

6,327 posts

268 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Jasandjules said:
I told myself that after paying full whack for Far Cry 6 and BF2042 that I would never pre-order again. I shall break my promise to myself and will have this game on release day come hell or high water...
Same I think - it’ll be interesting to see how much they want to charge for it on PS5. I assume it’ll be expensive!

s p a c e m a n

10,844 posts

151 months

Wednesday 24th January
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My problem is that I ditched consoles a couple of years ago for a pc so now I have to buy two Xboxes or whatever so that I can shoot the st out of my missus (there's no way she'd let me play without her hehe )


12,731 posts

174 months

Wednesday 24th January
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I'm gonna have to get a new console for this but will be worth it, my Xbox One S is getting slower and slower.


70,095 posts

232 months

Wednesday 24th January
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DanL said:
Jasandjules said:
I told myself that after paying full whack for Far Cry 6 and BF2042 that I would never pre-order again. I shall break my promise to myself and will have this game on release day come hell or high water...
Same I think - it’ll be interesting to see how much they want to charge for it on PS5. I assume it’ll be expensive!
In my head I have allowed £90. That will be an acceptable price.

Then when it comes out on PC I will buy it again............. But will wait a few months......


1,484 posts

73 months

Thursday 25th January
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Bas Jaski said:
foxbody-87 said:
Have to say I was a bit disappointed, I was hoping for a bit of a new location, there were rumours of a Japanese city for example, but they've gone with Vice City for the second time (third if you include the first game!). In another 10 years time they'll probably be back in Liberty City...
The problem with doing it in foreign countries is to get the atmosphere across. The pedestrians and their interactions with each other and the player, random swearing/comments are what really brings these games to life and adds so more to the general atmosphere; setting the game in Japan, Spain, Poland, just don't get that. A fraction of the players will understand what's being said.

From movies/series and those that have been to the States in real life, we all have an idea of the exaggerated characters in the States. The GTA6 trailer showed GTA is going hard on the current generation and especially florida-ness of it all.

I'm the opposite of disappointed.

America catches the GTA vibe perfectly, honestly on a 12-13 year wait, I’d be very disappointed if they took a gamble on another country especially japan.

The only other place they could go imo is back to london

Jim on the hill

5,072 posts

193 months

Thursday 25th January
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usn90 said:
Bas Jaski said:
foxbody-87 said:
Have to say I was a bit disappointed, I was hoping for a bit of a new location, there were rumours of a Japanese city for example, but they've gone with Vice City for the second time (third if you include the first game!). In another 10 years time they'll probably be back in Liberty City...
The problem with doing it in foreign countries is to get the atmosphere across. The pedestrians and their interactions with each other and the player, random swearing/comments are what really brings these games to life and adds so more to the general atmosphere; setting the game in Japan, Spain, Poland, just don't get that. A fraction of the players will understand what's being said.

From movies/series and those that have been to the States in real life, we all have an idea of the exaggerated characters in the States. The GTA6 trailer showed GTA is going hard on the current generation and especially florida-ness of it all.

I'm the opposite of disappointed.

America catches the GTA vibe perfectly, honestly on a 12-13 year wait, I’d be very disappointed if they took a gamble on another country especially japan.

The only other place they could go imo is back to london
Personally I think even London is too big a stretch. America suits GTA. Loads of different states and biomes to much around with.


1,484 posts

73 months

Thursday 25th January
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Jim on the hill said:
Personally I think even London is too big a stretch. America suits GTA. Loads of different states and biomes to much around with.
I’d be inclined to agree, I meant if they simply had to take a break from America.

Leave London for a getaway sequel

RB Will

9,688 posts

243 months

Thursday 25th January
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You do get to have little glimpses of other cultures too with the gangs involved like Yakuza, Yardies, Cartel etc


6,158 posts

195 months

Thursday 25th January
quotequote all
Jim on the hill said:
Personally I think even London is too big a stretch. America suits GTA. Loads of different states and biomes to much around with.
You could set GTA in London and have many varied communities largely isolated from each other. Stretch it out as far as the M25 and you have royal palaces, billionaire oligarch enclaves, global financial centres, urban slums, film studios, theater districts, ancient woodland (Epping), and so much more.


3,686 posts

106 months

Thursday 25th January
quotequote all
SpudLink said:
Jim on the hill said:
Personally I think even London is too big a stretch. America suits GTA. Loads of different states and biomes to much around with.
You could set GTA in London and have many varied communities largely isolated from each other. Stretch it out as far as the M25 and you have royal palaces, billionaire oligarch enclaves, global financial centres, urban slums, film studios, theater districts, ancient woodland (Epping), and so much more.
We had GTA in London and it was brilliant.

