Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020



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Wednesday 20th November 2019
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ash73 said:
The version I use has three LEDs on a boom which clips to a headset.

The only problem I had was having to press the re-centre button quite frequently.
Yeah thats the pro version isnt it ? I was always too tight to spend the extra lol ! Probably would have been cheaper in the long run...


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Friday 17th January 2020
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I’m on the alpha :-)


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Friday 17th January 2020
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kowalski655 said:
Jammy bar steward
Yup lol !


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Thursday 9th April 2020
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BobSaunders said:
I don't normally get excited for games like this. But, i am quite looking forward to this.
You wont be disappointed !


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Tuesday 14th April 2020
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El stovey said:
fourstardan said:
Over lockdown I've got back into flight sims.

I've got a MacBook Pro...Ps4....but nothing can do decent sims. xPlane on the Mac is hard work and not powerful enough.

FS2020 looks utterly ridiculous.

Is anyone looking at purchasing a PC for it ?
I’m waiting to see what’s needed to run it (properly)

There’s also an Xbox version coming out which obviously will be vastly reduced but might be good enough just to pick up and fly through tower bridge etc.
I’m sure it will run very well on a current hi ish spec machine...


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Tuesday 14th April 2020
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El stovey said:
Narcisus said:
El stovey said:
fourstardan said:
Over lockdown I've got back into flight sims.

I've got a MacBook Pro...Ps4....but nothing can do decent sims. xPlane on the Mac is hard work and not powerful enough.

FS2020 looks utterly ridiculous.

Is anyone looking at purchasing a PC for it ?
I’m waiting to see what’s needed to run it (properly)

There’s also an Xbox version coming out which obviously will be vastly reduced but might be good enough just to pick up and fly through tower bridge etc.
I’m sure it will run very well on a current hi ish spec machine...
So if you have no PC at the moment (like me) how much do people think a new one would cost to run this game at all the highest settings etc?

I always had flight sim on average PCs in the past and had to turn some effects off to make it more fluid.

I’m quite keen to maybe get back into gaming PCs once it comes out and we know what it requires.
I built a new machine around last September. 3700x / 2070 Super / 32Gb etc. The bare machine probably cost around 2k but I wasn’t on a mega tight budget and I purchased decent parts.

By the time FS is released kit will have moved on again so I have no doubt that running it at full tilt won’t be a problem.


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Wednesday 22nd April 2020
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FourWheelDrift said:
I am happy.

It runs well now so can only get better with optimisation :-)


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Friday 24th April 2020
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fourstardan said:
This video has minimum/recommended and Ideal specs in...

Looking at about 1k for a box for recommended spec and 1.2 to 1.5 for minimum ideal spec.

I cannot BELIEVE how much graphic cards are now days, I remember buying my first Geforce before they got bought....

I'll seek to buy something when it closer probably on recommended spec.
I remember very well buying my first Trident Video Card !


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Friday 24th April 2020
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Monday 13th July 2020
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I feel a little pi$$ed off ... Couple of things .. 7 Enhanced US airports in the standard version and no UK airports .. Want one ? Heathrow. £110 please..

Also I must have put 200+ hours into testing the Alpha including bug reports etc ...

It now looks like the in house testing maybe months in advance of the Alpha they gave us ..... WTF Is that about ? They just sit back and watch us waste time on stuff that in all probability was sorted weeks or months before... Leaves a bad taste ..


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Tuesday 14th July 2020
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There is something very fishy going off here. The Alpha testers have either been testing a build thats months behind or the launch is going to be a car crash.

If they have been testing an old build one has to ask the question why when in all probability many of the bugs will have already been squashed.

Some people have invested a lot of time in the Alpha's if it turns out Asobo's internal testers pretty much had it wrapped up and they were only needed to check out if the infrastructure could cope I could understand if they were a bit peeved.

Months of Alpha then a 2 week Beta ...


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Thursday 16th July 2020
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J4CKO said:
What edition do folk think they will buy ?

