Elite: Dangerous



88,902 posts

287 months

Sunday 30th July 2023
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I use the Frontier Launcher, big update and change today with it. It's gone all modern.


1,344 posts

238 months

Sunday 30th July 2023
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Update 16 tomorrow. New Thargoid medium shop "Scythe" and maybe some other stuff Goidey.

FDev have given up on improving Anti Aliasing though and closed the now vintage ticket along with some other old and "unsolvable" issues....


88,902 posts

287 months

Monday 31st July 2023
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I've cranked supersampling up to x2.0 and it looks a lot better.


1,344 posts

238 months

Wednesday 2nd August 2023
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Well rendering twice as many points as you actually need you'd hope would help! biggrin

Update 16, a few fixes, a new Thargoid enemy ship and ??? Maybe some more story? Rumours of a Far-god cult ship having been found, not had the chance to look myself.

Another cool fan made film/trailer


3,819 posts

195 months

Wednesday 2nd August 2023
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Can anyone beat 75 minutes for a carrier jump? hehe


1,344 posts

238 months

Friday 4th August 2023
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Carrier jump times an ongoing issue which FDev as asking for feedback on.


Seems like there is also a new type of barnacle site to visit and some disturbing audio logs at the now derelict Far god cult ship.


4,905 posts

158 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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RIght on, Commander.


1,344 posts

238 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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o7 cool

This weekend I'm either going to try out those new on-foot AX zones or maybe catch a lift up to Rackham's peak for a booze cruise and sightseeing.


8,568 posts

263 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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I will be offline for a while due to work commitments but if anyone wishes to make use of my carriers facilities (SPACEHOPPERbounce) you are welcome.
I have invited an 80s/90s tribute band with dancing girls to provide evening entertainment for punters.drunk


1,344 posts

238 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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Elite remains an entrancingly beautiful game. I was exploring the new kilometres high Thargoid Spires as the sun was rising.


8,990 posts

178 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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This is free on PS Plus now, so I downloaded it a week ago - I was a big fan of the original a long time ago...... Did the training missions last week - was still clueless, and didn't go further than that - but g/f was out until late last night so I thought I'd have a play. I've read plenty about the steep learning curve, and that it's definitely not a game everybody will love (and I have very limited patience with games) - so I was pretty certain that after an hour or two I'd give up and forget all about it.

Oh dear....... 7 hours later, I had to stop to collect the g/f from the station........ It's brilliant - really does remind me of the original but obviously many many times better these days.
Have carried out several missions (basically simply transporting goods from one system to another) - although I did accidentally steal some Lithium when I abandoned a mission...... in the end I decided it was too complicated (at this stage) to find somebody who'd buy stolen goods so I jettisoned them - and then got fined because I did it too close to a space station. Doh!

I absolutely love it - after 7 hours, I have barely even scratched the surface and still feel like I've barely even started - and in fact, have a feeling that I'll need about 10 times this amount of time before that changes.

G/f is away tonight, so I don't even have a late curfew....... that may not be good!

Edited by davek_964 on Thursday 16th November 10:36


7,171 posts

171 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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I hear Hutton Orbital space station is the place to go for good missions. laugh


8,568 posts

263 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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Another addict to the Frontier opium den lol


9,631 posts

258 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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MissChief said:
I hear Hutton Orbital space station is the place to go for good missions. laugh

Living up to the username, I see.


1,344 posts

238 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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Nice to see people still picking up this ten year old game and having fun. Elite still absolutely draws me in and I do not know what might ever replace it.

Sad that Odyssey couldn't be made to work on consoles and they miss out on that.

I "wasted" my time in Elite yesterday fitting seven flak cannons to a Type 10 and attempted to rid a Thargoid Spire site of the Banshee hovertank things.

Was a total failure. Still fun though!


4,905 posts

158 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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Wayoftheflower said:
Nice to see people still picking up this ten year old game and having fun. Elite still absolutely draws me in and I do not know what might ever replace it.
Jesus, it's not is it!!? Now I feel old...

I did fire it up again recently, foiund myself forced to do a tutorial mission on foot, wandering around some surface base that appeared to have been attacked, trying to restore power. First time I've done on foot stuff, think I have a lot to figure out there. Need to spend some time setting up all the controls for my HOTAS setup as well. The VR seems to work pretty well but I need to check if there's a resolution setting somewhere as it seemed fairly low-res/blocky to me.


1,344 posts

238 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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8bit said:
Wayoftheflower said:
Nice to see people still picking up this ten year old game and having fun. Elite still absolutely draws me in and I do not know what might ever replace it.
Jesus, it's not is it!!? Now I feel old...

I did fire it up again recently, foiund myself forced to do a tutorial mission on foot, wandering around some surface base that appeared to have been attacked, trying to restore power. First time I've done on foot stuff, think I have a lot to figure out there. Need to spend some time setting up all the controls for my HOTAS setup as well. The VR seems to work pretty well but I need to check if there's a resolution setting somewhere as it seemed fairly low-res/blocky to me.
Oh soooo very much!

Elite's control scheme is a bit of a mess, just yesterday I had to open my .binds file in a text editor to get around the problem of multicrew triggers refusing to bind to the same input as ship triggers. My mate and I were totally at a loss as to why we could not fire from the SRV Scorpion tank turret when using back seat gunner role. Turns out the gunner input bindings come from multicrew, not the SRV inputs...

If the above reads like gibbering nonsense, welcome to Elite Dangerous!

As for blocky screen gfx, maybe check if FSR is enabled and at what level.


4,905 posts

158 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Wayoftheflower said:
Oh soooo very much!

Elite's control scheme is a bit of a mess, just yesterday I had to open my .binds file in a text editor to get around the problem of multicrew triggers refusing to bind to the same input as ship triggers. My mate and I were totally at a loss as to why we could not fire from the SRV Scorpion tank turret when using back seat gunner role. Turns out the gunner input bindings come from multicrew, not the SRV inputs...

If the above reads like gibbering nonsense, welcome to Elite Dangerous!

As for blocky screen gfx, maybe check if FSR is enabled and at what level.
I was actually on the original Kickstarter, got alpha access etc. and played from then for a couple of years. Been out of it for what must be about 6 or 7 years now, hence my surprise - thought it was maybe a couple of years I was behind!


1,344 posts

238 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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8bit said:
I was actually on the original Kickstarter, got alpha access etc. and played from then for a couple of years. Been out of it for what must be about 6 or 7 years now, hence my surprise - thought it was maybe a couple of years I was behind!
Well a very humble o7 from me, without the Alpha backers I'd never had the 2500+hours of fun that Elite has given me.


4,905 posts

158 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Wayoftheflower said:
8bit said:
I was actually on the original Kickstarter, got alpha access etc. and played from then for a couple of years. Been out of it for what must be about 6 or 7 years now, hence my surprise - thought it was maybe a couple of years I was behind!
Well a very humble o7 from me, without the Alpha backers I'd never had the 2500+hours of fun that Elite has given me.
Ah, apologies if I came across as willy-waving, really wasn't meant as such!