Elite: Dangerous



1,343 posts

238 months

Sunday 18th February
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After six years I finally reached combat Elite!

Last weekend's community goal for the creation of an anti Titan torpedo included a combat component so off to an Hazrez I went.

Tbh I'd been using the "shortcut" method accelerating combat rank by running ground based "defend the cargo" missions for a few weeks.

But my "Elite" kill was a Pirate Anaconda that chose the wrong mining ring to haunt.

Update 18 next week with trench runs against the titans highly anticipated.


1,343 posts

238 months

Sunday 25th February
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Update 18 today with servers expected to go offline for 7 hours at 0800 GMT

The update is a absolutely chonking 30GB so who knows what we might getting.

Certainly the finale of the Thargoid maelstroms is anticipated with the nanite missile production Community Goal of last week.

As ever, protect your custom keybinds

Instructions nicked from r/elitedangerous thank you Daftmarv

"Copy/paste this in explorer path: %localappdata%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings

Make a copy of the custom.4.0.binds file there, rename it to yourname.4.0.binds. (if you use notepad to open and 'save as...' be sure it doesn't end in .txt but .binds, may have to change filetypes to *.* instead of *.txt so it doesn't get added)

Open the new file in a text editor and change the value on the second line like this: PresetName="yourname" and save it.

In game settings, you can now switch to the "yourname" preset in the control presets dropdown and edit keybinds as you normally do, any changes are saved in your custom binds file."


1,343 posts

238 months

Friday 1st March
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Assault on Titans has begun in earnest and it seems like FDev want as many commanders to have a go as possible.


Lifted the unlock requirements for the specialised modules required.

Giving away ARX for participation.

Giving away shipkits for participation clap


728 posts

221 months

Friday 1st March
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I confess that the Thargoid stuff, and all the combat elements of the game really, leave me a bit cold.

I love the game and if I'm honest spend an unhealthy amount of time on it, but I'm much more interested in the exploration (inc exobiology), mining and trading aspects. I'd be interested in a "pacifist mode" where you can't shoot anything but on the other hand no pirate or 'goid can ruin your day. For example I've been preparing to go off on a proper exploration trip and my biggest concern is that my unarmed ship will get destroyed as soon as I get back near the bubble but before I've had chance to register all my findings.

I realise that puts me in a small minority!


88,874 posts

287 months

Friday 1st March
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Prak said:
For example I've been preparing to go off on a proper exploration trip and my biggest concern is that my unarmed ship will get destroyed as soon as I get back near the bubble but before I've had chance to register all my findings.

I realise that puts me in a small minority!
If it's just exploration data you will be carrying, then AI pirates won't destroy you, always submit to them if you can't escape from them by jumping. If you are in solo mode they will scan you, see you have nothing of value and leave.

Unless it's changed, as I haven't played for a while.


1,710 posts

152 months

Friday 1st March
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FourWheelDrift said:
Prak said:
For example I've been preparing to go off on a proper exploration trip and my biggest concern is that my unarmed ship will get destroyed as soon as I get back near the bubble but before I've had chance to register all my findings.

I realise that puts me in a small minority!
If it's just exploration data you will be carrying, then AI pirates won't destroy you, always submit to them if you can't escape from them by jumping. If you are in solo mode they will scan you, see you have nothing of value and leave.

Unless it's changed, as I haven't played for a while.
My DBX is totally unarmed, never even been intercepted in the bubble and that’s with several million in exploration data.

Back to Thargoids, anyone got any good ship builds for this event?


1,343 posts

238 months

Friday 1st March
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MBBlat said:
Back to Thargoids, anyone got any good ship builds for this event?
Krait MK2 or a Chieftain are very good for Thargoid combat.

Basically take a fast combat ship packed with hull reinforcements and heavy duty armour to a rescue ship (marked in bright green/blue on galmap)

Dock there and purchase a medium nanite torpedo launcher, pulse wave neutraliser, two or three caustic sinks and enhanced gimballed multicannons.

Have fun at the Titan and hope you don't catch too many rebuys!

More tips in various Reddit threads like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1...


1,343 posts

238 months

Friday 1st March
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Prak said:
I confess that the Thargoid stuff, and all the combat elements of the game really, leave me a bit cold.

I love the game and if I'm honest spend an unhealthy amount of time on it, but I'm much more interested in the exploration (inc exobiology), mining and trading aspects. I'd be interested in a "pacifist mode" where you can't shoot anything but on the other hand no pirate or 'goid can ruin your day. For example I've been preparing to go off on a proper exploration trip and my biggest concern is that my unarmed ship will get destroyed as soon as I get back near the bubble but before I've had chance to register all my findings.

I realise that puts me in a small minority!
Totally get that, I've recently dusted off an alt account and trundled out to Guardian space in a classic Cobra and it's such a cool experience. At some point I hope to take my main on a galactic tour in a fleet carrier. Maybe revisit SagA* and Beagle.

Speaking of carriers the DSSA has them all over the galaxy so you're never far from somewhere to cash in those precious discoveries. It's a really cool setup. Here's a map of their locations.



1,343 posts

238 months

Friday 1st March
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Well Titan Taranis is in its death throes and something (hopefully) spectacular is going to happen in about 19 hours.

"https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1763640308946846152 :

⚠️ Titan Taranis appears to be malfunctioning.

☢️ Complete catastrophic failure predicted at approximately 18:55 UTC Sat 2nd March.

