Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020



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283 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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First Autoland yesterday in the 737 flight from Alicante to Sal - Cape Verde. It went very well apart from I didn't take into consideration the high cross wind which made it interesting ....

Does the real thing take crosswinds into consideration or is it always on the rudder pedals with Autoland even if the plane is equipped to rollout ?


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8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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El stovey said:
Narcisus said:
First Autoland yesterday in the 737 flight from Alicante to Sal - Cape Verde. It went very well apart from I didn't take into consideration the high cross wind which made it interesting ....

Does the real thing take crosswinds into consideration or is it always on the rudder pedals with Autoland even if the plane is equipped to rollout ?
I’m real life during an Autoland, the 737 rudder is controlled by the autopilot but there’s crosswind limits, think it’s 25kts in the newer 737s

If you started putting in your own ruder inputs you’d likely disconnect the autopilot which wouldn’t be optimal (or legal) in low visibility near the ground as you’d then me flying manually below minimas so you’d have to go around unless you were visual.
Thanks ES. I'll try some practice approaches and keep my feet clear and see what happens. I never knew some aircraft were equipped to rollout and some not.

Have to say I did a much better job than I expected.


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8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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Excellent thanks smile Yes that looks very familiar now. I'll print it out and have it handy tonight. I have a feeling with PMDG there is an option somewhere to select if that particular hull has the option for rollout or not.

Have a question about the Packs / Bleed Air but better do some work first !

Edited by Narcisus on Monday 17th October 09:53


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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El stovey said:
Narcisus said:
Excellent thanks smile Yes that looks very familiar know. I'll print it out and have it handy tonight. I have a feeling with PMDG there is an option somewhere to select if that particular hull has the option for rollout or not.

Have a question about the Packs / Bleed Air but better do some work first !
I’m happy to help but this is an excellent resource if you’re looking for more info also.
That looks like a fantastic site ! I'll have a browse later. Thanks !


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8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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kowalski655 said:
That does look handy, and coupled with El Stoveys advice, I definitely need to get to know how to fly stuff properly, once everything is installed on my new PC
I got the PMDG 737-600 just for that, mostly because it was cheap! I also have the 737-200 for XP11, but I reckon that's a completely different kettle of fish!
I love the 600 something about it also had a soft spot for the 747-SP. It's amazing how easy it is to get into the 737 get it up and running FMC configured and complete a flight.

I watched a few YouTube videos and off I went.

Then you start properly looking into things and understand why the guys who do it for real take years. We had a family friend who flew 767's for Britannia and had thousands of hours but said you never every stopped learning.

I can now knock a flight plan up on SimBrief ( in the most basic of ways ) with SIDS and STARS and use Little Nav Map to track my progress on a 2nd screen.

With help from people like ES above, websites and YouTube I can now start to polish how I do things because a lot of the stuff I only have enough of an understanding to get me by.

I'm now very much enjoying the sim after my very rocky beta days and have pretty much abandoned P3D sadly.

Not tried it with head tracking yet or VR which is probably more suited to the Mach Loop in a Lightning than airliners.


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8,137 posts

283 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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BobSaunders said:
Any recommendations on books / learning guides? I think i've kinda unpicked what you have done above.
Hey Bob I would just watch others on youtube some guys have done tutorial flight just mirror what they do a few times then change the destinations soon pick it up. The only thing I've read so far is what ES posted above !


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283 months

Sunday 4th December 2022
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I devoted all yesterday to FS and did the flight I will be doing in Jan East Mids to Tenerife South did it all properly with correct flight numbers in real time in the PMDG 737-800.

1 Hour turn around in the Canaries then back to Blighty biggrin

Very relaxing just sitting watching the iPad while in the cruise.


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8,137 posts

283 months

Sunday 4th December 2022
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Anyone know of any payware East Mids Airports in the works ?


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8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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surveyor said:
Narcisus said:
Anyone know of any payware East Mids Airports in the works ?
Yeah tried that have owned the UK2000 version since FS 2004 then ORBX in P3D so looking for a decent commercial version but not even heard any rumours.


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283 months

Friday 23rd December 2022
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Fell on my feet yesterday there was a miss price on Steam and for 15 minutes they were selling the standard 40th anniversary edition for £11.99 ! Bought a copy for myself and a mate then it went back up to £48 biggrin


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283 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2023
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BrettMRC said:
Feeling really daft now... where are you getting the additional planes from outside of the Marketplace? smile
Hi Brett loads of places if on PC not sure if possible on Xbox which platform you using ?


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283 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2023
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Also something to keep in mind … if you are using game pass then buy MS on Steam anything you have purchased in the Marketplace using your Gamepass MS will not be transferred over to the Steam version.


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283 months

Sunday 22nd January 2023
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I was going to do exactly the same flight now you've RUINED it for me !!! hehe


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8,137 posts

283 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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FS Traffic released just grabbed it


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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surveyor said:
Report back! I've been using FSLTL recently, but be interested in the competition.
Going to be Saturday b4 I get a chance to test :-(


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8,137 posts

283 months

Sunday 29th January 2023
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FourWheelDrift said:
Narcisus said:
surveyor said:
Report back! I've been using FSLTL recently, but be interested in the competition.
Going to be Saturday b4 I get a chance to test :-(
Bug that needs patching -
Yeah it needs some tweaking but I’m happy with the purchase it used to take me a couple of days to install AIG and I just couldn’t be arsed anymore.

Did a test flight from EGNX to EGPH today in the 737-800 using Fs2Crew for first time it was great not to have to do it all myself for a change !


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 30th January 2023
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kowalski655 said:
Having looked at FS2Crew, does that make the flight a lot better?
Better ? I suppose it’s more realistic as you would not normally fly a 737 single crew. I think when you are at a stage where’re you are comfortable operating by yourself it’s a great add on.

I’ll use it a lot but I’ll still fly single crew as well as I like to press all the buttons !


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 30th January 2023
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kowalski655 said:
Cheers. Might get this, just need to decide between the 737 and the FBW Airbus
Both great addons although I’ve never really got on with Airbus. I did have the Aerosoft Airbus on P3D but always ended up with the 737.


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Looks like many creators are not happy with and attempting to pull their creations from the site.....

The guy who has developed the superb Global AI Ship Traffic has posted on AVSIM that have refused to remove them.

He says it will no longer be updated and to download from other sources he has linked to.


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Saturday 4th March 2023
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That looks excellent mate ! I’m sure my Mrs would like to put me out in the garden in something similar permanently !