The ‘bring back BT&P’ thread

The ‘bring back BT&P’ thread



Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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I wonder how many would be up for a return of these events?

Or will this thread just bomb?


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Tyre Smoke said:
I'm in!

First up, would need to decide on where in the country to hold the event.

I'm thinking Midlands?
I agree, Midlands would by the ideal location as it’s central for pretty much everyone.

Other priorities?

Large carpark
Several hundred hotel rooms
Nearby golf course
Large function room
And pies. Loverly, delicious pies


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Tyre Smoke said:
Golf course?

Why do we need a golf course?
For playing a round of golf


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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popegregory said:
Not quite sure that place would be big enough. Besides that, it looks alright.


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Tyre Smoke said:
I thought the idea was to get dressed up, get pissed and chat crap?

Yeah, need a golf course for that. biggrin

So, turn up somewhere Saturday morning, golf players go and play, WAGS head to the Spa or town for shopping, the rest of us wander round the car park talking rubbish about each other's cars and then Saturday night is formal dinner and shenanigans? Full English Sunday morning and off home? Would that be a loose assessment?
I’d say that’s an accurate assessment.


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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popegregory said:
When you’ve seen one MX-5 and 335D, to be honest, you’ve seen them all…


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Tyre Smoke said:
Perhaps we need to change to format a bit so that it's not quite so 'corporate' but a bit more upmarket from fish and chips on the seafront?

I don't see a problem with £75 a ticket for a decent meal, etc. But realise there are other factors involved.
Perhaps something a bit more informal?


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Tuesday 5th October 2021
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Tyre Smoke said:
Not much interest in it I fear.

If PH get behind it, but not financially, more promotion, then we might have a chance.

As it stands, dead in the water I think.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you fellas. I’ve been in the sin-bin.

Alas TS, I think you are correct. And those that would be interested are probably spread too far apart geographically.

Edited by 105.4 on Wednesday 6th October 10:24


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Tuesday 5th October 2021
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Shnozz said:
Yep, always remember Ted saying it was a loss maker. Given it was far from a cheap night then I am not sure at what price it would be worthwhile running the event.

Personally, I would rather see the return of Pistonfest. Decent summer event with camping and loosely based around some sort of car racing event mini-LM style.
That’s not a bad idea. Hiring catering for a BBQ would likely be a lot cheaper as well.