Elite: Dangerous



36,010 posts

287 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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wolves_wanderer said:
MacW said:
jmorgan said:
Back OT. Will it be as good? It was good in its day, is this good cos it was good in your memory (but forgetting there are better things out there today)?
There will definitely be an element of this, I found he Elite successors to be less than average (Frontiers etc).

However, I am happy to gamble/throw away £x in the hope that the new game will be worthy of the original. The x will obviously vary depending on how rose tinted your specs are.
I preferred the successors, even with all the bugs.
Never tried the successors. But have played Homeland 2, X2 and X3 etc. They are good, fighting flying and trading etc etc (X series more so). So Elite is going to do what? Not meaning to cast it out. I remember watching Dark Star after many many years and thinking "Oh!" thought it was better.

So, it is going to have to be good. I did enjoy the original. Still have the Amstrad version somewhere. And an Amstrad.


1,498 posts

174 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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What they need more than anything else in a sandbox game like this, is pacing and goals, you need something to aim for and you need something to restrict your progress early on, its ok being able to go everywhere and do everything but if you can do it right from the start things get boring fast.

having had a play on oolite a couple of years back, yeah, the original is still good, but a bit lacking in variety by todays standards, that should be easily sorted in a new one


8,948 posts

278 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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jmorgan said:
Never tried the successors. But have played Homeland 2, X2 and X3 etc. They are good, fighting flying and trading etc etc (X series more so). So Elite is going to do what? Not meaning to cast it out. I remember watching Dark Star after many many years and thinking "Oh!" thought it was better.

So, it is going to have to be good. I did enjoy the original. Still have the Amstrad version somewhere. And an Amstrad.
I think he meant the X-Beyond the Frontier games as the successors to Elite.
I don't think I'll be donating, some things are better off as memories and I really don't see where they can go that other space sims haven't gone before. If they just have multiplayer Elite with fancy graphics then they can't charge £30 for the game, can they?
Did they ever sort the fighting out in X3? I remember playing X2 and the enemy AI would just stop, turn towards you and shoot at you, not bothering if they rammed you!


15,421 posts

209 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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FunkyNige said:
jmorgan said:
Never tried the successors. But have played Homeland 2, X2 and X3 etc. They are good, fighting flying and trading etc etc (X series more so). So Elite is going to do what? Not meaning to cast it out. I remember watching Dark Star after many many years and thinking "Oh!" thought it was better.

So, it is going to have to be good. I did enjoy the original. Still have the Amstrad version somewhere. And an Amstrad.
I think he meant the X-Beyond the Frontier games as the successors to Elite.
I don't think I'll be donating, some things are better off as memories and I really don't see where they can go that other space sims haven't gone before. If they just have multiplayer Elite with fancy graphics then they can't charge £30 for the game, can they?
Did they ever sort the fighting out in X3? I remember playing X2 and the enemy AI would just stop, turn towards you and shoot at you, not bothering if they rammed you!
I didn't get very far in X3 because it was incredibly boring, but the AI just seemed to swoop around randomly and take pot shots at you.

The only recent(ish) sandbox space game I've enjoyed was Freelancer. X3 was spreadsheets in space and Evochron Mercenaries was just dull. I blame the focus on realism and creating "dynamic economies" in a genre that traditionally traded in lasers and explosions.


1,498 posts

174 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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Star citizen actually looks more interesting at the moment and seems to be well on the way to completion, but it is already funded so i can wait till it comes out before making a decision on buying it
I have donated to elite dangerous though, minimum pledge to actually get the game...I just hope its not vapourware, he's been talikng about making it for years


2,291 posts

158 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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2 words

Eve Online

Don't get me wrong, massive fan of Elite (only reason to own a model B right?) and did indudge in the sequels.

But this has the faint whiff of "vapor ware".

Frontier have started quite a few projects over the years (whatever happened to that political thriller?") but not delivered.

I hope (nay, pray) I'm wrong and this will be a change for Frontier and they'll actually deliver.

You're trying to tell me that a Guy of Mr Brabens standing couldn't rustle up a tech demo and get some buy in from a pitch to any of the big players? (EA etc).

Come on.....

(if they do do it, I want to walk around my Cobra Mk III and see weapons scarring on the landing struts, walk from my ship to a bar and do a deal to sell my computers, feel uneasy as I undock from a low sec space station and most importantly get some co op going on, crew your ship with chums in the turrets oh the list is long.....)


36,010 posts

287 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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There is also this

Not dipped in for a while. Having trouble running the last go I had but that was on me coal powered mac. Not tried it on the lap top yet. Tis why I am saying it will have to be good, and happen.