(granted it was top down but it was still brilliant)


2,691 posts

130 months

Thursday 25th January
quotequote all
Jasandjules said:
I told myself that after paying full whack for Far Cry 6 and BF2042 that I would never pre-order again. I shall break my promise to myself and will have this game on release day come hell or high water...
I won't be pre-ordering this one (first one since Vice City) but that's down to how short V was. For me I want to see what you can do once the main story missions after over, they need to put something in the post story to keep you playing (only needs vigilante missions really). They have enough money from Online to do both for VI imo but I know what will happen - rave reviews, sales records broken, hilariously short single player section, massive online component for 20years with many dlcs.

RB Will

9,688 posts

243 months

Thursday 25th January
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Shows it is hard to cater for everyone. I don’t remember thinking it was short at the time. Apparently completion including side missions is the thick end of 100 hours without buggering about.
With the free time I have now it would take me 1-2 years so complete that, I’d be thinking the bloody game didn’t have an end hehe

s p a c e m a n

10,844 posts

151 months

Friday 26th January
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Yeah we're all different. Most of the people that I know were in 5 for the online only, the main story was just a side mission.


14,751 posts

146 months

Friday 26th January
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Perhaps that's why RDR II had a cheap online -only option. Can't see GTA6 having that though!


708 posts

106 months

Friday 26th January
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I've never played the online of GTA, its never appealed to me; although I heard they added single player elements to it, which may peak me for* 6.

I think America is the perfect location for GTA, I wouldn't think it would fit anywhere else personally.

America is the centre hub of entertainment and gossip really, like it or not the majority of trends and interests stem from there these days. The wide range of outlandish stereotypes from each state adds to it perfectly.

Seriously looking forward to it myself!

For GTA5 launch I conveniently found myself in A&E at 23:00 the night before with a serious neck injury. While I waited to collect my heavy drug prescription I wandered to the local shopping centre to grab a meal deal from the 24hr Tesco and found a massive group of people queueing outside the GAME in the same centre. I stood in the queue and collected the game just after midnight!

Drove home, dropped my first ever dose of Diazepam and Tramadol and sat and played GTA5 for approximately 30 minutes before I drifted off for about an 16 hour sleep biggrin

Fond memory


14,751 posts

146 months

Friday 26th January
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Not so much fun for me...At the launch of GTA V I stood in a queue at Game for hours, got it and found the wife had fallen asleep waiting, listening to the radio. Flat battery! Had to wait ages for the RAC. Never again

808 Estate

2,153 posts

94 months

Sunday 19th May
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Looks like an "Autumn 2025" release date.


12,731 posts

174 months

Sunday 19th May
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Gives me over a year to put money aside for a new console, still got my Xbox One S.


3,938 posts

152 months

Sunday 19th May
quotequote all
Jasandjules said:
DanL said:
Jasandjules said:
I told myself that after paying full whack for Far Cry 6 and BF2042 that I would never pre-order again. I shall break my promise to myself and will have this game on release day come hell or high water...
Same I think - it’ll be interesting to see how much they want to charge for it on PS5. I assume it’ll be expensive!
In my head I have allowed £90. That will be an acceptable price.

Then when it comes out on PC I will buy it again............. But will wait a few months......
It likely will be expensive, but it really shouldn't be expensive. It should be the going rate as all other new AAA console games in the £50 bracket.

I'm sure this will set records for its budget and the investors need to recoup that money but let's be real, no matter what, this will still end up being the highest-grossing videogame of all time, as well as the top-selling game of all time and that's all before the online component which will generate many more billions after. I'd even wager that they could give every copy of the game away for free and would still make a substantial profit over the development costs just from the online portion.

Companies charging more for a game is greedy.
I'd understand from a small developer who rely on community support but a company like Take 2 is just being greedy.

Despite everything I just said though, I admittedly would pay £100 day one if that's what I needed.
Even though GTA is far from being the game it once was, it's still a high quality series.


6,158 posts

195 months

Sunday 19th May
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As a business, why would you sell your product for £50, if you know you can sell it at £100 without losing any sales?
Those who refuse to pay full price and wait for the discount are the same people that would do that if the initial price is £50.

It’s a discretionary purchase from a company looking to make a profit, not a necessary utility.