

8,145 posts

283 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
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Just purchased the AH-64 anyone else flying it ?


4,921 posts

158 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
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Narcisus said:
Just purchased the AH-64 anyone else flying it ?
Depends what you I can call "flying" biggrin I probably manage a successful take-off maybe one time in every four attempts...

Obviously it's still in early access so there's not a lot of training materials in-game yet, any good pointers or videos etc.?


6,709 posts

221 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
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Narcisus said:
Just purchased the AH-64 anyone else flying it ?
Downloaded and flown, but honestly, too complicated, and needs two humans to operate effectively. Far from my favourite Helicopter in DCS, I'm holding out for the Kiowa.

That said, they did an excellent job with the module, but it's just not for me, and to be fair, I knew it wouldn't be even before I purchased it.


8,145 posts

283 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
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LimaDelta said:
Narcisus said:
Just purchased the AH-64 anyone else flying it ?
Downloaded and flown, but honestly, too complicated, and needs two humans to operate effectively. Far from my favourite Helicopter in DCS, I'm holding out for the Kiowa.

That said, they did an excellent job with the module, but it's just not for me, and to be fair, I knew it wouldn't be even before I purchased it.
Ahh right ! I had watched some vids and 'George' Seemed to do OK ? I was hoping to rekindle my Janes Longbow II days... Not even set my HOTAS up yet on my 2nd Single Malt so would probably be a non starter !


8,145 posts

283 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
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8bit said:
Narcisus said:
Just purchased the AH-64 anyone else flying it ?
Depends what you I can call "flying" biggrin I probably manage a successful take-off maybe one time in every four attempts...

Obviously it's still in early access so there's not a lot of training materials in-game yet, any good pointers or videos etc.?
Look at Matt Wagners vids they are very good. I'll have a crack tomorrow when sober !


4,921 posts

158 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
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Wags' stuff is great but generally more on operating the various airframes' systems, I've not seen him doing anything like basic flight instruction. Apache is the only DCS helo I have (so far) but at the moment I can't see how you could possibly use the clickable controls in the cockpit while in flight - if I take my hand off the joystick the thing just spins and flips out of control and crashes.


6,709 posts

221 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
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Narcisus said:
LimaDelta said:
Narcisus said:
Just purchased the AH-64 anyone else flying it ?
Downloaded and flown, but honestly, too complicated, and needs two humans to operate effectively. Far from my favourite Helicopter in DCS, I'm holding out for the Kiowa.

That said, they did an excellent job with the module, but it's just not for me, and to be fair, I knew it wouldn't be even before I purchased it.
Ahh right ! I had watched some vids and 'George' Seemed to do OK ? I was hoping to rekindle my Janes Longbow II days... Not even set my HOTAS up yet on my 2nd Single Malt so would probably be a non starter !
It will be more useable with a proper HOTAS, but I'm at work at the moment, so stuck with an xbox controller (which with clever mapping is actually quite effective on most modules). I also find the George interface a bit awkward in VR, there is already a lot cluttering your field of view, and this just makes it worse. Good fun to just fly around gunning stuff with the AWS, but anything more is a bit of a work up.


6,709 posts

221 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
quotequote all
8bit said:
Wags' stuff is great but generally more on operating the various airframes' systems, I've not seen him doing anything like basic flight instruction. Apache is the only DCS helo I have (so far) but at the moment I can't see how you could possibly use the clickable controls in the cockpit while in flight - if I take my hand off the joystick the thing just spins and flips out of control and crashes.
The collective can stay pretty much neutral in most flight regimes, and if you trim then you can go hands-off the cyclic too. There is a reason that som many of the controls are on the HOCAS IRL though, it is not really desireable to be hands-off for too long. Set the aircraft up properly on the ground, or find a human CPG to take care of the fighting while you fly the bus.


8,145 posts

283 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
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LimaDelta said:
8bit said:
Wags' stuff is great but generally more on operating the various airframes' systems, I've not seen him doing anything like basic flight instruction. Apache is the only DCS helo I have (so far) but at the moment I can't see how you could possibly use the clickable controls in the cockpit while in flight - if I take my hand off the joystick the thing just spins and flips out of control and crashes.
The collective can stay pretty much neutral in most flight regimes, and if you trim then you can go hands-off the cyclic too. There is a reason that som many of the controls are on the HOCAS IRL though, it is not really desireable to be hands-off for too long. Set the aircraft up properly on the ground, or find a human CPG to take care of the fighting while you fly the bus.
I really miss my old Microsoft FF Joystick I never used the FF but there was no self centring so it was great. This will be my first DCS Helo in VR but I also use TrackIR if not in the mood. How's the monocle in VR or would you recommend not having it on ? I'm using a Rift S so not the best res.

