

4,921 posts

158 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Not sure how feature-complete the Strike Eagle is yet? The F-16 and F/A-18 were both far from mature products at launch and as the developers added features it often meant having to completely re-learn certain features of each aircraft. I'm not keen to jump into another aircraft that will be a significantly different beast 12 months from now.

Terry Tibbs

196 posts

52 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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That’s what puts me off to be honest. I would rather wait till it’s a bit further down the road otherwise you end up having to relearn some stuff. For Cold War stuff it’s not too bad but the f15 is a complicated best and I only want to learn it once!


219 posts

97 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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MikeGTi said:
Well... Looks like there's yet another module that I have to buy:

Wow , that should win an oscar for presentation. Were do I sign ?. Phantoms one of my favourite mil jets.


1,113 posts

193 months

Friday 8th December 2023
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LimaDelta said:
If self-escort all weather strike is your thing, the mudhen is awesome and now the TFR has been added it offers a unique experience in DCS. It is also one of the few two-seaters where you don't really need a back-seater, as almost everything can be done from the front. I've just scratched the surface with it, but it really is an excellent module.
Well I just crumbled and bought it laugh

Hoping the workflow is similar to the Hornet which would make learning a bit easier


6,709 posts

221 months

Saturday 27th January
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For anyone on the phence...


Looking good biggrin

Matt London

790 posts

171 months

Saturday 27th January
quotequote all
Steve93 said:
LimaDelta said:
If self-escort all weather strike is your thing, the mudhen is awesome and now the TFR has been added it offers a unique experience in DCS. It is also one of the few two-seaters where you don't really need a back-seater, as almost everything can be done from the front. I've just scratched the surface with it, but it really is an excellent module.
Well I just crumbled and bought it laugh

Hoping the workflow is similar to the Hornet which would make learning a bit easier
How are you both doing at finding targets with the TPOD? I started this module yesterday and am having real problems seeing tanks etc.

I have played about with the contrast and brightness of the MFD and also the WHOT BHOT. It could possibly be that the Tanks in the missions I have been playing are cold.


6,709 posts

221 months

Saturday 3rd February
quotequote all
Matt London said:
Steve93 said:
LimaDelta said:
If self-escort all weather strike is your thing, the mudhen is awesome and now the TFR has been added it offers a unique experience in DCS. It is also one of the few two-seaters where you don't really need a back-seater, as almost everything can be done from the front. I've just scratched the surface with it, but it really is an excellent module.
Well I just crumbled and bought it laugh

Hoping the workflow is similar to the Hornet which would make learning a bit easier
How are you both doing at finding targets with the TPOD? I started this module yesterday and am having real problems seeing tanks etc.

I have played about with the contrast and brightness of the MFD and also the WHOT BHOT. It could possibly be that the Tanks in the missions I have been playing are cold.
The Strike Eagle is currently running an older LANTIRN pod which is essentially a generation behind the ones carried by the A-10, Viper and Hornet. Wait for the LITENING pod, it will be a lot easier to break out those dots. As you said the cold stuff will not be as obvious on BHOT or WHOT, but are still visible on TV.

There are some issues reported about vehicle visibility dependent on type and which map you are on though, so It could always be a bug...

Matt London

790 posts

171 months

Saturday 3rd February
quotequote all
LimaDelta said:
Matt London said:
Steve93 said:
LimaDelta said:
If self-escort all weather strike is your thing, the mudhen is awesome and now the TFR has been added it offers a unique experience in DCS. It is also one of the few two-seaters where you don't really need a back-seater, as almost everything can be done from the front. I've just scratched the surface with it, but it really is an excellent module.
Well I just crumbled and bought it laugh

Hoping the workflow is similar to the Hornet which would make learning a bit easier
How are you both doing at finding targets with the TPOD? I started this module yesterday and am having real problems seeing tanks etc.

I have played about with the contrast and brightness of the MFD and also the WHOT BHOT. It could possibly be that the Tanks in the missions I have been playing are cold.
The Strike Eagle is currently running an older LANTIRN pod which is essentially a generation behind the ones carried by the A-10, Viper and Hornet. Wait for the LITENING pod, it will be a lot easier to break out those dots. As you said the cold stuff will not be as obvious on BHOT or WHOT, but are still visible on TV.

There are some issues reported about vehicle visibility dependent on type and which map you are on though, so It could always be a bug...
I have played with it a fair bit more and can see it was because the targets must have been cold. It was a built in mission where it was demonstration for some military brass, so it would make sense that the demo tanks were cold.

I look forward to the Litening Pod. Hopefully it will be on par with the A-10CII pod. The magnification and clarity(?) on that is much more useful.

I did a mission the other day where I was using FLIR and TFR to drop Durandel’s on a runway at night. That was a great demonstration to me of what the F-15E can do. Playing it in VR was amazing, talk about immersion.


6,709 posts

221 months

Friday 24th May
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So who's flying the St Louis Slugger then?


2,529 posts

204 months

Friday 24th May
quotequote all
LimaDelta said:
So who's flying the St Louis Slugger then?
I'm trying to biggrin It flies like a greased safe in landing config

How are you getting on with it?


6,709 posts

221 months

Friday 24th May
quotequote all
MikeGTi said:
LimaDelta said:
So who's flying the St Louis Slugger then?
I'm trying to biggrin It flies like a greased safe in landing config

How are you getting on with it?
Not really dug deep into it yet, but first impressions it feels a lot like a bigger, heavier F-5. Raises the bar again though in terms of graphics and artwork though, brilliant work by HB.

