Fallout 4



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Wednesday 28th October 2015
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confucuis said:
I hope all this pre ordering doesn't backfire and we get a buggy game!!
You can guarantee there will be a *huge* release day update to install, probably before you can even play the game.


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Friday 30th October 2015
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But as a poster above states there are no manufacturing costs, nor transport, or a retailer's cut to add on. That they're the same price is a slap in the face. When they're more expensive than retail it's nothing short of a pisstake.


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Monday 2nd November 2015
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I don't mind the screenshots, but I'm avoiding the videos. The beauty of these games is in discovering everything for yourself.


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Monday 2nd November 2015
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funkyrobot said:
Why do people pre-order if they have doubts about the game?

It's one of the reasons why I don't bother. I wait to see what the product is like before committing.

Don't even get me started on all of the tat that is released with games now.
Because this is going to be the gaming event of my life. Fallout is the only reason I own a console. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be (to me) absolutely fantastic and the biggest drain of my free time this year.


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Tuesday 3rd November 2015
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GrumpyTwig said:
JonRB said:
Anyway, moving away from DoubleSix's lovefest for TW3 and back onto Fo4, there is a new article on Kotaku called Can We Tone It The fk Down With The Fallout Merchandising? (I've made a TinyURL so clicking on that will not be a broken link). It's a fair point - it's getting a little silly now.

(Caution: Some sweary language, as the title rather suggests)
Hmmm, I can't feel I blame them for abusing the hype to some extent. I'm eager for it too but they're in the game of making money too and if a large number of people with more money than sense are willing to splurge on plastic crap then... meh.

It's not like it's being forced onto us.
Hipster gets upset that popular thing he likes gets too popular.


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Tuesday 3rd November 2015
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Animala said:

I downloaded it, typed a message out, didn't send it then deleted the keyboard and app.


A massive Fallout fan.


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Thursday 5th November 2015
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Steve Evil said:
Launch trailer for those what are interested:

The graphics are wk. I'm cancelling my PipBoy pre-order. You're all suckers and should play the Witcher instead.

Not really. It's looks awesome! I can't believe I have to wait all weekend to play it. I'm half tempted to drive to that indie game shop and buy a copy there too.


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Friday 6th November 2015
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nigelpugh7 said:
Got an email from game letting me know my pip boy edition preorder is preparing for shipment!

Perhaps I might get it before Tuesday after all!
I've had the same email. However, I'll be amazed if I get it by the end of the day on Tuesday, let alone before.


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Friday 6th November 2015
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For those saying the graphics look the same as F3 and NV take a look here;


Granted, it's no Witcher, but you can't deny there is a generation leap.


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Friday 6th November 2015
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I've just checked the credit card that I used to secure my pre-order. There is a £99.99 shadow on the account, although it doesn't show as Game just yet, but it normally takes a day for a payment to show on the online statement. I haven't bought anything else for £99.99 so it can only be the game.


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Saturday 7th November 2015
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AndrewEH1 said:
Animala said:
My Copy of fallout has been shipped



I came.


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Saturday 7th November 2015
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I've just ordered a PC copy to accompany my PS4 PipBoy. I ordered from cdkeys, but I can't download it yet. It just says it'll be available on or just before the 10th.


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Monday 9th November 2015
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Fabric said:
Mmm Aussie VPN's... thumbup

How, please? Today is dragging....


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Tuesday 10th November 2015
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I guess I should go to bed. Shame I can't get 8 hours sleep in 10 seconds at the push of a button.


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Tuesday 10th November 2015
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I'm one of a large group waiting for their PipBoy from GAME who have had no emails from DPD, it would seem. There's an angry mob shaking pitchforks over on Facebook. Typically, GAME has all but collapsed. Their phone number simply disconnects you as they're too busy as does their online chat.

Oh dear.


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Tuesday 10th November 2015
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nigelpugh7 said:
Well it does seem something has gone wrong with my order from Game too!

After saying I was going to get my delivery between 11:56 stand 12:56 from DPD, I now get another text saying that DPD have not got the parcel,after all from game!

This is fekkin ridiculous!

At least you're getting emails. I have had nothing since Friday. I sit in fast-fading hope that DPD will deliver.


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Tuesday 10th November 2015
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3pm, still no DPD email, still no PipBoy. It's the last time I deal with GAME. I don't care if they get the exclusive rights to the "Kelly Brook comes your house and gives you a blowjob" edition. I won't be buying from them again.


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Tuesday 10th November 2015
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JonRB said:
Initial reactions is that it's incredibly obvious that it's using the Skyrim engine and if you've spent ages playing Skyrim then it all looks a little familiar, especially in the loading screens. One has to ask why it's taken them so long to release Fo4 when Skyrim was released 4 years ago.

That's not to say I'm not enjoying it. Having spent hundreds and hundreds of hours on Fo3, Fo:NV and Skyrim, I can't see this one being any different.
The game has been in development for 4 years. Four years! None of which was spent on a new engine so it was entirely on gameplay, with over 400 hours available in this title. Did you expect them, to write the game then completely rewirte the lot on a new engine just because the Witcher looks pretty?

It's everything I expected and more. Yes some of the animations aren't 2015 and the graphics could be a bit glossier, but I'm loving the game and can't wait to get ten working week's worth of gameplay out of it.


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Tuesday 10th November 2015
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GG89 said:
The witcher didn't just look pretty, it's also massive with a fantastic story and seriously slick mechanics, Bethesda devs must have been pulling their hair out when they played it as they knew their game was going to be compared to it.

OVER 4 years in developement and it feels clumsy and sluggish with sub par graphics, They got away with it in previous years because the competition wasn't as good IMO.
And that's great. I'm sorry for you that F4 isn't W3 with bottle caps and lasers, but it's not. If that spoils the game for you then maybe think about playing something else. There's lots of other games out there.


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Thursday 7th January 2016
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Have any of you guys been to the top of the tower at Lynn Woods in the NE of the map? There's a switch up there. I won't spoil it for you, but throwing it is pretty cool!