Edited for pi$$ed up typing which may or may not still be wrong ...


6,709 posts

221 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
quotequote all
Narcisus said:
LimaDelta said:
8bit said:
Wags' stuff is great but generally more on operating the various airframes' systems, I've not seen him doing anything like basic flight instruction. Apache is the only DCS helo I have (so far) but at the moment I can't see how you could possibly use the clickable controls in the cockpit while in flight - if I take my hand off the joystick the thing just spins and flips out of control and crashes.
The collective can stay pretty much neutral in most flight regimes, and if you trim then you can go hands-off the cyclic too. There is a reason that som many of the controls are on the HOCAS IRL though, it is not really desireable to be hands-off for too long. Set the aircraft up properly on the ground, or find a human CPG to take care of the fighting while you fly the bus.
I really miss my old Microsoft FF Joystick I never used the FF but there was no self centring so it was great. This will be my first DCS Helo in VR but I also use TrackIR if not in the mood. How's the monocle in VR or would you recommend not having it on ? I'm using a Rift S so not the best res.

Edited for pi$$ed up typing which may or may not still be wrong ...
The monocle is great in VR, the focal lengths seem right and there is a processing and parallax error in the PNVS which makes it feel very real. Rift S also.


8,145 posts

283 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
quotequote all
LimaDelta said:
Narcisus said:
LimaDelta said:
8bit said:
Wags' stuff is great but generally more on operating the various airframes' systems, I've not seen him doing anything like basic flight instruction. Apache is the only DCS helo I have (so far) but at the moment I can't see how you could possibly use the clickable controls in the cockpit while in flight - if I take my hand off the joystick the thing just spins and flips out of control and crashes.
The collective can stay pretty much neutral in most flight regimes, and if you trim then you can go hands-off the cyclic too. There is a reason that som many of the controls are on the HOCAS IRL though, it is not really desireable to be hands-off for too long. Set the aircraft up properly on the ground, or find a human CPG to take care of the fighting while you fly the bus.
I really miss my old Microsoft FF Joystick I never used the FF but there was no self centring so it was great. This will be my first DCS Helo in VR but I also use TrackIR if not in the mood. How's the monocle in VR or would you recommend not having it on ? I'm using a Rift S so not the best res.

Edited for pi$$ed up typing which may or may not still be wrong ...
The monocle is great in VR, the focal lengths seem right and there is a processing and parallax error in the PNVS which makes it feel very real. Rift S also.
Excellent smile Going to have a good bash when I get in from work tomorrow.


4,921 posts

158 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
quotequote all
LimaDelta said:
The collective can stay pretty much neutral in most flight regimes, and if you trim then you can go hands-off the cyclic too. There is a reason that som many of the controls are on the HOCAS IRL though, it is not really desireable to be hands-off for too long. Set the aircraft up properly on the ground, or find a human CPG to take care of the fighting while you fly the bus.
So *literally* all I've done so far is take off and try and fly, haven't even begun to look at any of the flight or combat systems. Regards trimming - how come one time I'll take off and just about manage to get it airborne, next time (from the same base, same mission etc.) it just spins wildly out of control?

LimaDelta said:
The monocle is great in VR, the focal lengths seem right and there is a processing and parallax error in the PNVS which makes it feel very real. Rift S also.
I struggle really badly with the monocle if it's visible but then I don't have binocular vision so my brain only really processes information from one eye at a time. Personally found it easier so far just to hide it and set the display to both eyes but that's just me.


2,365 posts

222 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
quotequote all
Narcisus said:
Excellent smile Going to have a good bash when I get in from work tomorrow.
And then try the Apache?


6,709 posts

221 months

Thursday 24th March 2022
quotequote all
8bit said:
LimaDelta said:
The collective can stay pretty much neutral in most flight regimes, and if you trim then you can go hands-off the cyclic too. There is a reason that som many of the controls are on the HOCAS IRL though, it is not really desireable to be hands-off for too long. Set the aircraft up properly on the ground, or find a human CPG to take care of the fighting while you fly the bus.
So *literally* all I've done so far is take off and try and fly, haven't even begun to look at any of the flight or combat systems. Regards trimming - how come one time I'll take off and just about manage to get it airborne, next time (from the same base, same mission etc.) it just spins wildly out of control?

