Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020



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Monday 10th June 2019
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Original Poster:

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Monday 10th June 2019
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Looks like launch on PC with Xbox later.

If it's a new engine written from the ground up the performance maybe a pleasant surprise on todays machines.


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283 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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From the website :

Microsoft Flight Simulator is the next generation of one of the most beloved simulation franchises. From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly detailed and stunning aircraft in an incredibly realistic world. Create your flight plan and fly anywhere on the planet. Enjoy flying day or night and face realistic, challenging weather conditions.

So it sounds promising lets hope it's not dumbed down or at least has the option for people who want it to be 'as real as it gets'

Sounds like the next Xbox might be a bit of a beast so with keyboard support and maybe HOTAS ?

Scenery streamed ? Will they be selling regions I wonder ?


Original Poster:

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283 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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Sounds like an initial pc launch with next gen Xbox after.


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283 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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julian64 said:
Hmm P4D is pretty much the FSX successor. Not sure how this new one will fit in . I hope its not an exercise in dumbing down the realism to allow xbox owners to do loops in jumbo jets.
Trouble with P4D is the core sim in ancient tech. Bit like the 737 Max you can only bolt stuff onto it for so long before it crashes !


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283 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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juggsy said:
El stovey said:
It’s backwards compatible but will 2020 be the next x box? Project whatsitcalled that was just announced.
Not sure, announcement just said coming out for Xbox one so assumed it was designed for that. Either way I want!
Not been funny but how many times on this thread have I said it’s for pc followed by Xbox !


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283 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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juggsy said:
Narcisus said:
juggsy said:
El stovey said:
It’s backwards compatible but will 2020 be the next x box? Project whatsitcalled that was just announced.
Not sure, announcement just said coming out for Xbox one so assumed it was designed for that. Either way I want!
Not been funny but how many times on this thread have I said it’s for pc followed by Xbox !
That’s not the point, the original question was whether it will be for the next gen Xbox or the current one, which is what we were discussing.

FourWheelDrift said:
Looks lovely though, NASA grade PC required for that level. Next generation Xbox most likely too for that level of detail.
Keep calm!
It won’t be on original Xbox. Well I’ll amend that statement. I would be very surprised. One X probably has the horsepower to pull it off but I would have thought it would be marginal.

Can’t see how Xbox One would do an acceptable job.

But then we have to consider Microsoft’s ethos of back compatibility. If large portions of the game are streamed would it be possible ?

Who knows.

I wonder if it’s a totally new engine or a modified Flight engine.

One things for sure I’ll not miss having to install nearly 2tb’s of addons or the endless tweaking with all the P3D updates...

Edited by Narcisus on Monday 10th June 21:43

Edited by Narcisus on Monday 10th June 21:47


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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El stovey said:
Narcisus said:
Not been funny but how many times on this thread have I said it’s for pc followed by Xbox !
We all know. hehe

We’re talking about which Xbox it will be.
Yeah yeah ok I got the wrong end of the stick hehe


Original Poster:

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283 months

Tuesday 11th June 2019
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Yeah I remember haha ! First Flightsim was by Sublogic they also did a later sim called ATP which I spent way to many hours on.

The first sim I actually owned was a 747 Simulator on the beeb by DACC. When it arrived I discovered it needed 2 joysticks and I only had one. I could never afford another so wasn’t easy to use lol !

Over the years fav sims have been :

F15 Strike Eagle III Microprose
Tornado Digital Intigration
European Air War Microprose
Combat Flight Simulator Microsoft
Every Flight Simulator release from 3
Fly ! Can’t remember who did that one but had a great 757
F18 Microprose
F19 Stealth Fighter Microprose
Bomber Activision
Intercepter EA
Hind Digital Integration
F22 Digital Intigration

Probably loads of others I can’t remember.


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283 months

Tuesday 11th June 2019
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julian64 said:
Not sure what you mean with that. I thought P4D is rewritten code into 64 bit. The flight realism on FSX was/is spot on. The flight realism was the best thing about FSX. Apart for transferring it to break the 4G rule it doesn't really need modernising. The graphics yes, but the core sim isn't ancient tech in P4D, its correct tech, possibly the only thing that doesn't need changing.
Well please correct me if i'm wrong. I'm not saying Lockheed Martin haven't done a great job. They have and i'm a happy user. They have improved 'FSX' no end.

I thought they had just recompiled the core code. Yes they have improved it but it's still basically an improved recompiled 64bit FSX....


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283 months

Tuesday 11th June 2019
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ash73 said:
Will it be as good as Chocks Away?
biggrin No chance !


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283 months

Tuesday 11th June 2019
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Yeah I had forgotten that ! I had it on the Amiga. First saw it advertised in the mags and thought wow !!

Not the fastest frame rate lol !

Remember the Tornado and F111 were my favourites. Also the X15 mission :-)

Just jogged my memory !

TFX on the PC. Loved it then they released a patch for 3DFX ! That was amazing. Took me about 2 days to manage to down load it at 9Mb I think !

Microsoft also made Flightsim 98 compatible with 3DFX. That was a revelation as well....


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Tuesday 11th June 2019
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Original Poster:

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Wednesday 12th June 2019
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This guy gets the info across well :


Original Poster:

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Friday 21st June 2019
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Saturday 12th October 2019
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Ikemi said:
I’m excited for this! I do hope that all areas of the world are accessible and that the price of the game either reflects this, or there is a monthly subscription to use their service. For me, I’ll just be picking out various cities/landmarks and fly around; I doubt I’ll carry out any actual ‘serious’ flights as such.

My favourite flight sim of all time was EF2000 ...

Edited by Ikemi on Saturday 12th October 09:31
Yes it was a revelation when the 3DFx patch was released


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283 months

Monday 14th October 2019
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Who knows ? It may run very well on a decent modern rig. Its built from the ground up after all not some dinosaur like P3D.

I guess if you manage to join the alpha test it will give a good idea.

I’ve been dropping in on the fs forums from time to time. Honestly it’s pathetic and amusing in equal amounts.


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283 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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ash73 said:
Too much emphasis on how it looks, not enough on how it flies.
Thanks for the info that’s a shame. How much time have you had flying it ?


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283 months

Wednesday 20th November 2019
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I've just put a new machine together but last time I looksed at VR stuff they were slow with low res sceens and cost a fortune.

Whats the latest ?


Original Poster:

8,137 posts

283 months

Wednesday 20th November 2019
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ash73 said:
I use a TrackIR headset, you just move your head slightly while keeping your eyes on the monitor and it amplifies your movements and looks around. Probably not as immersive as VR but it can be used with any standard PC and screen.
Yeah i've had 3 TrackIR's... I seem to keep them about a year then sell them on then think it would be a good idea to have onother mainly for DCS.

I think it's wearing the hat that ultimatley p##### me off.