Think will just go for the basic as not sure PC will handle it and looking at it, a few extra aircraft and tarted up airports dont want me to spend double, at least not intially. Main thing is the scenery everywhere else.

PC isnt far off the middle spec they posted so should run fine, am amazed my 1060 is still available and fairly expensive four years after buying it.
I'm on the Alpha.... I'll be trying it on GamePass first... Make of that what you will....


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Monday 20th July 2020
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andycambo said:
Came across this. Looks like great fun but I was feeling a bit sick just watching it!

Anyway, I'm not sure if I am going to go for the PC or Xbox version. My PC will run FSX at around 60fps so it's unlikely it'll run FS2020 too nicely so I'll either have to spend the money on a PC (and spec it for VR) or wait for the new Xbox.

The idea of casually flying around whilst sat on the couch, using my TV and surround sound is very appealing but I can't help but think the Xbox version will be a little cut down from the PC version. Then obviously you've got the ORBX additions and such which have made FSX so much better over the years.
biggrin If your PC will run FSX at 60fps you will probably be running FS2020 at 120fps ! What hardware are you running.


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Monday 20th July 2020
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Siko said: how much do I need to spend to get this looking like in the videos? I’m assuming £1500 with all the controllers, Track IR etc.

Looks bloody amazing. Haven’t played PC Sims since the f awful IL2 Battle of Stalingrad but my interest is piqued by this.....and DCS too.
Dont spend anything yet.... Try it on Game Pass when launched.


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Friday 24th July 2020
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Siko said:
OriginalFDM said:
I'm hoping the complete radio silence is an indicator that they're going to make a big song and dance of it in it's own event at some point to drive hype for the new console.

I really think it could be a huge console-seller, it's 14 years since FSX and I'd imagine there's a lot of people in my camp who were into it years ago on PC but life has gotten in the way of an expensive and dedicated PC simming setup, or who have never been into it but will look at it and say 'wow', as there really is nothing else remotely comparable in the console arena.
Have to say I agree with you-I’m toying with the idea of buying a PC for this but PC gaming is just so damned complicated and expensive. Throwing £400 at an Xbox X that in all likelihood will run it as good as a middle of the range PC seems pretty intriguing to me. Although it won’t run DCS or IL2.......??
Spend it you only live once ! Flying the F86 and F5 last night In DCS with the Rift is something else.


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Friday 24th July 2020
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Siko said:
Narcisus said:
Spend it you only live once ! Flying the F86 and F5 last night In DCS with the Rift is something else.
Dare I ask how much your setup cost? I know OR is £400 or so.....I’m guessing £2k all in with joysticks etc? I’m a commercial pilot already so I’m wondering whether it will be a waste of time for me biggrin That said I would really like to get into DCS or IL2 again...
Yeah probably around that. All quality bits. 32Gb - 2070 RTX Super - 3700x. Also gives me a nice upgrade path.

Spent around the same 11 years ago based on a 2500k with an interim upgrade to at 970gpu. Not bad value really considering it would still run stuff at a respectable rate.


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Saturday 25th July 2020
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Saturday 25th July 2020
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bloomen said:
Cl4rkyPH said:
Has anyone pre-ordered for PC yet?

I don't care if flight mechanics aren't realistic. I want to drift around the world crashing into things that interest me and I want to do it on day one.

It'll be interesting watching the culture clashes between committed simmers and heathens like myself.
Just out of interest why have you pre ordered ?


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283 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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bloomen said:
Narcisus said:
Just out of interest why have you pre ordered ?
I want to pre download and be flying ASAP. I've been reading about this since the very first rumblings.

Like I said I'm much, much more interested in the Earth than the flying. I won't know any better if the ailerons are poo.
biggrin You could always have stuck with Google Earth.


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283 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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bloomen said:
Narcisus said:
biggrin You could always have stuck with Google Earth.
I love the 3D bits indeed. There ain't very many of them though. I want to crash into trees and buildings around the entire world. And their flight simulator doesn't do it for me.
biggrin I don't think crashing will be a major problem