Tickets enroute



Original Poster:

5,716 posts

230 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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Received an email today (from Push Merchandising) which handily didn't tell me what was recently shipped apart from my order.

I'm putting two and two together to get five here but could the tickets be on their way out (as it looks like the address I used to register with shotdeadinthehead).


Original Poster:

5,716 posts

230 months

Saturday 20th October 2012
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Hee-haw - that's a great scottish phrase. smile

I've got no idea if mine are there yet or not. Find out a couple of days before the event when I get home.


Original Poster:

5,716 posts

230 months

Thursday 8th November 2012
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I can confirm - the tickets are here.