Elite: Dangerous



1,344 posts

238 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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8bit said:
Wayoftheflower said:
8bit said:
I was actually on the original Kickstarter, got alpha access etc. and played from then for a couple of years. Been out of it for what must be about 6 or 7 years now, hence my surprise - thought it was maybe a couple of years I was behind!
Well a very humble o7 from me, without the Alpha backers I'd never had the 2500+hours of fun that Elite has given me.
Ah, apologies if I came across as willy-waving, really wasn't meant as such!
Definitely not! cool very very glad it got backed. You've got the rare Cobra IV right?


88,883 posts

287 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I've got the Cobra IV, it wasn't a kickstarter thing. It was a free gift for pre-orders of Horizons.


4,905 posts

158 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Wayoftheflower said:
Definitely not! cool very very glad it got backed. You've got the rare Cobra IV right?
Oooh, good question - different backing levels got different perks, can't remember what I paid now but I definitely got very early access. Did that Cobra only get added a while after the game went on general release maybe?

I know I've got the lifetime pass so I don't need to pay for the extras like Horizons, Odyssey etc., I got a box with a big map I think and some other goodies and I got the early access. I think I stopped playing regularly sometime after Horizons was released, planetary landing stuff was new and quite limited in scope last I remember and it was some time before on-foot stuff was released.

Thanks for the tip re. resolution in VR too, I'll take a look next time I get a chance to play. Desk mount brackets for my HOTAS are arriving today which should remove one of the mental barriers I have for playing games using HOTAS (namely being too lazy to set up the stick and throttle on my desk...)


728 posts

221 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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davek_964 said:
This is free on PS Plus now


I absolutely love it - after 7 hours, I have barely even scratched the surface and still feel like I've barely even started - and in fact, have a feeling that I'll need about 10 times this amount of time before that changes.
Not meaning to rain on your parade but just wanted to check that you are aware that development of the console version of this game ceased some time ago. What you see is what you get. I'm not particularly hopeful for the PC version either given the state of things at Frontier.

I, err, "invested" more hours into this game than I want to admit but the announcement of the end of dev for console killed it pretty much instantaneously for me. To be fair I was already starting to feel I'd done most of it and what was left required crazy amounts of grind.

So then I started mainlining No Man's Sky instead until I reached the same point hehe

Like I say, don't mean to put you off - sure there's many hours of fun ahead for you - just wanted to check that you know its days are numbered before you get too into it.


8,989 posts

178 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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I knew support had stopped but to be honest, I don't think that really makes much difference to me. It looks like a game I'll be playing for a fairly long time and there is plenty to try so I'm happy.


8,989 posts

178 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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Still really enjoying this.

Almost got caught out the other day. Decided to spend half an hour on it at lunchtime, only to discover that missions are real time and I only had a couple of hours left! That requires a bit more planning when playing.......

Have made some minor mods to my ship (Cobra Mk III) - a passenger cabin (although only a rubbish 2 person economy one), marginally bigger cargo hold, a better FSD, better fuel scoops and a better power unit.
Although they are relatively small improvements they make travel a LOT easier. I think a bigger fuel tank is next on the shopping list - then maybe improved cargo / passenger lounge options. Oh - and I may do what I need to do to unlock one of the FSD engineers.

This is the first game in a long time where I'll sit down to play it - and still be playing it many hours later if I get the opportunity. I think I'll be playing this far longer than I expected.


8,567 posts

263 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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I take it PS Players and PC players can't see each other in game?


8,567 posts

263 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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Also, are fleet carriers across all platforms?

If you search for SPACEHOPPER bounce I might leave some goodies there for you


1,344 posts

238 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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davek_964 said:
Have made some minor mods to my ship (Cobra Mk III) - a passenger cabin (although only a rubbish 2 person economy one), marginally bigger cargo hold, a better FSD, better fuel scoops and a better power unit.
Although they are relatively small improvements they make travel a LOT easier. I think a bigger fuel tank is next on the shopping list - then maybe improved cargo / passenger lounge options. Oh - and I may do what I need to do to unlock one of the FSD engineers.
Good to hear you're having fun. Tinkering with a ship to get it just how you need it.
There's plenty of online resources for virtual shipbuilding too. https://edsy.org/

A bigger fuel tank is rarely needed imho, better to spec the nicest fuel scoop you can and then use the route filters to make sure your path regularly visits KGBFOAM (all the star types you can scoop for fuel)
You can set the route planner to only use those stars too so you'll never run out of fuel, but you'll also never get to experience the big boost of a supercharged neutron star jump biggrin
And if you're out of fuel, call the famous fuel rats! https://fuelrats.com/

Sadly only carriers are crossplay, they exist in PC/Console galaxies wherever the owner has moved them. The playbase is split further between "Legacy" & "Live", Legacy mode is a choice for PC players but the only one available to Console players. Live mode is where the new Thargoid invasion is happening. Although Thargoids are also in Legacy they attack individual ships rather than whole systems.


8,567 posts

263 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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Thanks WayoftheFlower, wasn't sure what crossed over entirely.


