

1,625 posts

133 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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I for one have been waiting for GTA6 to bother updating from my last-gen console, I suspect a few others have too.

(I was childless and carefree when GTAV came out, now my eldest is 10 rofl )

Leon R

3,253 posts

99 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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usn90 said:
Beethree said:
And this is exactly why most games are released too early and unfinished. If it takes 10 years then it takes 10 years.
They’re obviously making enough off GTA Online to sustain the longer development timescales.
Oh give over, I’m all for not rushing games out in bad states but 11 years!, what’s next, GTA7 takes 2 decades?

The reason they’ve sat on this so long is because 5’s online is the cash cow it is, they released GTA5 three times, they've milked the game to death, if online wasn’t generating the income it has then 6 would already have been out

Again, I don’t games been rushed to market in bad states, but there has to be a middle ground here
They didn't do nothing though because they released Red Dead 2 in 2018,you could look at it as they milked it and there is an element of that I am sure because of the earnings it achieved.

The other way you could look at it is the online part of the game came out and was MUCH more popular than they expected so as a company they pivoted and fully supported the online for 10 entire years and they are STILL releasing significant updates and every single update they have ever released has been completely free.

There are so many little things they have added that proves they actually value the player base.


5,397 posts

148 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Yeah I reckon on the run up to release there'll be a boom in people buying PS5's and Series X's just for GTA6 and I'll def be one of them.


129 posts

8 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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bobbo89 said:
Yeah I reckon on the run up to release there'll be a boom in people buying PS5's and Series X's just for GTA6 and I'll def be one of them.
Will be hugely profitable as the console on their own will be out of stock and more expensive package deals will be in stock!


3,943 posts

152 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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JimJobs81 said:
P-Jay said:
I would love it if R* said "Suprise muthafkers, it's coming out tomorrow!" but I don't see it happening.
They would have had to give Sony and Microsoft a years notice to ramp up production for a start (and show Sony and Microsoft a near-complete game in advance to convince them it is really that good) or the supply won't be there, and no news of any such factory production increase.
I doubt for a second Sony or Microsoft would need to see the game in advance.
With GTA V being one of the highest-selling and most profitable games of all time, GTA VI could be an absolute stter of a game and it'll still break sales records.

But yes, a minimum of 6 months of hype is required. An April/May release window is typical Rockstar. But, like with V, I expect Sept-Nov next year giving 9 months of marketing.


Original Poster:

10,686 posts

194 months

Monday 4th December 2023
quotequote all
bobbo89 said:
Yeah I reckon on the run up to release there'll be a boom in people buying PS5's and Series X's just for GTA6 and I'll def be one of them.
This, I upgraded to a Series S when you couldn't get Series X anywhere. I'm very tempted to upgrade to a Series X just for GTA 6


129 posts

8 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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TREMAiNE said:
With GTA V being one of the highest-selling and most profitable games of all time, GTA VI could be an absolute stter of a game and it'll still break sales records.
In today's connected social media age, if the game was not good then word of mouth would spread incredibly fast.

They can buy the review critics and generate week 1 sales using their 10/10 reviews, but not week 2 onwards which would nosedive.


6,069 posts

96 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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bobbo89 said:
Yeah I reckon on the run up to release there'll be a boom in people buying PS5's and Series X's just for GTA6 and I'll def be one of them.
Yeah, quite possibly the same here hehe

It's odd, normally I'm happy saving a bit of money and lagging a few years behind the latest tech/releases, but I've just realised that GTA has probably been the biggest driver for me to upgrade/replace my hardware over the years...

- early 2000's, I remember seeing GTA3 on a mate's PS2, desperately wanted it for my PC so went out and bought a new graphics card.
- Ended up with a new PC for Vice City a few years later
- Convinced the future Mrs ZS we needed an xBox360 for San Andreas
- Ended up with a new PC to play GTA4
- xBox One for GTA5 / RDR2


5,397 posts

148 months

Monday 4th December 2023
quotequote all
Zetec-S said:
Yeah, quite possibly the same here hehe

It's odd, normally I'm happy saving a bit of money and lagging a few years behind the latest tech/releases, but I've just realised that GTA has probably been the biggest driver for me to upgrade/replace my hardware over the years...

