Elden Ring



12,840 posts

158 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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I'm level 1 I'm not liking it that much so far

But will carry on


9,631 posts

258 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Rojibo said:
game seems harder to me than DS3. Way more punishing on your roll timings.
Thanks for that.

Aahhhmm ooot!


12,840 posts

158 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Clubing turtles and eagles is about as good as I've got so far


1,730 posts

205 months

Saturday 26th February 2022
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Elden Ring appears to me to be a wonderful evolution on the souls franchise.

Keeping all the good parts and evolving them further and adding in horses and stealth options.

I've played a few hours tonight and have killed some of the early small bosses that are off the main first grassy area. Helped a few people that summoned me and now am progressing up through some castle gates and up a long windy cobbled path towards the castle. The graphics are lovely and the feeling of impact in the fighting is as good as ever and more.



12,840 posts

158 months

Saturday 26th February 2022
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So far walk die, walk die, walk kill a turtle die, walk kill 3 people see a guy on a horse die, walk see some skeletons kill them yay last one turns into a giant bear die

Why aren't I leveling up or finding any money or stuff really it's really not fun at why dont I heal or anything ?

Jimmy No Hands

5,013 posts

159 months

Sunday 27th February 2022
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Trustmeimadoctor said:
So far walk die, walk die, walk kill a turtle die, walk kill 3 people see a guy on a horse die, walk see some skeletons kill them yay last one turns into a giant bear die

Why aren't I leveling up or finding any money or stuff really it's really not fun at why dont I heal or anything ?
Mate bought into the hype and bought this - said after 3 hours its just dross. I guess if you're a FromSoft fan and like this sort of thing you'll fit right in, but personally I just don't find it interesting. It seems universally liked though, and I'm yet to see a bad word said.


12,840 posts

158 months

Sunday 27th February 2022
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I'm saying it, it's st!
I have literally no idea what I'm doing! (That is it's fault)


9,631 posts

258 months

Sunday 27th February 2022
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Trustmeimadoctor said:
So far walk die, walk die, walk kill a turtle die, walk kill 3 people see a guy on a horse die, walk see some skeletons kill them yay last one turns into a giant bear die

Why aren't I leveling up or finding any money or stuff really it's really not fun at why dont I heal or anything ?
Just to clear, have you played any Souls-like games before?

I'm not disagreeing in any way, mind. It's just that this is what they're like. Just not fun in my book, although I quite appreciate that lots of people love them.


12,840 posts

158 months

Sunday 27th February 2022
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I plaid the first one it seems on the 360 as I have some achievements I don't remember it though

I've now levelled up so I'm getting somewhere! Just died again though


12,840 posts

158 months

Sunday 27th February 2022
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Right now level 8 I have some clothes and a bigger sword. I'm still really not "enjoying" it but I will keep on going. I have no idea how to tell who I can attack and get away with it some big things go down easy other smaller things I hardly damage. I have no idea what to do with anything I've collected either. Maybe I will get into it bit it feels a bit too much like a chore!


1,730 posts

205 months

Monday 28th February 2022
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Trustmeimadoctor said:
Right now level 8 I have some clothes and a bigger sword. I'm still really not "enjoying" it but I will keep on going. I have no idea how to tell who I can attack and get away with it some big things go down easy other smaller things I hardly damage. I have no idea what to do with anything I've collected either. Maybe I will get into it bit it feels a bit too much like a chore!
  • Very small spoiler alert**
You need to visit three sites of grace and at the third one a lady will appear and she will talk to you. From that moment on you can start to level up. You gain points each time you kill an enemy. The bigger/tougher they are the more points you get towards your next level. Every first experience of a souls/from soft game is similar to yours. Especially if you are playing it with no prior knowledge. If you stick at it, you break through this ceiling you are experiencing now and then you never look back. Everyone feels like you do at this point but some make it through and others never do and never really understand these types of games. It is well worth sticking with it. The achievement when you beat an enemy that previously smashed you is well worth it.

GL HF (git gud).


12,840 posts

158 months

Monday 28th February 2022
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Cheers yeah I can now level up I'd found 6 or 7 meditation point things before I could level up

I love rpg's so I'm gonna try stick it out. It doesn't help my pad drifts so often I find it walking me off cliffs and into trouble smile


1,746 posts

80 months

Monday 28th February 2022
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Yeah look for the glowing lines that point you towards the bonfires, sorry, sites of grace. You will get the ability to level up and a mount that is very useful for exploring. I would head south from the main path and explore that way, things shouldn’t be too hard to kill and you’ll level up relatively easily.

I got a friend of mine into it, and with a little bit of guidance to push past the initial wall he’s loving it. Killed the first proper boss and is now in the first legacy dungeon.

I’ve sunk 30 hours into it and I can’t put it down. Not strictly spoilers but finally beat Radhan. Jesus, that’s going to cause some upset, found it pretty hard.


