Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020



57 months

Tuesday 14th April 2020
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Narcisus said:
El stovey said:
fourstardan said:
Over lockdown I've got back into flight sims.

I've got a MacBook Pro...Ps4....but nothing can do decent sims. xPlane on the Mac is hard work and not powerful enough.

FS2020 looks utterly ridiculous.

Is anyone looking at purchasing a PC for it ?
I’m waiting to see what’s needed to run it (properly)

There’s also an Xbox version coming out which obviously will be vastly reduced but might be good enough just to pick up and fly through tower bridge etc.
I’m sure it will run very well on a current hi ish spec machine...
So if you have no PC at the moment (like me) how much do people think a new one would cost to run this game at all the highest settings etc?

I always had flight sim on average PCs in the past and had to turn some effects off to make it more fluid.

I’m quite keen to maybe get back into gaming PCs once it comes out and we know what it requires.


1,114 posts

198 months

Tuesday 14th April 2020
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A guy I work with is a Microsoft Flight Sim insider Alpha/Beta tester and says it is mega, it appears that 32GB RAM was the minimum spec for testers to be accepted. Whether the specs will drop for the general release I don't know, you'd have to assume they would.


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Tuesday 14th April 2020
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El stovey said:
Narcisus said:
El stovey said:
fourstardan said:
Over lockdown I've got back into flight sims.

I've got a MacBook Pro...Ps4....but nothing can do decent sims. xPlane on the Mac is hard work and not powerful enough.

FS2020 looks utterly ridiculous.

Is anyone looking at purchasing a PC for it ?
I’m waiting to see what’s needed to run it (properly)

There’s also an Xbox version coming out which obviously will be vastly reduced but might be good enough just to pick up and fly through tower bridge etc.
I’m sure it will run very well on a current hi ish spec machine...
So if you have no PC at the moment (like me) how much do people think a new one would cost to run this game at all the highest settings etc?

I always had flight sim on average PCs in the past and had to turn some effects off to make it more fluid.

I’m quite keen to maybe get back into gaming PCs once it comes out and we know what it requires.
I built a new machine around last September. 3700x / 2070 Super / 32Gb etc. The bare machine probably cost around 2k but I wasn’t on a mega tight budget and I purchased decent parts.

By the time FS is released kit will have moved on again so I have no doubt that running it at full tilt won’t be a problem.


57 months

Tuesday 14th April 2020
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El stovey said:
digimeistter said:
Catatafish said:
Have you seen what DCS looks like these days with a proper PC?

DCS Supercarrier

It's a bit more interesting when you can blow stuff out of the sky.
I am an avid DCS player, superb military sim, although it doesn't look a patch on FS2020.

Like you say it's much more fun dogfighting and going on deep strike missions with friends, air to air refuelling is a bh to master though.
Each to their own but It’s the fly anywhere in the world with ultra realistic scenery and weather etc that makes flight sim a win for me. Plus they’re actually becoming useful now for pilots training or for on going Simulator assessments.

I like the military sims and being able to shoot stuff but they’re usually in a much more limited world.

Edited by El stovey on Tuesday 14th April 09:58
Oh without doubt, it depends what you prefer.

FS2020 has pre-loaded google earth maps in real time (to the player) which is a breakthrough and looks fantastic!

None of which is interactive or can be destroyed - when we get to that stage, my mind will truly be blown.

Still, it's an amazing step forward for realism.


88,883 posts

287 months

Wednesday 22nd April 2020
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I am happy.


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Wednesday 22nd April 2020
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FourWheelDrift said:
I am happy.

It runs well now so can only get better with optimisation :-)


13,735 posts

201 months

Wednesday 22nd April 2020
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Looks like upgrade time then...


7,066 posts

162 months

Wednesday 22nd April 2020
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I really, really hope you can get it from somewhere other than Microsoft's store. If it's a 150gb download there's no way I'm going to do it for multiple computers and every time I reinstall Windows. I can't believe they still operate that way when no one else does.


