to size up and realised they can be used to outrun blockades so basically any ship that wants to interdict you when you arrive at the star, whether thargoid, npc or player. It will save a lot of time getting to your station which is probably the majority spent


1,343 posts

238 months

Sunday 21st April
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Something of interest to those still in the vicinity of Titan Oya. Even though it is in its death throes it is spawning Orthrus almost continuously with very few other interceptors, hunters and scouts around.

So with the right kit, preferably on a wing you can bag dozens of Orthrus an hour at 40MCr a pop.

Solo is trickier getting enough firepower onto them for a kill before they flee through a rift.

I ran a Cutter with 6xEAX missiles and bagged a few.

In Open the Thargoids are more aggressive with more actively hostile craft.

So solo good, private group better, open is chaos!

Bonanza ends with the detonation of Oya in about 5 hours.


88,874 posts

287 months

Tuesday 7th May
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So the new Python II is not available from the normal ship trading system, instead it's a purchase with the now increased ARX (real money)

Frontier can go fk themselves. There's nothing special enough with a new ship to warrant it.

Edited to add, it's an early release for ARX, available in 3 months in game normally.

Edited by FourWheelDrift on Tuesday 7th May 17:38


1,343 posts

238 months

Tuesday 7th May
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I'm ok with the early access for Arx on the Python mk2 and pleased it's not a P2W monster. It's a bit of a glass cannon looking at the specs, very compromised internals traded for that extra large hardpoint. I'm considering an early access one for Arx. I'm not into PVP as the P2 is really aimed at but I think six gauss AX build could be amusing (until you die horribly of massive heat)

I'm very not ok with Frontier pretty much doubling the cost of cosmetics in the store without warning. Halving the value of in-game currency purchased for real money is a horrible way to treat you players.

Today's update 18.04 has one other big item. The new SCO FSDs are now available in all flavours for plain old credits and although I've not had the change to try them it looks like the new 5A SCO has a better jumprange than the old 5A. Seems like SCO drives make the olds ones obsolete.

So looks like a new era for travel and exploration in Elite, massive intersystem distances are now far less of a hassle along with gravity wells.


8,563 posts

263 months

Wednesday 8th May
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> I'm wondering about the pre engineered FSDs, will it have longer range than those?

Of course with SCO it makes a difference to gameplay, if they’re longer range than pre engineered then it’s back to the grindstone lol

Cant wait to get my hands on a new Python, might have to wait until august though

Edited by Oilchange on Wednesday 8th May 04:02


1,343 posts

238 months

Wednesday 8th May
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As far as I've read the new SCO drives seem to be a bit variable in advantage over the old.

But they do all seem to be giving a greater range.

I went silly and bought a Python II, feels very fast and agile. Haven't had a chance to shoot anything with it yet.


1,343 posts

238 months

Thursday 9th May
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Reddit post comparing the max jump values of original, "V1*" and new SCO drives.

Little advantage over the V1s but about 10% further than original FSD.

"*"V1 are the pre-engineered drives from a tech broker.


728 posts

221 months

Thursday 9th May
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Wayoftheflower said:

Reddit post comparing the max jump values of original, "V1*" and new SCO drives.

Little advantage over the V1s but about 10% further than original FSD.

"*"V1 are the pre-engineered drives from a tech broker.
Well ... Little advantage over the v1 in jump distance (although it's there for all but the 6 I believe) ... but you get the boost as well, which is its main point.

Of course with my luck I ground for ages to get the mats to acquire the V1, then headed off for my first trip to Colonia. Omw back now (10k from bubble) but basically I have to just suck it up and plod the old fashioned way for anything I want to scan or exo. All while listening to the fun others are having with new ships and FSDs ...


728 posts

221 months

Friday 10th May
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... but on the other hand I've also made it to Elite 1 for exploring and halfway-ish through the last rank of exo before Elite (Geneticist I think?). And enough creds for a carrier if I want, although a bit undecided on that. So mustn't grumble smile


8,563 posts

263 months

Friday 10th May
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A carrier is a no brainer if you ask me, a central point to store and manage all your ships and modules and a store for cargo that can be offloaded at any opportune moment.
If they made the jump range more or the time it takes to make a jump less it would be a big improvement but it is what it is


12,724 posts

239 months

Saturday 11th May
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Don't carriers have a hefty ongoing upkeep cost?


728 posts

221 months

Saturday 11th May
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They do : https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/fleet-carrier-calculator

It depends on what services you equip as to how much the carrier costs in up-front and going fees. The guidance I've seen says that the 5 billion minimum to buy the carrier is way too low - as with buying other ships in Elite, you need to budget for all the upgrades and extras. I've got to 8.5b so far and should be in the region of 10 by the time I get back to the bubble so it's do-able. Should be able to afford the carrier, a hold of tritium (which is why I didn't buy the FC in Colonia, where tritium is scarce and really expensive) and a year or two of upkeep - which seems to be the general advice.

I probably will get one, mainly because there's little else to do with that sort of level of credits. An FC seems like an "end game" goal to me. The other thing I'll probably turn my attention to is combat as I've avoided that to a large degree so it's my main missing rank (Competent, I think).