Elite: Dangerous



8,567 posts

263 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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That looks amazing, which spire site?

I just cashed in a billion but it took me a little longer than an hour lol


1,344 posts

238 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Spire was one in Col 285 Sector PB-E b12-3

AXI guys were super organised getting everyone instanced together.

Bunch of entertainingly niche builds like a Mamba and a Clipper in the group I was with.

I brought an Anaconda with six plasma chargers which really was an unnecessary amount of boom but a lot of fun.


8,989 posts

178 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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I had a few days off last week and spent far too long playing it......

I bought a Vulture. Online reviews of it are generally positive - great fighter ship blah blah blah. I hated it.............
It has very obvious power limitation problems, which is a complete pain. Even if you fit stuff like shield boosters, you can't actually use them unless you turn off everything else (and yes, I did have the max A rated power so it was as good as it could be). The hardpoints are decent size, so you can do decent damage fairly quickly - but only 2 is a bit limiting.
It also sounded crap - like a Corsa with a cheap sports exhaust.

Having said all that - I did briefly swap back to my Cobra, and when I was interdicted I chose to evade rather than fight because I suddenly felt a tad vulnerable!

I was planning to buy a FAS, but got bored of trying to get my rank up - and decided to go Chieftan instead which I did last night. Sadly - buying it and upgrading the modules left me less than the insurance excess - and I didn't dare run it like that. I considered using the Vulture to build a few million back up - then realised I'd canabalised the Vulture for a few of its decent systems so it was now fairly useless. With that in mind - and given that I hated it anyway - I sold it.

Initial impressions of the Chieftan are much more positive. Massively better firepower, sounds better - and has enough power to actually run the ship! I can now hold my own with higher class enemies (PVE only). I do need to improve its defences a bit more though - in one fight yesterday my lasers etc. got damaged and hence I couldn't shoot anything anyway.

I need to improve my flying - need to experiment with the FA Off / flip over option so I can try to stay behind enemies a bit more often.


8,567 posts

263 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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I've got the Challenger, similar to your Chieftain, for my anti xeno stuff, it turns on a sixpence if you want it to, great ship and has some decent hardpoints.

Have you thought about doing anti xeno stuff? Visiting a Spire site with a long range laser or multi cannon will allow you to stand off, shoot the interceptors and gain the combat bonds while being mostly out of harms way, you could rack up a few hundred million in no time.


1,344 posts

238 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Chieftain is definitely meta for combat particularly AX combat.

Vulture and FAS can be fun and satisfying but both need extensive engineering to get the best from.

Spire sites can be big money makers but you have to be prepared for the shutdown missiles and scouts (and odd Cyclops) along with the docile Orthrus (bar the guardian tech melting field). Very much easier in a wing, and speaking of wing combat missions like pirate massacre are also a good way to get combat practice and a fair bit of money and even better reward materials.


8,567 posts

263 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Wayoftheflower said:
Chieftain is definitely meta for combat particularly AX combat.

Vulture and FAS can be fun and satisfying but both need extensive engineering to get the best from.

Spire sites can be big money makers but you have to be prepared for the shutdown missiles and scouts (and odd Cyclops) along with the docile Orthrus (bar the guardian tech melting field). Very much easier in a wing, and speaking of wing combat missions like pirate massacre are also a good way to get combat practice and a fair bit of money and even better reward materials.
Yep, I went Challenger for the extra speed I seem to recall.
Shutdown missiles can be avoided, especially if you stand well off with a long range laser, I was thinking for easing a newcomer into anti xeno purely to earn some credits.

eta, I'm not even sure it is faster but hey

Edited by Oilchange on Monday 4th December 10:52


1,344 posts

238 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Oilchange said:
Shutdown missiles can be avoided, especially if you stand well off with a long range laser, I was thinking for easing a newcomer into anti xeno purely to earn some credits.
Fair enough, certainly a long range laser would give someone the full whack for participation in an Orthrus kill.

Possibly more fun to bring something fast and stacked with EAX missiles to do staffing runs and add some DPS for the group. Courier or Viper maybe.

The way AXI did it was just have on-foot and Scorpion commanders kill every Banshee in the instance. Quite a task itself.


8,989 posts

178 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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I don't think I can do anti-Xeno - for various reasons, I prefer solo play. Although I think it's a bit early for messing with Thargoids anyway - I still have memories of them from the 1980s!

I do think I may buy another ship soon though. I've noticed that in the Chieftan, most ships I've met are not a big problem - Pythons are fine, Vultures are fine (although they seem to have better shields than I remember mine having), other Chieftans are fine, Cobra's are about 5s work..... - but Fer de Lance are an utter pain. Their shields seem to last ages - and even after that, it takes quite a long time to do meaningful damage.

Which makes me think I might want to own one!


1,344 posts

238 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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FDL is certainly peak Meta for PVP, fast, stacked out with shield boosters and the huge hard point can pack a punch.

I don't PVP so haven't really spent a lot of time in one.

FDL wouldn't suit AX combat though as it has a lighter hull and Thargoids do a lot of phasing and caustic damage that bypasses shields.

