Production Delays :(

Production Delays :(



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83 posts

32 months

Friday 4th February 2022
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Hi all - anyone else ordered a Mustang and is now suffering with production delays? I originally placed an order for a GT last summer and was advised that chip shortages would push delivery to just before xmas. However in November I got a call from the dealer to advise that no builds would be taking place until at least Feb (22) which would see me getting the car cApril time! Yesterday a further update from them to advise that there will be no builds in Feb either, which I assume now pushes mine back to at least May time (or maybe later)!

I know that the industry as a whole is suffering on the back of the chip problem but wasnt sure if anyone else was having such lengthy delays (as me)?



Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Tuesday 15th February 2022
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I also ordered last July so fingers crossed I get some good news soon !

Edited by Forrest1 on Wednesday 16th February 08:26


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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i've been chasing my dealership for an update and i had a call back today. It seems as though my build may have slipped through the cracks and nothing has really happened since i placed my order last July (well other than build being moved to 2022). Ford replied to my dealer along those lines and assured him that they would have my order in the next build plan. Unfortunately that was all the info he had and could offer no further info as to when that might be! So i was wondering if any of you guys had any idea of how often Ford pull their build plans together and/or any suggestions for where i might look to find that out.

I know that there is a worldwide problem with new car builds but if this is still months and months away then i think it could be time to call it a day and look for something else, but i honestly have no idea and neither does my dealership!


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83 posts

32 months

Thursday 7th April 2022
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Squirrelofwoe said:
I ordered a new GT (2022MY) a few weeks ago, going by the above it sounds like the estimate I was given of Jan-23 might even be a bit optimistic! rotate
unfortunately I wouldnt take anything you get told as gospel at the moment, it seems as though the Dealers are somewhat in the dark and are in essence just guessing at dates etc.

Whilst i havent cancelled my order yet i have started to look at alternatives / other options!


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Monday 11th April 2022
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Squirrelofwoe said:
Forrest1 said:
Squirrelofwoe said:
I ordered a new GT (2022MY) a few weeks ago, going by the above it sounds like the estimate I was given of Jan-23 might even be a bit optimistic! rotate
unfortunately I wouldnt take anything you get told as gospel at the moment, it seems as though the Dealers are somewhat in the dark and are in essence just guessing at dates etc.

Whilst i havent cancelled my order yet i have started to look at alternatives / other options!
Have you been able to track your car online?

I'm somewhat fortunate with my order that we need to move house first, so if there wasn't a 9-12 month wait I likely wouldn't have ordered one yet!
no, I wasnt aware that you could. I've been reliant on my Dealer for updates and the fact that he tells me that he has to email Ford to find out whats going on would indicate to me that he's struggling to check online via whatever system he has, as such i've not taken it any further. Maybe i should?


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83 posts

32 months

Monday 11th April 2022
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thanks both. I've saved link to favourites, unfortunately at the moment no VIN for me so its just a case of waiting!


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Tuesday 10th May 2022
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I got a call from my dealer yesterday to advise that he now has a VIN and was looking to early August for Deliveyr for mine!


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Wednesday 11th May 2022
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Squirrelofwoe said:
Forrest1 said:
I got a call from my dealer yesterday to advise that he now has a VIN and was looking to early August for Deliveyr for mine!
That's great news!

That must be coming up to a 12 month wait on yours by then isn't it??
yeah it’ll actually be just over a year from placing the order


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83 posts

32 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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Squirrelofwoe said:
yzr500 said:
Ford have now closed the order books on the 2022 uk models of Mach 1 .
I think production has really picked up recently - my GT that was ordered around 20th March for a Dec-Jan delivery has now been built and the dealer reckons it could potentially be in the country as early as the end of August.
I’ve had a message from my Dealer this morning to say that mine has now been built and is working it’s way to the UK. QQ- anyone know how long that normally takes?


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Tuesday 26th July 2022
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yzr500 said:
Call from my dealer the car is due in for collection next week but i,m gutted they built it without the Recaro £1900 option lucky its still purple though.
Do you know how long it took to get from built stage to now being ready for delivery next week?


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Thursday 18th August 2022
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Update from my Ford dealer this morning is that my status is now showing as "Compound OUT", which he takes as its on a ship heading from Newark to Holland.

Not sure how long those sailings usually take and or how long after arriving in Holland it then makes its way to the UK but at long last it seems to be getting that little bit nearer!!


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Thursday 18th August 2022
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Squirrelofwoe said:
Forrest1 said:
Update from my Ford dealer this morning is that my status is now showing as "Compound OUT", which he takes as its on a ship heading from Newark to Holland.

Not sure how long those sailings usually take and or how long after arriving in Holland it then makes its way to the UK but at long last it seems to be getting that little bit nearer!!
Great news!

So it will be over a year from ordering to collecting?!
yup, ordered it July 21, so just over a year and counting grumpy


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83 posts

32 months

Thursday 18th August 2022
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Dr Interceptor said:
You're probably looking at around six weeks, sometimes slightly longer... the sailing across the Atlantic doesn't take that long, but they have to ship it to Port where it inevitably sits for a while, load it on a boat, sail it to Zeebrugge, then it seems everything at the minute is also going via Bremerhaven, then to Southampton, then it gets moved about, eventually arriving at your dealer for PDI and drilling a couple of holes in your front bumper laugh
thanks - unfortunately that's what i was guessing at as well. I was hoping for an early September but the reality is that its looking like early Oct


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Friday 19th August 2022
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yzr500 said:
MMM what,s the price on your order ? could cash out of mine? so my order late march to driving around now in august was only a short wait.
Yours does look good, I bet it looks even better in the flesh in the sunshine! As for mine, I know they (Ford) made a mistake as my order seemed to have slipped through the cracks and it was only me constantly chasing earlier this year that seems to have gotten it moving. However my price is still thankfully fixed at last summer’s agreed figure. Using the online configurator I’m c£9k better off against list. So part of me is saying cash out and part of me is saying you’ve waited over a year you might as well enjoy it!!


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83 posts

32 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Seems as though my year and a bit wait is almost at an end. clap My dealer messaged to say that the car has arrived at Liverpool docks, so i'm assuming that it wont be long before it makes its way to them for inspection etc


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Friday 16th September 2022
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Squirrelofwoe said:
Have you got a date for collection yet?! biggrin
Funnily enough got a call from Dealer to say that they now had the car. Going to pop along over weekend to have a quick look with collection hopefully next Thursday or Friday


Original Poster:

83 posts

32 months

Friday 16th September 2022
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Squirrelofwoe said:
Great news, looking forward to seeing some pictures!

My own GT (ordered March) which was scheduled for early 2023 delivery actually arrived at the dealers 3 weeks ago! rotate Annoyingly the same day that our house buyers pulled out, potentially scuppering our move- which was a prerequisite to the new car arriving... So I've had to resist going to look at it in case everything fell through. Fingers crossed we are now back on track and I'm hopeful that we are now in a position where I can collect the car early next month- just in time for my birthday and a couple of small trips away with the wife.

The new Mustang announcement yesterday has done nothing for my excitement!
Excellent news on you still being able to get yours (oh and of course excellent news on the house as well hehe