2,291 posts

158 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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Good grief!

Star Citizen is looking pretty tasty. Hmmm....


871 posts

207 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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Looks like he's finally updated it with a video and concept art.


10,040 posts

241 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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T1berious said:
2 words

Eve Online

Don't get me wrong, massive fan of Elite (only reason to own a model B right?) and did indudge in the sequels.

But this has the faint whiff of "vapor ware".

Frontier have started quite a few projects over the years (whatever happened to that political thriller?") but not delivered.

I hope (nay, pray) I'm wrong and this will be a change for Frontier and they'll actually deliver.

You're trying to tell me that a Guy of Mr Brabens standing couldn't rustle up a tech demo and get some buy in from a pitch to any of the big players? (EA etc).

Come on.....

(if they do do it, I want to walk around my Cobra Mk III and see weapons scarring on the landing struts, walk from my ship to a bar and do a deal to sell my computers, feel uneasy as I undock from a low sec space station and most importantly get some co op going on, crew your ship with chums in the turrets oh the list is long.....)
For me Eve falls short on two levels. 1) I want to dog0fight, Elite style; 2) I don't want to PvP is I don't want to. Eve is, however, stunningly beautiful and very slick. Ideally I'd have a game that allows the upsides of MMO sandbox and theme park plus the ability to unhook from that and play like a single player game.


2,025 posts

260 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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T1berious said:
(if they do do it, I want to walk around my Cobra Mk III and see weapons scarring on the landing struts, walk from my ship to a bar and do a deal to sell my computers, feel uneasy as I undock from a low sec space station and most importantly get some co op going on, crew your ship with chums in the turrets oh the list is long.....)
That would be impressive - I believe Mojang/Notch is working on something like this in the upcoming 0x10c, based on how successful "FTL" was and realising how much people enjoyed the crew management aspect as well as the dog fighting.

Buy yeah, adding a first-person aspect would be interesting, especially with multiplayer.

Oh, I'd also love to see proper, seemless land-to-space transitions. They did it with the original, but I don't think any game has done it since, and it MASSIVELY adds to the immersion. The "Infinity Engine" does this brilliantly:



13,214 posts

212 months

Thursday 29th November 2012
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I've got mixed feelings about Kickstarter-funded games - on the one hand it's a great way of getting some indie projects some badly needed funding and I for one think that in recent years indie games have been where the majority of innovation has taken place (and with good reason - AAA titles cost tens of millions of dollars to develop so I can fully understand why studios play it "safe"), however many things can go wrong during development of something as complex as a game that can lead to it dead-ending despite getting the funding. The case of Haunts is certainly a cautionary tale to anyone who thinks that meeting the Kickstarter target automatically equals getting the game made.


90 posts

183 months

Friday 30th November 2012
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To be fair to those making Elite, there seems a vast difference in the size of the team at Frontier to those who did Haunts.

I would like to see it come out, but that dogfight video has me a bit worried. How often would you actually hit another small craft? do you want 10 minute dogfights?


1,498 posts

174 months

Friday 30th November 2012
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They say in the video there's going to be a lot of types of weapons including the beam lasers from frontier...which would probably be a lot easier to hit small fast moving ships with


540 posts

193 months

Friday 30th November 2012
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MattyB_ said:
T1berious said:
(if they do do it, I want to walk around my Cobra Mk III and see weapons scarring on the landing struts, walk from my ship to a bar and do a deal to sell my computers, feel uneasy as I undock from a low sec space station and most importantly get some co op going on, crew your ship with chums in the turrets oh the list is long.....)
That would be impressive - I believe Mojang/Notch is working on ...
We all know about Star Citizen, but should anyone come across this topic and say 'that's the game I want', please see this link.


No seamless planetary landings though.


90 posts

183 months

Friday 30th November 2012
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wow I like the look of star citizen, maybe over elite.

I dont see a project release date for star citizen anywhere - has it been suggested?

satans worm

2,399 posts

220 months

Friday 30th November 2012
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I guess I like Elite partly due to the fact it is the granddaddy of space sims, being one of the original sandbox games, and partly because i think it will be more immersible and realistic than SC.
That said, i cant play either unless they get ported to a mac smile

satans worm

2,399 posts

220 months

Friday 30th November 2012
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Just a heads up, Elite have just had a video update, sounds really interestingsmile


29,395 posts

202 months

Friday 30th November 2012
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satans worm said:
Just a heads up, Elite have just had a video update, sounds really interestingsmile


1,498 posts

174 months