NPC toughness does scale up a fair way though. A top grade Pirate Lord will come in a fully engineered FDL with Vultures in escort.

Edited by Wayoftheflower on Tuesday 5th December 09:38


8,567 posts

263 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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davek_964 said:
I don't think I can do anti-Xeno - for various reasons, I prefer solo play. Although I think it's a bit early for messing with Thargoids anyway - I still have memories of them from the 1980s!

I do think I may buy another ship soon though. I've noticed that in the Chieftan, most ships I've met are not a big problem - Pythons are fine, Vultures are fine (although they seem to have better shields than I remember mine having), other Chieftans are fine, Cobra's are about 5s work..... - but Fer de Lance are an utter pain. Their shields seem to last ages - and even after that, it takes quite a long time to do meaningful damage.

Which makes me think I might want to own one!
It's easier than you think. You can pile in with a Sidewinder if you want, you know the cheapest ship in the game.

In AX warfare,

All bonds are retained even if you blow up unlike pirate kill bounties.
All materials collected and scans made are retained even if you blow up.

So if you were to buy a Sidewinder, head out to a Spire site, zap Orthruses with your long range laser, preferably in a team which is competent at finishing them off and collect hundreds of millions in bonds. Easy
You might get zapped a few times to death by Scouts but all bonds are retained, remember?

Orthrus don't fight back, they're a non combatant Interceptor type but are worth 40,000,000 credits each. So a hand full of these and you are well on your way! You just need to get one shot into it to get the combat bond and scoot away to a safe distance.

Edited by Oilchange on Tuesday 5th December 10:19


8,989 posts

178 months

Wednesday 6th December 2023
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Last night, I had about 15 mins free - so thought I'd try one of the pirate missions that is far too high class (Elite) and expects to be done with a wing (although I was solo). I was pretty sure I'd lose, but was curious how badly.

Well, it didn't last 15 mins! The FDL was quietly minding its own business - so I got to shoot first. Two seconds later - literally - I had no shields. Five seconds later, my ship was destroyed.

Won't be doing that again in a hurry!


8,567 posts

263 months

Wednesday 6th December 2023
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Ha! The wing missions are particularly hard even with a fully engineered FdL, the enemy has team mates and they are usually engineered up. The other members just smash you up in the time it takes to kill the main target. It's doable but not the easiest.

If you need to boost your credits, then you could do a lot worse than teaming up at a Spire site.


1,344 posts

238 months

Wednesday 6th December 2023
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Yup Pirate lords are tough. If I want to attempt to solo one I subscribe to brawn over brains and bring a fully engineered Corvette with Prismatic shield gen, six shield boosters and two shield cell banks.

Just tank the escorts fire and focus the primary target.


8,989 posts

178 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Not very happy with the game this morning.

When I stopped playing yesterday, I had just under 220 million credits. Switched it on this morning - and about 40 million has disappeared - I now have 178 million.
Think I'll find other things to do with my time this morning. frown


3,819 posts

195 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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davek_964 said:
Not very happy with the game this morning.

When I stopped playing yesterday, I had just under 220 million credits. Switched it on this morning - and about 40 million has disappeared - I now have 178 million.
Think I'll find other things to do with my time this morning. frown
Could be worth submitting a ticket, FDev are usually a pleasure to deal with - I don't think it's an uncommon bug either.

I logged on yesterday for the first time in months to find out my carrier had burned through its reserves and left me with a nice bill for 160 million credits, if it's any consolation! hehe


1,344 posts

238 months

Sunday 17th December 2023
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The missing credits sounds like an annoying bug.

FDev helpdesk have been very good historically, I had to rebuy a ship after combat and somehow came back without engineered modules and they fixed that for me in a couple of days.

My carrier upkeep is 35million a week. Although having done multiple booze cruises and the Orthrus hunt money train I'm good for the rest of 2024.

At the moment there are daily login Arx bonus' for Christmas and a treasure hunt quest for free skins/outfits.

Solution is up on Reddit if you don't have time for the cryptic questions.


1,344 posts

238 months

Wednesday 31st January
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Some welcome positive news from Frontier's live stream yesterday.


Four promised in 2024 with the Python Mk2 renders shown.

Update 18 and 19. 18 to maybe conclude the Thargoid war and Titans, 19 to REWORK POWER PLAY.

Now Power play has been of niche interest to most players including myself but it's easy to see the potential. Hopefully the rework will reduce the grind and remove the abuseable mechanicals leading to a more dynamic bubble.

With a recent GPU upgrade I can finally play in 4k60fps and the game looks damn fine.


88,883 posts

287 months

Thursday 1st February
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88,883 posts

287 months

Thursday 1st February
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& Moray Starboat, Constrictor and Panther Clipper?


1,344 posts

238 months

Thursday 1st February
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FourWheelDrift said:
& Moray Starboat, Constrictor and Panther Clipper?
Panther Clipper has got to be a strong bet as the 3D model was datamined a long time ago. Game balance with it's historic specs will be tough.

Mamba Lite is another ship that has turned up in game files.

A proper Guardian hybrid ship would be very cool, the design language of the Guardian SLFs is ace but they're so niche in use you barely see them.