RE: BTaP Hotel Rooms Available

RE: BTaP Hotel Rooms Available

Wednesday 31st October 2012

BTaP Hotel Rooms Available

Time is running out to buy tickets, but hotel rooms are now available at Tortworth Court

Tortworth Court Hotel
Tortworth Court Hotel
With BTaP only a week or so away it's not too late to buy your tickets for the social event of the season. If BTaP has passed you by take a look at the previous reports here and here for all the details and then head immediately to the PH Shop to buy your tickets.

For those still pondering their attendance, we are very pleased to confirm that three rooms are now available at Tortworth Court Hotel due to cancellation. In addition the nearby Alveston Hall Hotel has 10 rooms on hold priced at £120 per night

We will be arranging a stream of taxis from midnight to take guests who are staying elsewhere home. Transportation will not be an issue for anyone.

All rooms are reserved under the name PistonHeads so please mention this when you call to book. The reception desks are ready to let these rooms go on a first come, first served basis.

Call Tortworth Court Hotel on 01454 263000

Call Alveston Hall Hotel on 01454 415050

BTaP 2012 is shaping up to be one of the best yet and we can't wait to welcome you at Tortworth on the night.



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Wednesday 31st October 2012
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Bumping this into here for info smile