1,713 posts

152 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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Wayoftheflower said:
davek_964 said:
Have made some minor mods to my ship (Cobra Mk III) - a passenger cabin (although only a rubbish 2 person economy one), marginally bigger cargo hold, a better FSD, better fuel scoops and a better power unit.
Although they are relatively small improvements they make travel a LOT easier. I think a bigger fuel tank is next on the shopping list - then maybe improved cargo / passenger lounge options. Oh - and I may do what I need to do to unlock one of the FSD engineers.
Good to hear you're having fun. Tinkering with a ship to get it just how you need it.
There's plenty of online resources for virtual shipbuilding too. https://edsy.org/

A bigger fuel tank is rarely needed imho, better to spec the nicest fuel scoop you can and then use the route filters to make sure your path regularly visits KGBFOAM (all the star types you can scoop for fuel)
You can set the route planner to only use those stars too so you'll never run out of fuel, but you'll also never get to experience the big boost of a supercharged neutron star jump biggrin
And if you're out of fuel, call the famous fuel rats! https://fuelrats.com/

Sadly only carriers are crossplay, they exist in PC/Console galaxies wherever the owner has moved them. The playbase is split further between "Legacy" & "Live", Legacy mode is a choice for PC players but the only one available to Console players. Live mode is where the new Thargoid invasion is happening. Although Thargoids are also in Legacy they attack individual ships rather than whole systems.
It’s rarely worth making the early game cheap ships a jack of all trades, min/max for one role, mining, exploration, combat, goods or passenger is the way to go. Pick one, equip the ship for that only and do a few missions or runs doing only that and you will have enough credits to buy another ship which you can min/max for another role. Remember for non combat ships guns are optional, for mining and exploration there are actually a detriment.

Engineers, go for Felicity Farseer first to get the extended jump range.


1,344 posts

238 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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MBBlat said:
It’s rarely worth making the early game cheap ships a jack of all trades, min/max for one role, mining, exploration, combat, goods or passenger is the way to go. Pick one, equip the ship for that only and do a few missions or runs doing only that and you will have enough credits to buy another ship which you can min/max for another role. Remember for non combat ships guns are optional, for mining and exploration there are actually a detriment.

Engineers, go for Felicity Farseer first to get the extended jump range.
Unlocking Farseer, followed by a trip out to the guardian ruins for the FSD booster is good call, adding jump range just makes life easier.

As for dedicated min-max ships I still shuffle a lot of modules around even with all the ships in the game in my hanger.

At the beginning my Cobra lasted me a long time until I jumped to the Python and then Conda. Module expense is less of a problem these days with many very profitable activities available but engineering those modules to Grade 5 will always be so time consuming I'd rather swap them about.

Ships can also rapidly adapt to circumstances, my Cutter first was for mining, became a fast cargo runner, then a Maelstrom explorer.


8,567 posts

263 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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Maelstrom in a Cutter? Who'd have thought it.


1,344 posts

238 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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Oilchange said:
Maelstrom in a Cutter? Who'd have thought it.
Engineered to run nice and cold and absolutely stacked with hull reinforcements, the 8 utility slots for double caustic sinks and all the other toys along with the ability to run the grade 7 multi limpet controller top that off.

It also runs away very fast biggrin


8,567 posts

263 months

Saturday 25th November 2023
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I suppose it makes sense, I thought about an Anaconda because of the amount of slots available. Have you got a build layout I could look at?


1,344 posts

238 months

Saturday 25th November 2023
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Oilchange said:
I suppose it makes sense, I thought about an Anaconda because of the amount of slots available. Have you got a build layout I could look at?
Conda might get frustrating during the multiple hyperdictions and interdictions that happen in Thargoid space.

My Cutter for collecting those blasted caustic tissue samples from the maelstrom was A rated for everything except life support and sensors.

Low emissions power plant
Clean thrusters with thermal spread
Grade 7 universal limpet controller.
Shield with low emissions
Corrosion resistant cargo rack
Big regular cargo rack (for all the limpets)
A fixed 2D beam with thermal vent.
Military grade composite with heavy duty
Loads of heavy duty hull reinforcements
ECM (handy for those Glaive missiles)
Heat sinks
Enhanced xeno scanner.

Once you have caustic sinks it opens up the options, Clipper is good as it's even faster but slightly squishier.

I'd.consider stacking it out with EAX gimballed multicannons too, give you options or just amusements Vs scouts and a single Glaive class.

Edited by Wayoftheflower on Saturday 25th November 10:33


8,567 posts

263 months

Saturday 25th November 2023
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Just remembered it doesn't run away very well lol

Good call on the Clipper, might just kit one out purely for Maelstrom fun


1,344 posts

238 months

Saturday 25th November 2023
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Oilchange said:
Just remembered it doesn't run away very well lol

Good call on the Clipper, might just kit one out purely for Maelstrom fun
Clipper without any Caustic sinks can dissolve quite quickly getting to the Titan. The 4 utility slots is also slightly compromised too. But it is such a nice thing to fly and can pack the full Universal limpet controller which is very handy.


8,567 posts

263 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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I'm almost finished engineering one now, just waiting for a module to arrive in the post.

You're right though, Clipper could have done with an extra utility slot for a the Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer and one more size 2 weapon perhaps but it's a quick thing to throw around.

I'll find out if it will settle at 20% heat or below in a bit lol

Edited by Oilchange on Sunday 26th November 06:36


1,344 posts

238 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Ten year old game can still really deliver.
The Anti Xeno Initiative's (AXI) fifth birthday was celebrated in style with hundreds of commanders across a dozen instances all gathering to fight at a Thargoid spire.

With a specatular 70 player instance to conclude.

Pics by CMDR Tumama.

I enjoyed the show and the Billion credits in bounties I got for smashing bugs for an hour.