Terry Tibbs

196 posts

52 months

Friday 24th May
quotequote all
I’m loving it. Heatblur have really raised the bar with this one I reckon. Looks beautiful, and feels alive - bits of cockpit rattling around adds so much immersion.


2,529 posts

204 months

Friday 24th May
quotequote all
It is outstandingly modelled, far better than any previous module I reckon.

I just need to get the hours in now to be able to fly and fight it properly biggrin

The Jester improvements seem pretty good compared to the F14 as well.


751 posts

23 months

Friday 24th May
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How are people getting on with the new fusing options for bombs?

Loaded up wit JDAM’s yesterday as per normal in TOO mode, dropped 8 none hit or exploded?

I can’t find any vids on them yet


2,529 posts

204 months

Friday 24th May
quotequote all
I've only tried it on the F4, and figured my duds were due to me arming the wrong fuse.

I think in the more modern stuff, you need to ensure that the fuse settings are manually entered into your SMS as it isn't done automagically apparently.


13,857 posts

168 months

Sunday 26th May
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I've been looking at DCS World and considering getting into it. The level of detail looks incredible and I'm willing to put in the time to learn if the gameplay reward is there.

I'm not really interested in most of the aircraft in the game, which is handy because I hear it's the kind of thing where you need to pick one at a time to really learn inside out instead of jumping between loads of different modules.

All I really want to do is get the SU-25T and the A-10 and do ground attack stuff. That said, whenever I watched videos of people doing this stuff, often someone turns up in a dedicated A2A jet to ruin the fun, which results in the Frogfoot having to jettison all their A2G stuff to try and dogfight, and tbh the dogfighting stuff looks pretty dull.

I'm looking at getting a Winwing HOTAS setup, on the basis that it should be a nice thing to use and should last pretty much forever. However, with other big games on the horizon, it may have to wait until I've got the time to dedicate to really learning the plane I choose to go with.


8,145 posts

283 months

Sunday 26th May
quotequote all
Mastodon2 said:
I've been looking at DCS World and considering getting into it. The level of detail looks incredible and I'm willing to put in the time to learn if the gameplay reward is there.

I'm not really interested in most of the aircraft in the game, which is handy because I hear it's the kind of thing where you need to pick one at a time to really learn inside out instead of jumping between loads of different modules.

All I really want to do is get the SU-25T and the A-10 and do ground attack stuff. That said, whenever I watched videos of people doing this stuff, often someone turns up in a dedicated A2A jet to ruin the fun, which results in the Frogfoot having to jettison all their A2G stuff to try and dogfight, and tbh the dogfighting stuff looks pretty dull.

I'm looking at getting a Winwing HOTAS setup, on the basis that it should be a nice thing to use and should last pretty much forever. However, with other big games on the horizon, it may have to wait until I've got the time to dedicate to really learning the plane I choose to go with.
If I remember the SU-25 is free so you can get yourself up and running for nowt !

The FC A10 is also only a few quid.

I’ve had the full fat A10 since launch and I’m still learning !


13,857 posts

168 months

Sunday 26th May
quotequote all
Narcisus said:
If I remember the SU-25 is free so you can get yourself up and running for nowt !

The FC A10 is also only a few quid.

I’ve had the full fat A10 since launch and I’m still learning !
The SU-25 is free but the SU-25T isn't, I believe only the T variant has the Shkval targeting system, which is the one i want to play with.

I'd have already started playing were it not for lack of hardware, I know you can play on mouse and keyboard but it's not the same as a HOTAS. I know I could get a cheap HOTAS too rather than dropping £700+ on a Winwing setup, but in for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. It's not the money but rather the time that has made me hold off ordering. The new Destiny expansion is but days away and the Elden Ring DLC comes later next month.

My interest in DCS has grown to the point where I've become increasingly sure this is something I'll enjoy, but I've also run the clock down on the other game releases, so I wouldn't have time to really study the manuals and learn the modules and how to play the game. I will get there though, I'm pretty sure.


8,145 posts

283 months

Sunday 26th May
quotequote all
It’s certainly a commitment just make sure you don’t buy any of the Razbam stuff at the mo until they sort out this disagreement with ED.


6,709 posts

221 months

Sunday 26th May
quotequote all
Mastodon2 said:
The SU-25 is free but the SU-25T isn't, I believe only the T variant has the Shkval targeting system, which is the one i want to play with.

I'd have already started playing were it not for lack of hardware, I know you can play on mouse and keyboard but it's not the same as a HOTAS. I know I could get a cheap HOTAS too rather than dropping £700+ on a Winwing setup, but in for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. It's not the money but rather the time that has made me hold off ordering. The new Destiny expansion is but days away and the Elden Ring DLC comes later next month.

My interest in DCS has grown to the point where I've become increasingly sure this is something I'll enjoy, but I've also run the clock down on the other game releases, so I wouldn't have time to really study the manuals and learn the modules and how to play the game. I will get there though, I'm pretty sure.
The FC3 versions are simplified, and have non-clickable cockpits. You can download the manual from the website before you buy, and there are loads of tutorial videos and guides around, but the learning curve for modules like the Su-25 isn't so steep.

I know it is something I've mentioned before, but don't discount the humble XBox controller. Dropping hundreds of pounds on HOTAS gear is nice, but far from essential. Alternatively you can pick up CH Products controls from eBay for very little these days, and they are still very good bits of kit.