


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Tumbler said:
I've been attending BTaP since 2004, since then the whole vibe of the event has changed for me, I remember when the members donated the prizes for the raffle and the auction, this alone generated much chatter and interest as the main focus of the event was to raise money for charity, this aspect seems to have sadly been eroded, last year the event fell flat for me as nearly every who I didn't recognise was not a pistonheads member/poster, they seemed to be there on some company jolly and had little or no interest in cars.

Having it's own forum potentially also means it escapes some people, depending on how you have you favourites set and how often you refer to the home page, the logos have always generated interest, are they visable on phone browsing?

The event now always falls on bonfire night so that causes a clash for me.


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Podie said:
A lot of people have known each other for 10 years or more, so it's not really a clique - it's mates getting together.

It's not just "people from PH" anymore - there are groups of people who go on holiday together, Le Mans (and the Classic), have been to weddings, funerals, birthdays and other events together...
That was so much better put than my post thumbup

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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The weekend after bonfire night weekend would be much better imo, and I definitely think the delay in tickets going on sale was a huge mistake.
We booked our hotel room the weekend of the last one we enjoyed it so much. Its one of my higlights of the year, so gutted its not going ahead, but at least it means we can now make a friends 40th celebrations instead.

Let's hope that something will happen next year.


46,638 posts

278 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Mrs Fish said:
The weekend after bonfire night weekend would be much better imo, and I definitely think the delay in tickets going on sale was a huge mistake.

Mrs Fish said:
We booked our hotel room the weekend of the last one we enjoyed it so much. Its one of my higlights of the year, so gutted its not going ahead...

Mrs Fish said:
Let's hope that something will happen next year.


23,921 posts

287 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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There seem to be a number of people who had booked rooms and were "thinking" about going, but had not committed to buying tickets.

Were they waiting to see who else attended, or assessing personal priorities closer to the time?

The sad thing is if there are 100 or so in this situation they may have precipitated the cancellation for the sake of buying tickets a few days earlier. frown

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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If I was an event organiser and only a third of tickets had been sold two weeks prior to the event, then I would be worried and cancel too.


17,949 posts

214 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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I've been two years now. Having already met quite a few PHers at various SS' and DD's I have found it a welcoming and inviting event. Fridays introduced me to a world of entertainment that was best descibed as a bloody good laugh and the weekends efforts of the PH team clearly in evidence in everything that was done.

I do however see where the clique comment comes from - but at the same time I do think that all those attending are made welcome.

It is certainly an expensive weekend - I reckon all in it was 650 and that for many is a big ask. This year's event was in my diary for a long time but work commitments changed my plans.

I do think it needs a new venue - and somewhere else in the country that others new to BTaP could find more accessible - north of the country somewhere pretty.

I do wonder if the corporate/advertising side of it also dilutes the sense of occasion... not sure on that, but there were moments last year where it felt less PH gathering and more corporate evening at a big company.

Not sure what the answers are.

smaller venue - yes, returns a sense of cosiness to the evening
different venue - yep - need to drive somewhere new and 'exciting'
different corporate presentation - yes(ish) move away from the corporate presetation thing
costs - ummm, tricky. There will always be a minimum cost and I can't see that ever dropping below 500 a weekend.

I hope Paul Garlick and his team are not too disheartened by this and take it as an opportunity to improve, not as a knock-back.


28,711 posts

197 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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ali_kat said:
burriana said:
That is the one I am scratching my head at. We have always had a hard core of at least 50 people that have been going every year.

Why did they decide not to go? Is it simply a case of hard times (doubtful), or is there some other random reason. I would love to know out of sheer curiosity what the reasons were for all the no shows.
the very sad departure of Stuart.
Coincidence? scratchchin

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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It's just been a forgotten event in the Pistonheads machine this year imo, too much other stuff going on from what I have heard. You need to garner interest in this sort of event months in advance and keep up the buzz.


23,921 posts

287 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Mrs Fish said:
If I was an event organiser and only a third of tickets had been sold two weeks prior to the event, then I would be worried and cancel too.
Fully agree. But then if you were the event organiser and slow ticket sales were a threat to the event, then you may have been more proactive in marketing it ...