LimaDelta said:
The monocle is great in VR, the focal lengths seem right and there is a processing and parallax error in the PNVS which makes it feel very real. Rift S also.
I struggle really badly with the monocle if it's visible but then I don't have binocular vision so my brain only really processes information from one eye at a time. Personally found it easier so far just to hide it and set the display to both eyes but that's just me.
Helicopters can be hard. I'm not saying it's essential, but a good set of rudder pedals, and a long (I have a 40cm gooseneck) extension for the cyclic make the fine control so much easier. The added depth perception of VR helps if you already have VR legs, otherwise it will make you very dizzy.

The trick with helicopters, more so than fixed wing (especially modern FBW a/c) is anticipation, rather than reaction. Know that to do this means you also have to do that. For any change in flight regime, you will need to change all of the control positions as every input has a second and third order effect. vsTerminus has an excellent youtube series on the Mi-8. Obviously the systems on the Apache are very different, but the flying principles are the same (except the main rotor spins in the opposite direction, so pulling power means adding the opposite anti-torque input).


4,921 posts

158 months

Thursday 24th March 2022
quotequote all
LimaDelta said:
Helicopters can be hard. I'm not saying it's essential, but a good set of rudder pedals, and a long (I have a 40cm gooseneck) extension for the cyclic make the fine control so much easier. The added depth perception of VR helps if you already have VR legs, otherwise it will make you very dizzy.

The trick with helicopters, more so than fixed wing (especially modern FBW a/c) is anticipation, rather than reaction. Know that to do this means you also have to do that. For any change in flight regime, you will need to change all of the control positions as every input has a second and third order effect. vsTerminus has an excellent youtube series on the Mi-8. Obviously the systems on the Apache are very different, but the flying principles are the same (except the main rotor spins in the opposite direction, so pulling power means adding the opposite anti-torque input).
Thanks - some useful insight there. I'll have a look at that Youtube series over the weekend.


8,145 posts

283 months

Thursday 24th March 2022
quotequote all
That was pretty entertaining ! Used Wags Youtube video to map the keys to the HOTAS but then couldn't remember what I had mapped to what so decided to go for a fly around....

First take off and it was all over the place ! Remember that Youtube video years ago of the old Hughes 269 where the non pilot just tried to fly it ? That was me.....

Switched to a runway start so nothing around to crash into .... Oh apart from the ground ....

Anyway 30 pretty fun minutes later I can take off and transition into a kind of hover and kind of land so pretty pleased with that however my Crew Chief is going to have to put an order in for extra blades !


8,145 posts

283 months

Thursday 24th March 2022
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OK I was flying without TrackIR.... I've now using that and it's much easier.... Well easier is maybe not the correct word ....

Not done any trimming yet but done a couple of half decent transitions from fast and low to semi hover and landing.

Making my feet do the correct thing when moving from forward flight into the hover is interesting.

I think the key here is to be nice and smooooth with all the controls....

Think it maybe a while before I can try VR without throwing up ....


2,023 posts

245 months

Friday 25th March 2022
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Would love to try this but sadly my PC is ancient frown If it helps any of you trimming is key to flying a helicopter safely/well and we do it all the time (I'm an ex-military helicopter pilot/instructor). It can be different, but all the military/civilian helicopters I've flown had the same technique - you tend to hold in the force trim release when you move the cyclic a large amount (ie when you start a transition) and you release it when it is where you want it to be, any minor forces are taken out with the beep trim. Essentially if you're struggling/overcontrolling it's probably because you're fighting the control forces without trimming them out.

Helicopters are evil but immense fun, good luck with the sim...sadly I'll be sticking to watching YT vids instead (and begging my wife for a new PC smile)

Terry Tibbs

196 posts

52 months

Friday 25th March 2022
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I’ve also got the apache, to be fair I knew it was going to be complicated but I’m really struggling to get my head around it..

I can take off, fly and land ok (vr really helps with that) it’s just all the key bindings, especially for the cpg seat - no idea what half of them do even if I had enough buttons.. heard talk of people using an Xbox controller, which makes sense.

I’ve gone back to flying the A10 and the KA-50 for now until I’ve digested the Apache manual and made sense of it!


2,795 posts

201 months

Sunday 27th March 2022
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I purchased ah64, however I have not tried it yet, I do regret purchasing it because I’m not sure I’ll enjoy the play style. I have blackshark and although it’s pretty good and straightforward to fly/operate, I find the style of play a little boring…which will be similar to the apache.

I trialled dcs hind and I love that chopper and I love the play style…I’ll buy it during the Easter sale.

I think I’ll get dcs f14, I do prefer the Cold War era modules that are less involved with the electronics….I’ll eagerly await the phantom f4e that heatblur teased.

I still enjoy dcs a10, the module is excellent.