1,772 posts

125 months

Tuesday 1st March 2022
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I bit the bullet and bought the game as the reviews were so good, some going as far as saying the best game ever.

I was a bit worried I wouldn;t get on with the difficulty (as I would consider I have average ability when it comes to gaming). However, I haven't found it too difficult so far (yes I have died numerous times). However, I am finding the game extremely boring. The story is almost non existent nd what there is, is just the generic fantasy rubbish.

The frame rate dips randomly, the graphics are 2014/15 PS4 level and there is no pause button (WTF).

Going to try a bit more tonight but think this will be sold on very quickly as it is just so boring.


12,840 posts

158 months

Tuesday 1st March 2022
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the no pause thing is a huge issue. i thought it did it on the map but no it doesnt!

i followed a guide on how to get overpowered fast so now i have 6 health flask+ 2 a +4 sword a levelled up spirt animal thing and some armour now i cant play it for a few weeks


1,730 posts

205 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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^^^^^^^ some quite funny comments above as people experience their first From Software game.

The no pause feature is because you are never supposed to feel safe. If you need to pause go to a shrine of virtue. If you can't find one exit the game from the menu so that it saves. With earlier games such as Dark Souls, you could be invaded at any (most..) point by another player, so pausing wasn't an option and leaving your machine with your character standing in a "safe" corner never was safe. The feature isn't designed purely to be obtuse but to remind you that you are never safe just standing there and keep you on edge. You have a huge amount of hard earned souls but decide to nip to the toilet and return to find yourself back stabbed by a ruthless black phantom invader. Now you have to get back to that same location to retrieve your souls knowing you may die along the way and never get the souls back. So you tread safely but too much caution means you can get killed by a mob of weak enemies. So be wary. Thus the tension builds.

The story is supposed to be obscure. You are supposed to find items, read the detailed description (you can see more detail of each item in the inventory if you check the options) and observe the land around you to build up and understanding. When you meet an NPC always exhaust all their dialogue as you can gain more information than just finishing the chat asap. The main part of a from soft game is the gameplay. Learning to defeat an enemy or a boss that initially seems impossible. Each boss is like learning a new skill and with the victory comes the sense of achievement. Playing online and reading all the comments. Some will troll you and some will help you find a secret that you would otherwise have missed.

There is no way the PS5 version looks like 2014 PS4 graphics. As much as I loved my PS4. If you look at something amazing like Bloodborne, there is still a large gap between Bloodborne gfx and Elden Ring on the PS5.

As for following a guide, I'd do that as little as possible. I'd only do it when I felt that I was genuinely about to trade the game in at CEX rather than play on, as the discovery and progress satisfaction comes from doing it yoursel. I have completed all the souls/borne games many times and hid from every aspect of Elden Ring promo and have been playing entirely blind to get the best experience.

Anyway, feel comfort that your reactions are very much inline with others. If you come to gaming for a storyline above gameplay and challenge then From Soft stuff will seem a bit of a bleak shock. If you come for the biggest gaming challenge of your life, then From Soft will take you there.

Keep up the fight :-).



1,772 posts

125 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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Sorry but the excuse that the lack of a pause button is nonsense.

So I am supposed to piss myself, ignore my kids, don't talk to the misses when she inevitably comes in the room and wants to chat, miss an important phone call.

I enjoy gaming but sometimes the real world is more important, that's not about creating tension.

The graphics are poor for a PS5 game and I stand by they are the level of 14/15 games. They are far worse than the original Horizon (2017) and are behind the Witcher 3 (2015). The graphics don't bother me that much but for the reviews it is getting and the fact it is not using some unique art style, they should be considerable better especially when frame rate is so poor.

As I said I didn't find it too hard but I found it very boring. Might just be the case that I have only just come off finishing RDR2, which does get everything right.


12,840 posts

158 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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The no pause is just stupid it doesn't instill dread it's just annoying. I can't be invaded I'm playing offline, I don't quit games as it takes too long to load (yes I need a series x). The game isn't enticing me to play it's just annoying me with it's obtuseness it's like a youth trying to make you feel stupid by not understanding everything they say


1,924 posts

141 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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Trustmeimadoctor said:
the no pause thing is a huge issue. i thought it did it on the map but no it doesnt!

i followed a guide on how to get overpowered fast so now i have 6 health flask+ 2 a +4 sword a levelled up spirt animal thing and some armour now i cant play it for a few weeks
Can you share that. I am so bad at this game, a room of rats took my 5 tries.


3,345 posts

222 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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It’s not very forgiving for players new to the genre either.

I’ve not played a DS game before but I get the feeling I’m expected to already know all the nuances and the way upgrades work and I really don’t.

Going to finish Dying Light 2 before I get stuck in properly but had a quick bash already. It doesn’t look as good as I thought it would but I wouldn’t say it looks bad. Playing on the PC and there is a stuttering bug that is a real pain in the arse. Hopefully it’ll be patched before I get around to sinking lots of time into the game.