🚫 Maelstrom pushback wave has ceased operation.

🔭 Pilots are encouraged to head to Hyades Sector FB-N B7-6 to witness humanity's finest hour!"


11,470 posts

263 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Wayoftheflower said:
Well Titan Taranis is in its death throes and something (hopefully) spectacular is going to happen in about 19 hours.

"https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1763640308946846152 :

?? Titan Taranis appears to be malfunctioning.

?? Complete catastrophic failure predicted at approximately 18:55 UTC Sat 2nd March.

?? Maelstrom pushback wave has ceased operation.

?? Pilots are encouraged to head to Hyades Sector FB-N B7-6 to witness humanity's finest hour!"
I popped over there yesterday only to get creamed on route (I was only going to have a look). Might try again this afternoon.


1,343 posts

238 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Jinx said:
I popped over there yesterday only to get creamed on route (I was only going to have a look). Might try again this afternoon.
Yeah it's still by no means safe near Thargoid territory.

Speed can be a great defence against them. Once you're capable of more than 500m/s there's only 2 of the rarer types of bug that have any hope of catching you.

Apparently you will still need caustic sinks to get close enough to the titan to see the show.


88,874 posts

287 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Wayoftheflower said:
After six years I finally reached combat Elite!
Good work. I left mine at 92% expert, no idea how much extra it will take but I've not really played since Nov 2019.


1,343 posts

238 months

Saturday 2nd March
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FourWheelDrift said:
Wayoftheflower said:
After six years I finally reached combat Elite!
Good work. I left mine at 92% expert, no idea how much extra it will take but I've not really played since Nov 2019.
Thanks Deadly to Elite is just the longest grind in ship to ship. But cheesing the ground combat "protect the cargo" Odyssey missions makes it fairly easy.

This morning's Earth Shattering Kaboom did not disappoint. Heaps of videos going up, this is a pretty good one.



1,710 posts

152 months

Sunday 3rd March
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Wayoftheflower said:
Krait MK2 or a Chieftain are very good for Thargoid combat.

Basically take a fast combat ship packed with hull reinforcements and heavy duty armour to a rescue ship (marked in bright green/blue on galmap)

Dock there and purchase a medium nanite torpedo launcher, pulse wave neutraliser, two or three caustic sinks and enhanced gimballed multicannons.

Have fun at the Titan and hope you don't catch too many rebuys!

More tips in various Reddit threads like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1...
Found my chieftan, trundled off to a rescue ship, this is the curent loadout

Blank spot is the torpedo launcher
Missed the big boom today, should be set up for the next one


1,343 posts

238 months

Sunday 3rd March
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MBBlat said:
Found my chieftan, trundled off to a rescue ship, this is the curent loadout

Blank spot is the torpedo launcher
Missed the big boom today, should be set up for the next one
Cool, I think the next AXI target Titan is Lei Gong.

With your build I wouldn't lose a large slot to the torpedo launcher, just use the medium. The 3 smalls are a bit hard to find a use for except thermal vent beams.

I always have a fuel scoop too just in case :-)


1,710 posts

152 months

Friday 15th March
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Swapped things around went for a couple of goes on Leigong, reby every time. Swapped a module reinforcement package for a shield, lasted a little bit longer.

Seem only to be able to hit a couple of vents before the core exposed message, by the time I manage to find my way to the underside and get in range the core is closing, obviously I’m doing something wrong. I guess no freebies for me frown

Gary C

12,717 posts

182 months

Friday 15th March
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Now got Elite running on my BBC, My BBC with 6502 second processor, My Tatung Einstein and my ZX Spectrum smile

Probably not quite as flashy as Elite:Dangerous, but fun still the same.


1,343 posts

238 months

Friday 15th March
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MBBlat said:
Swapped things around went for a couple of goes on Leigong, reby every time. Swapped a module reinforcement package for a shield, lasted a little bit longer.

Seem only to be able to hit a couple of vents before the core exposed message, by the time I manage to find my way to the underside and get in range the core is closing, obviously I’m doing something wrong. I guess no freebies for me frown
Leigong does appears to be a bit buggier (pun unintended) than Taranis. AXI Squadron posted yesterday that if each instance has more than one torpedo bomber it increases the chance of weird behaviour like you've seen.

So either carefully check who's doing what in your instance or try Solo.

PH Private instance even biggrin

What temperature is your ship running? Less the 20% makes you far less likely to get Thargoid agro and they struggle to hit you accurately too at low temperatures.

Can be tricky to have a shield and a cold running ship.


1,343 posts

238 months

Friday 15th March
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Gary C said:
Now got Elite running on my BBC, My BBC with 6502 second processor, My Tatung Einstein and my ZX Spectrum smile

Probably not quite as flashy as Elite:Dangerous, but fun still the same.
Very cool.

I still remember how punishingly difficult docking was on C64, so many scars...

Through sheer laziness I have a docking computer on pretty much every ship I have in ED.


3,408 posts

191 months

Friday 15th March
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Gary C said:
Now got Elite running on my BBC, My BBC with 6502 second processor, My Tatung Einstein and my ZX Spectrum smile

Probably not quite as flashy as Elite:Dangerous, but fun still the same.
I recall Elite on my BBC, I spent many hours before and after school playing it until I reached Elite. I was so excited when I got there but my mum and dad didn’t seem to get it!

Do you remember the short novella which came with the game? I am sure that I still have it somewhere.