- early 2000's, I remember seeing GTA3 on a mate's PS2, desperately wanted it for my PC so went out and bought a new graphics card.
- Ended up with a new PC for Vice City a few years later
- Convinced the future Mrs ZS we needed an xBox360 for San Andreas
- Ended up with a new PC to play GTA4
- xBox One for GTA5 / RDR2
Yep, went through a similar thing after going to a mates house where he had a PS3 and GTA3, I got a PS3 myself shortly after which did me Vice and SA. Then bought a 360 purely for GTA4 which also did me for the early days of GTA5 until buying a PS4 in like 2016.

Mad to think I'll likely be dropping close to £500 just to play one game but that's the draw of GTA!


477 posts

137 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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2pm GMT tomorrow for the trailer. Excited to say the least.

Hope it's a nice lengthy trailer...

Honourable Dead Snark

491 posts

22 months

Monday 4th December 2023
quotequote all
EK9_CTR said:
2pm GMT tomorrow for the trailer. Excited to say the least.

Hope it's a nice lengthy trailer...
91 seconds long apparently


12,741 posts

158 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Was planning on a Steam Deck in the new year, but if this looks good I might just go for a Xbox Series X instead. I'd have to play quite often by streaming to another device mind (hence the reason for the SD). But as long as it works OK in the confines of the home WiFi then I am Ok with that.

I really want to play FO3, FONV and FO4 again. I guess as a Bruce bonus, the series X will also play RDR2, StarField and CyberPunk decently as well.


70,159 posts

232 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Otispunkmeyer said:

I really want to play FO3, FONV and FO4 again. I guess as a Bruce bonus, the series X will also play RDR2, StarField and CyberPunk decently as well.
I bought all for the PC recently.... Currently playing NV (with all DLCs).


1,566 posts

146 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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usn90 said:
I don’t know what the answer is but gta 5 came out 10 years ago, assuming 6 comes next year that’s over a decade since the last one, just way too long.

What if 6 is a flop, they have to get them out sooner
It depends how you look at it... I think both Red Dead and GTA are built on the same tech stack/engine and borrow from one another. So yes it might be 10+ years for GTA 7, but until then you'll likely get Red Dead Redemption 3 around 5-6 years from now which will ease the pain. Of course, if you have no interest in Red Dead 3 at all then it will be a very long wait for you hehe

JimJobs81 said:
The company could bring out a new GTA every year with not much difference (e.g. like Apple with new iphone releases) and force consumers to shell out £60 a year for the latest version.

It is extremely admirable that they have not done so.
This almost happened back in 2012 I think ... EA put in a bid to buy take-two. Rather amusingly, take-two countered with a crazy high offer - after a few months EA retreated, bruised. It makes me shudder to think of GTA under the EA umbrella.... GTA 2023, GTA 2024, GTA 2025.


1,089 posts

71 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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EK9_CTR said:
2pm GMT tomorrow for the trailer. Excited to say the least.

Hope it's a nice lengthy trailer...
The hosting server is going to have a very tough time tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if it just crashes.


12,593 posts

221 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Yeah, that one server back at Rockstar HQ is going to be cranking out views fulltilt rofl


8,144 posts

283 months

Monday 4th December 2023
quotequote all
EmailAddress said:
Yeah, that one server back at Rockstar HQ is going to be cranking out views fulltilt rofl
Bless hehe


3,080 posts

174 months

Monday 4th December 2023
quotequote all
EmailAddress said:
Yeah, that one server back at Rockstar HQ is going to be cranking out views fulltilt rofl
I wouldn't want to be the IT bod responsible for their server tomorrow!


129 posts

8 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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bunchofkeys said:
The hosting server is going to have a very tough time tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if it just crashes.
With modern tech you can just duplicate a server.

Rockstar contacted Dell and asked them to provide the same little server that powers the online GTA 5.

It has 32GB Ram!


8,144 posts

283 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Ok guys listen up …. Little tip … Don’t wait in line for a slice of that server there is this thing called YouTube !

Keep it quiet !