Heck, even a desperate "if you don't buy tickets we're in danger of having to cancel" message a couple of weeks ago might have worked.


28,711 posts

197 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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jeremyc said:
Fully agree. But then if you were the event organiser and slow ticket sales were a threat to the event, then you may have been more proactive in marketing it ...

Heck, even a desperate "if you don't buy tickets we're in danger of having to cancel" message a couple of weeks ago might have worked.
yes This!

But (I think) final announcements and ticket sales were left too late to do this!


57 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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drivin_me_nuts said:
I've been two years now. Having already met quite a few PHers at various SS' and DD's I have found it a welcoming and inviting event. Fridays introduced me to a world of entertainment that was best descibed as a bloody good laugh and the weekends efforts of the PH team clearly in evidence in everything that was done.

I do however see where the clique comment comes from - but at the same time I do think that all those attending are made welcome.

It is certainly an expensive weekend - I reckon all in it was 650 and that for many is a big ask. This year's event was in my diary for a long time but work commitments changed my plans.

I do think it needs a new venue - and somewhere else in the country that others new to BTaP could find more accessible - north of the country somewhere pretty.

I do wonder if the corporate/advertising side of it also dilutes the sense of occasion... not sure on that, but there were moments last year where it felt less PH gathering and more corporate evening at a big company.

Not sure what the answers are.

smaller venue - yes, returns a sense of cosiness to the evening
different venue - yep - need to drive somewhere new and 'exciting'
different corporate presentation - yes(ish) move away from the corporate presetation thing
costs - ummm, tricky. There will always be a minimum cost and I can't see that ever dropping below 500 a weekend.

I hope Paul Garlick and his team are not too disheartened by this and take it as an opportunity to improve, not as a knock-back.
I would go along with this. Hey, these changes might even get me back in the BT&P saddle smile

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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jeremyc said:
Mrs Fish said:
If I was an event organiser and only a third of tickets had been sold two weeks prior to the event, then I would be worried and cancel too.
Fully agree. But then if you were the event organiser and slow ticket sales were a threat to the event, then you may have been more proactive in marketing it ...

Heck, even a desperate "if you don't buy tickets we're in danger of having to cancel" message a couple of weeks ago might have worked.
yes very true. I think it has been a bit taken for granted that its a dead cert event due to the successes of previous years. But a lot of people I know that used to go, don't even go on the forums anymore. So marketing is definitely needed now.


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Mrs Fish said:
The weekend after bonfire night weekend would be much better imo,
But then it clashes with Remembrance Sunday which has been said by others it means it's a no go for them frown


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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PoleDriver said:
ali_kat said:
burriana said:
That is the one I am scratching my head at. We have always had a hard core of at least 50 people that have been going every year.

Why did they decide not to go? Is it simply a case of hard times (doubtful), or is there some other random reason. I would love to know out of sheer curiosity what the reasons were for all the no shows.
the very sad departure of Stuart.
Coincidence? scratchchin
No, this has been around a lot longer than Stuart

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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ali_kat said:
Mrs Fish said:
The weekend after bonfire night weekend would be much better imo,
But then it clashes with Remembrance Sunday which has been said by others it means it's a no go for them frown
Having it on the 9th encompasses both anyway nowadays, depending on what day the 5th drops on. I was thinking more about the latter part of November, I'm sure we have had it that late before


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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True, it was end of November when I first started going (2005), but then that makes it very close to Christmas & another expense then.

Or October, or the Summer even?

Dates are never going to please everyone! laugh


75,255 posts

275 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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There's been rumblings of a Summer Ball for years. Maybe it's time to radically move the date of BTaP for next time and make it earlier in the year. Although, of course, it will then clash with some peoples' summer holidays so you can't really win. smile


28,711 posts

197 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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The main secret behind succesfully organising something this expensive (for the visitors) is to book and announce it early so that people can organise their time and money in plenty of time!


32,091 posts

253 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Summer is awash with car events; everything from LeMans to Goodwood to people's personal hobbies too. I think October/November is a good time frame.