57 months

Wednesday 22nd April 2020
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Triumph Trollomite said:

I'm not the target for this as I like to crash and shoot things, but, as a demo of technology I'm really looking forward to this, even if only on the xbox.
It’ll be really interesting to see what the Xbox version is like, obviously it will have massive reduced features but it might be good enough.


15,966 posts

121 months

Wednesday 22nd April 2020
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I will look forward to this!

Do anyone know if there will be Missions to complete like on Flight Sim X


4,042 posts

168 months

Thursday 23rd April 2020
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Bugger it, guess my AMD 8350 and GTX 1070 might not cut the mustard!


57 months

Thursday 23rd April 2020
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I haven’t had a pc for years, are those “ideal” specs expensive to buy/make?


8,456 posts

208 months

Thursday 23rd April 2020
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I think I’ll be buying an XBox Series X for this ...


4,582 posts

147 months

Thursday 23rd April 2020
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This video has minimum/recommended and Ideal specs in...

Looking at about 1k for a box for recommended spec and 1.2 to 1.5 for minimum ideal spec.

I cannot BELIEVE how much graphic cards are now days, I remember buying my first Geforce before they got bought....

I'll seek to buy something when it closer probably on recommended spec.


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Friday 24th April 2020
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fourstardan said:
This video has minimum/recommended and Ideal specs in...

Looking at about 1k for a box for recommended spec and 1.2 to 1.5 for minimum ideal spec.

I cannot BELIEVE how much graphic cards are now days, I remember buying my first Geforce before they got bought....

I'll seek to buy something when it closer probably on recommended spec.
I remember very well buying my first Trident Video Card !


17,531 posts

192 months

Friday 24th April 2020
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digimeistter said:
Catatafish said:
Have you seen what DCS looks like these days with a proper PC?

DCS Supercarrier

It's a bit more interesting when you can blow stuff out of the sky.
I am an avid DCS player, superb military sim, although it doesn't look a patch on FS2020.

Like you say it's much more fun dogfighting and going on deep strike missions with friends, air to air refuelling is a bh to master though.
Over the last 30 years I have flown pretty much every flight simulator on PC.

I have thousands of hours on FS. Probably over 1000 on P3D which is what I flew mostly in recent times, QOTSII and 737-800. Learning FMC etc took quite a bit of time.

About 2 years ago I downloaded DCS. Urgh. "Horrible" physics, stupid Russian "betty" could not understand her. Controls way too complex.

THEN.... about a year ago I thought ***k it.. give it another go and paid for a decent aircraft (A10-C). Watched lots of videos. Now I am hooked. F14, 15, 16, 18... £££... LOL.

Its, IMHO, the most realistic aircraft simulator. Yes the graphics are not AAA. But the level of detail in the overall sim is astounding. Not many casual players realise just how highly complex it is.

Things like radio, radar, electronics, LOS etc are all simulated to a high level. Weapons tracking, effects of wind, speed, angles etc all simulated. Aircraft physics are also - according to pilots of the real aircraft - are also spot on. There have been some spooky recreations of inflight events done by real pilots and the flight systems and aircraft behave exactly like the real world event.

Just some of the minor things like pressure wave damage, its amazing. Landing an F15 in a 30kt cross wing with half your stab missing... stuff like that.

Yes there are some glaring flaws i.e some radar systems are too good or damage models a bit funky or ejection sequences not realistic etc - but honestly its come a very, very long way in the last few years.

Just my 2ps worth.

If you want to fly, and it looks good then you can make most of the high end simulators fit the purpose but virtually none of them do "stuff". Its just fly, land, fly, land.


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Friday 24th April 2020
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1,114 posts

198 months

Friday 24th April 2020
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FourWheelDrift said:
I am happy.

That's pretty good actually, I was expecting the minimum spec to be higher than that.


17,531 posts

192 months

Friday 24th April 2020
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57 months

Friday 24th April 2020
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