Fallout 4



21,024 posts

190 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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Durzel said:
I loved Fallout 3, coming out of the vault for the first time and seeing the vast expanse in front of you that you could explore is up there with one of my most memorable gaming moments.
Yep. Very atmospheric too.

I was a bit disappointed with NV, and couldn't get into Skyrim at all.

Fingers-crossed, I'm sure FO4 will be a cracker.


Original Poster:

1,511 posts

195 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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Wasn't NV farmed out to someone else to develop by Bethesda? That's why, as much as I want it to be released yesterday, I hope they take their time, get the storylines and atmosphere right bestow it with the awesomeness it deserves.


8,554 posts

214 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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BrewsterBear said:
Wasn't NV farmed out to someone else to develop by Bethesda? That's why, as much as I want it to be released yesterday, I hope they take their time, get the storylines and atmosphere right bestow it with the awesomeness it deserves.
Yes, it was a secondary team. I agree too - would rather wait for the right game than get it tomorrow half baked.


1,629 posts

158 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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i just couldnt agree with the story in new vegas, it felt as if you were forced into choosing one side or the other, either being a good guy or a bad guy.

yes, in fallout 3 it was the same infact all fallout games you can be good/bad/kill everybody but in new vegas i hated the NCR/leigon factions you had to choose from and hopefully they get dropped.

i have locked fallout 3 away in a drawer because i dont want it taking up any more of my life, far too many hours consumed.


36,010 posts

287 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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New Vegas felt more like an add on with baddass baddies, first encounter with a rad scorpion, yeah..... easy meat here..... WTF! Start again.

Only played it once or twice but Fallout 3 numerous times.


3,967 posts

201 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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I've got fallout 3 on my rentals list, is it worth playing then ? How about the freezing ?

Its a GOTY Edition

Are the graphics still ok for an older game ?


Original Poster:

1,511 posts

195 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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Graphics on a PS3 are acceptable. I haven't played it on a console for a while. I've been replaying them both a pretty powerful MacBook so graphics are ok for me. The freezing issue is a massive PITA, but the game autosaves everytime you go in/out of a building or fast-travel. Just means resetting the console every other hour of play.


1,629 posts

158 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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fallout 3 should be on everybodys playlist at some point, i never usually like role playing games etc but fallout 3 is the exception, graphics arent really to important, its never going to look as visual stunning as a scripted on rails type game like the last of us, but its more than ample considering the size and variety throughout the game.

the freezing can be a pain in the arse, sometimes i can go 3-4 hours and not a single freeze, then could go 2-3 times in a hour. the autosaves are good but be wary about autosave traps and corrupt saves.

i remember when i first started playing i never new about the manual save feature, so just relied on autosaves, i accidently started a fight in megatown and the locals turned on me, i ran through a door and the game autosaved and there was nothing i could do but restart the whole game, so make sure to manual save every hour or so, that way if you need to go back you only lose an hour or so.

and make different saves not just overwriting, as one corrupt save file and you can find yourself back in vault 101 where nobody ever enters and nobody ever leaves, except you and your father.
this is still my favourite intro to any game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJcuAau2RKA


21,024 posts

190 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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I don't want to set the woooooorld...on...fire.....


70,090 posts

232 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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Martin_Hx said:
I've got fallout 3 on my rentals list, is it worth playing then ? How about the freezing ?
Worth playing? Oh hell yes. If you manage less than 40 hours on it, that will be a "quick" run through.....

This is a game where there is soooo much you can do. And believe me when I say this is a game where you think "I'll just spend 20 mins doing X" and about 3 hours later you are still going.....


1,658 posts

141 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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I cant wait for this! F3 is my fave all time game. I must have put 1000+ hours into it exploring every single aspect of it.
Bring it on!!!

Mr E

21,839 posts

262 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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davepoth said:
"Calling all stations, calling all stations, calling all stations. This is Overseer of Vault 119. Emergency. Unknown enemy. SOS SOS SOS. Vault 119. Quabbin. 7667. SOS SOS SOS. Vault 119. Quabbin. 7667. Enemy unkno-"
Sectoids, Mutons and Chrysalids? (Oh my).



3,967 posts

201 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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Well its on there for the PS3 along with about 15 other games !

I shall look forward to it.... i got engrossed into Skyrim im sure this will do the same


4,833 posts

197 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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Anything Fallout is good in my books.

I just hope to god that they optimize the game for the PC (I know they won't).

Fallout 3 on the PC was really held back because of the consoles. The UI was horrible, and whilst VATs was hilarious.....it pretty much made the game 'Easy mode'. I don't want them to get rid of it....just tweak it so that it doesn't make manual aiming obsolete. And hopefully improve the shooting mechanics so that they feel more geared towards a mouse & keyboard use. It was really clunky in F3.

Improved melee combat would be good too. Skyrim was an improvement...but it can go further still.

More weapon & item modding/ customising would be good too.


6,091 posts

206 months

Monday 2nd December 2013
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Love fallout however the whole super mutant storyline in Fallout 3 annoyed me a bit as it contradicted the plot line from the earlier games.

Looking forward to another one though smile


1,498 posts

174 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2013
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Altrezia said:
BrewsterBear said:
Wasn't NV farmed out to someone else to develop by Bethesda? That's why, as much as I want it to be released yesterday, I hope they take their time, get the storylines and atmosphere right bestow it with the awesomeness it deserves.
Yes, it was a secondary team. I agree too - would rather wait for the right game than get it tomorrow half baked.
It was farmed out to obsidian, who were made up of half of the remnants of the studio that made fallouts 1 and 2
So it does follow on from fallout 2 better than fallout 3 did.
Could have done with a longer develoment time though IMO.

I think elder scrolls online has been farmed out to another studio as well? so the main studio may well be getting stuck in to fallout 4.


8,906 posts

205 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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Me and a mate were only talking about a Fallout 4 over a pint on Sunday. Excited!

It needs to re capture the feel of desolation and loneliness that FO3 had IMO.

Latest message from the survivor site has been posted here http://www.incgamers.com/2013/12/fallout-4-codes-c...

Calling Black Row Out Station ground is safe to land Level 4 breach. No survivors, 899 corpses. We are leaving Vault 119. Over, back to you.


21,024 posts

190 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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Matt_N said:
Calling Black Row Out Station ground is safe to land Level 4 breach. No survivors, 899 corpses. We are leaving Vault 119. Over, back to you.


1,498 posts

174 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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paulwoof said:
this is still my favourite intro to any game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJcuAau2RKA


They need to get Ron Perlman on board again cool


2,490 posts

222 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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Durzel said:
I loved Fallout 3, coming out of the vault for the first time and seeing the vast expanse in front of you that you could explore is up there with one of my most memorable gaming moments.
Me too, it was breathtaking. I was terrified, picking my way through the ruins and finding Megaton for the first time.

On a side note, I bought the 'final edition' or something of Skyrim the other day, the one that comes with all DLCs, and played it for the first time last night. Never seen it before. Really like it, and very FO3-esque. Same engine I reckon.

Already concentrating on getting my Sneak and Archery skills up, at the expense of everything else!....I'll play this the same way I did FO3....creep around and headshot people!